a reply to:
whether Malachi prophecies are true or not, only God knows...as two famous authors said, it doesn't matter how true prophecy is, it matters how much
credibility people put in it. Especially people in position within Vatican.
To have literally the last pope, according to the Catholic view of what the papal figure represents, and the role of the Church until the end of days,
means only one: to expect Jesus Christ. But that is not very likely to occur, although I'd like it to happen in my lifetime. So we may have to look
wider than the strickt Catholic understanding of papal institution, role of Church in contemporary aspect, etc.
Prophets if true, have seen future regardless of contemporary frames. Thus St Seraphim of Sarov said of future renewed "orthodoxy". Well he could use
the world renewed christianity, but then he would be accused of being not true orthodox in his century. The saints and the prophets transcended their
times and narrow human frames. So what exactly St Malachi saw about the last pope in Rome and what it means, does not necessarily reflect the view of
the majority of believers or their leaders.
We may have the last pope in its today's meaning, in the meaning of the centuries between Malachi and now. Peter didn't call himself a pope etc. There
could be quite more successors of Peter, in or outside Rome (that is not obligatory too). The Church of Jesus Christ, Roman and others, would continue
under some form until His return, we believe so as Christians in first place. The entire idea of a Second Coming here and now to put an end to all our
human made problems, is not very well conceived. And I must say that the big figure of Augustine in the start of the Middle Ages, screwed it up by
cutting and pasting parts of the Revelation timeline, and making it official church teaching, although never a dogma. I could say more and did so in
other threads. We have to transcend even Augustine and the church fathers, in all that is not explicit dogma (I don't want to chalenge any dogma, we
know new dogmas have been put even by modern popes). Our view of the world and the Church in it, is LIMITED at best. We have to understand God created
a wider world than our understanding, than the Medieval understanding. We can't rely on medieval interpretation on it, or its modern verses that copy
the model and only exchange the words with new ones. It would lead us nowhere.
If archbishop Ganswein said Malachi was true and was going to fulfill, then probably the popes believe that too (ex- Benedict and Francis) I expect
the terrible judge to judge "his people" notice not the world as Jesus would. And a new era to start from now on. Why to protract the process? Let the
pope help Lord Jesus, being his humble servant.
Don't understand me wrong, I want Jesus to come tomorrow. But if God's plan is something else, then let be open to God's plan whatever it is.
Communicated to the prophets and saints, it is not retold to us in plain text, nowhere in history, but in symbols that derive contemporary
interpretations. So were the prophets of old, so are the contemporary ones. Otherwise, we would have no prophets but direct revelation and
manifestation of God's plan and will directly in the clouds for everyone to see. Perhaps that moment is not too far either. Being or not being part of
the Second Coming. We will be told what it is at that moment. Yes some will call it blue beam or worse. And those people who pretend they are the
smartest religious guys, fall short to understand that if Ezekiel called his experience with the supernatural "blue beam and satanic delusion" then we
would not have his books and prophecies written down. Or those of any other prophet. Those holy men did not question God's revelation, they rather
fulfilled it. Wish to be the case for the current religious leaders (far not only the pope) who often fail to fulfill the hi duties of their office.
Prophecy is corrective of a system that forgot to prophecy as it did in early age. Why for example we were never told the entire Fatima, in all
honesty? Because there is something big coming that they don't want the people know.
edit on 10-7-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason
edit on 10-7-2016 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)