Here are the highest IQ's of people...
Sorry about the crappy post, the table doesn't work...
Nationality Active as & Comments Adult IQ
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Germany Poet/Writer. Universal genius.* 210
Emanuel Swedenborg Sweden Religious writer. Universal genius. 205
Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz Germany
Philosopher/Mathematician, etc. The greatest universal genius together with Leonardo da Vinci.* 205
John Stuart Mill England Philosopher/Economist/Political theorist 200
Blaise Pascal France Mathematician/Physicist/Religious thinker 195
Ludwig Wittgenstein Austria Philosopher 190
Bobby Fischer U.S.A. Chess player 187
Galileo Galilei Italy Physicist/Astronomer/Philosopher 185
Ren� Descartes France Philosopher/Mathematician 180
Madame De Stael France Woman of letters/Novelist/Political Philosopher 180
Immanuel Kant Germany Philosopher 175
Linus Carl Pauling U.S.A. Chemist - Double Nobel Prize Winner 170
Sofia Kovalevskaya Russia/ Sweden Mathematician/Writer 170
Thomas Chatterton England Poet/Writer 170
Charles Darwin England Naturalist 165
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Austria Composer 165
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) England Writer - Close friend to J.S. Mill. 160
Nicolaus Copernicus Poland Cleric/Astronomer 160
Rembrandt van Rijn Holland Painter/Etcher 155
George Sand (Aurore Dupin) France Writer 150