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Whats aleins think of us, our society?

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posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 11:16 AM
Im not sure if anyone has posted this question, if so refer me to the thread.
Iv always wondered what a high Intiligence (i cant spell)
would think of our society. I dont mean God, Angels.
What another socitey from a distant galaxy would think of us as a whole?
I personally think they would laugh at us, call us a imature race.
Thats what i think.
What about you?

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 11:19 AM
I think that aliens think that we our aliens

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 11:23 AM

We must look bloody ugly to them aswell.

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 11:27 AM
Yeah but i must look the ugliest! aliens as we all know have been portrayed as humans in movies e.g Men In Black, They Live(I think)

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 11:35 AM
They probably have a better vie than us about our troubles and our passion..; After all, tey are older than us but they certainly still have known in them history the same problems than us (Wars, Fanatism, Ignorance...).

But I have a strange belief about aliens, because I consider them like Angels (But I'm not Raelian !).

I'm sure they have compassion about us...

posted on Jun, 18 2003 @ 11:39 AM
I'm sure that Aliens probably think about us the way we think about them. I bet even some aliens on a distant planet think a US spacecraft crashed on their planet, and we live there, in hiding...observing their world.

Everyone either thinks of aliens as superbeings (who are shy and afraid of the US Military, so they hide on earth), or sub par lifeforms like Hollywood puts on the screen. When it's a whole lot more likely that there are many different classes of life in the Universe. Some may have higher technologies than us, and some do not.

Don't let your imagination, and Hollywood movies, dull your perception of the obvious

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 08:50 PM
Intellegent aliens probably think we're primative and stupid because we attack and kill each other. The primitive aliens would think that we have landed on their planet and we have some sort of connection or deal not to kill them.

This is completly off topic but wouldn't it be weird if one day we were the intelligent species watching over other planets? and we were the ones crashing our stuff into their planet?

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 11:08 PM
i think there is a council of aliens that watch our every move and dicide to wait until we stop having these wars and unite to be one big community then we will probably know if these et or extraterrestrials exist or if it is just a big but very elaborate hoax

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by dirtjumper
Intellegent aliens probably think we're primative and stupid because we attack and kill each other. The primitive aliens would think that we have landed on their planet and we have some sort of connection or deal not to kill them.

This is completly off topic but wouldn't it be weird if one day we were the intelligent species watching over other planets? and we were the ones crashing our stuff into their planet?

i had a thread about it i agree with you but a little bit more i think (if you have seen star wars) that we were like sith we destroyed every thing in our path planets and so on.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 11:29 PM
Aliens probably think we're the stupidest things to ever walk on two feet.

posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 11:47 PM
My opinion - yes they do think we don't know how to walk on two feet.
And the Government will do all he (they) can to ensure THEIR Rule - in the end..


posted on Mar, 15 2005 @ 11:59 PM
They'd love our TV shows.... Other that that, they might hate our guts.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 12:00 AM
If aliens really are visiting our planet, then I think that such an opinion would depend upon an individual. I'm willing to bet that such alien societies don't have complete control over every single person within their societies, and so it would be foolish of us to make blanket statements that people would pre-judiciously apply to all individuals within that society. That would be as wrong as saying all white people hate blacks.

I think the most fair thing to say would be that most individuals within alien societies have little to no respect for us as a species, but I'm willing to bet that some have varying degrees of respect for us, from that of zoo animals, to condescension, to equality. The way I see it is that if groups like PETA exist, then there must be similar groups within alien societies that view us in the same manner.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 07:15 PM
this is an alien speech it might be real or fake its from part of my information folder about aliens
its preety cool though

Zeta Reticuli Update
Tape #77
August 4, 1990 - Los Angeles
[The following are excerpts]

Germane: We wish to talk about the Zeta Reticuli. Though the Zetas are known as the "abductors," that they are the ones conducting the genetic experiments, understand that there are many other factions of Zetas that have nothing to do with genetic work and are not even remotely aware of the overall genetic experiments.

Many of these Zeta Reticuli are connected with the Association of Worlds and perform a lot of different tasks. They are very highly technologically developed so a lot of their work is in developing technology for the Association.

This information has not been given in the past because it really hasn't been applicable to your development. But now it is coming out that these Zetas who are only working with technology (and not abductions) have been unaware of your receptivity to them. This means that they have no idea that some of you can receive them. Now they are beginning to realize that this is the case. So as much as a Zeta can be surprised, a surprise to them.

There is an experiment being conducted with you all in this room as we speak. You have all, whether you are aware or not, agreed to be a part of it. There is a Zeta Reticuli being who wishes to speak through this channel who is one of these individuals who is not involved at all with the genetic work on your planet. He has since discovered that humans can receive them. He has somewhat taken on a hobby or research project to work with this. So he has contacted various individuals within the Association for "permission" to conduct his research through the channel before you and with the assistance of all of you.

As a formal statement then, it is requested that we ask you if there are any objections to this. [None.] We will then facilitate the blending with him. If you would all settle yourselves, we will bring him in and begin his research project.

Hoth: Are you receiving? [Yes.] The woman [Sasha] is helping me facilitate this connection. The woman, Sasha. She informs me you appreciate labels. So you may refer to my consciousness as "Hoth."

This is intriguing. For to this time, I have not been aware that the humans that we monitor can receive us. We were not aware of biological vehicles in which translation can be accomplished. This is fascinating. Do you wish to engage in dialogue? Then proceed.

Question: Have you ascertained why the Association didn't tell you about the receptivity of humans?

I assume it was not appropriate. I do not question.

Question: So you have not been offered a reason from the Association.

It is not necessary, since I know now that humans can receive. Why I didn't know then is irrelevant.

Question: Would you tell us a little bit more about yourself?

I am biosphere technician. I work in conjunction with the Association in projects of planetary monitoring. I am a technician, technically inclined. I work with a group of others.

Question: How exactly is it that you monitor us?

Not so much monitoring you, but monitoring the biospheric changes of your planet. There are interdimensional probes that are inserted within your biosphere that collect data. We are primarily responsible for retreival and analysis.

Question: What were you told about humans?

That you were in a stage of development right now that was to be undisturbed and that you are in a stage where interference from outer sources could push you in one direction or another. Hence, it is understood when such a civilization is in this type of development, that it is not to be touched.

Question: Where are you physically located?

Presently, I am in chambers with other members of the Association, Sasha for one, who are assisting this communication. We are within a mother ship that is approximately 5 miles above your island Catalina.

Question: Could you define biosphere?

You would call it atmospheric conditions of your planet, but it is much more. It is how the atmosphere conditions interrelate with the planetary ecological conditions as well as influence coming from interdimensional sources that play into the biospheric structure. My specialty is radiation.

Question: Do you ever work with other planets as well, or just Earth?

Others, yes. I have worked in the Barnard Star system. I have worked...I am not allowed to tell you where...but in other growing cultures.

Question: When you say you are not allowed to tell us something, what or who isn't allowing you?

It is a recognition that the flow of information is not present. If the flow of information is not present, then it is not appropriate to force the flow. It translates as "not being allowed."

Question: What is your perception or reaction to the Zetas that we term "negative?"

Referencing, one moment. Parallel genetic strains of the core genetics of my race...whose focus and intention differ from ours. Physical make up is very similar in some cases, thus the only way to tell the difference is through, you would call it, your own "feeling." For us it is vibratory in nature.

Question: Is your branch of the Zeta species also facing extinction?

It is a theoretical extinction. But in the nature of your question, we can say yes.

Question: Do you have anything to say about the genetic projects and abductions that are going on by other members of your species?

Though we are connected as a group mind, the recognition of what the left hand is not always clear from the right hand's point of view. Within my racial knowingness, I am aware of a portion of myself (represented by other Zetas) that is concerned about the future of my race. Since I know a portion of me is preoccupied with this, I do not concern myself with it.

Question: Since you refer to yourself as a Zeta Reticuli, are you indigenous to that system?

My forefathers are indigenous to that system. It has been many generations since we have actively lived on the planet. We've lived in space. So my connection with the planet is through my racial memory and through galactic history.
rmation folder about aliens

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 07:43 PM
I would imagine ETs hate our lifestyles. Not just for simply being so primitive compared to a space faring race, but for all the destruction we cause to the planet and ourselves. I imagine most species that reach the technology level to travel to other star systems had to have overcome their old ways of life which are self destructive in order to have enough time to develop technology high enough to do what they currently do. With humanity destroying the environment and with weapons capable of wiping out all life on the earth, I imagine this is a do or die moment for a species like ours. At some point these destructive habits have to end or there simply won't be a habitat to live in much longer. These beings are probably seething with anger at a portion of us, or all of us. Or perhaps they're just in shock at how careless we can be. Anyway, I do imagine how we live is likely the complete opposite of how ETs that travel in space live.

I do hope that we're not the only planet like this in the universe, because it would be very embarrassing if that were so.

[edit on 16-3-2005 by Frith]

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 08:31 PM
Perhaps they just keep us around cause we make good movies and tv shows?

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 11:21 PM
Aliens must think we're one dumb race

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 05:26 AM
mods: please delete this post

hit reply instead of edit

[edit on 17-3-2005 by Frith]

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 05:45 AM
they are not destorying us because we provide them with an extra channel on their tv... we are quite an entertaiment with all the actions(wars) we have here hehehe...

posted on Mar, 17 2005 @ 06:50 AM
A few people have said they would consider us 'dumb' and an embarrassment I wouldn't exactly say that, there will be races more advanced than us but other ones less advance. Even on other plants there might be races with their own conspiracy forum talking about how humans crashed on their planets and that we are in deals with their goverment. We study other animals on this planet but these people don't call them 'dumb' they say that the animals lifestyle is interesting most people say dolphins are intelligent but they haven't created computer systems and other technogical advances (but we still consider ourselves smarter then them).

They might observe us like we observe animals watching their progress and their behaviour. We come on here with our theorys and stuff about how aliens observe us animals might do the same. Example with lions:

Lion 1: Guess what?

Lion 2: Just tell me

Lion 1: I was out in the field and I saw these lights I went up to them and there was these beings, I don't know how but I felt a pain in my leg then I couldn't move at all I was paralyzed, The next thing I can remember was I lieing on this table I couldn't move and these things they looked weird were around me were doing some sort of examination on me.

Lion 2: Yea whatever man, god you and your stories

Lion 1: It is true honest!

We know some sort of vet was checking out the lion but he wouldn't know that. Obviously its not realistic but that is how it would seem to them and its quite similar to our abduction stories. Not being able to move, lights, weird beings, examination.

Its just a thought

[edit on 17-3-2005 by Mikomi]

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