Well since we all are a creative force of matter harnessing a potiential energy, the potiential in which we use intent with that creative effort makes
all the difference.
This is why in Buddhism there is first the "inner" house cleaning as many call the body a Temple through which all of the world flows in experiences
garnered in contact through the senses.
It is imperitive at some point we stop the entire intake and breathe it all out in concentraition and let it go... in which we experience the void...
it isnt empty it is simply an experience of all pervasive space in which there is only the feeling of energy without form... so when that experience
is ended and the rapture ceases. We are right back into the material form as per usual.
Of course we think we actually gained something instead of recognized something always existing within along with all that conglomerate that seemed to
matter into what we put our energy into... So we sit or run and try to chase that dragon because hey bliss feels really amazing or just being a
feeling of the energy that binds all matter and life in a unison but not seen as such via only knowing duality of nature experience and not void.
So of course that chasing the dragon of that feeling is like being a drug addict... where has it gone? So we run chasing it, telling others how great
it is and hey it's no different than the hive mind of belief that arises in churches, or that song that throws ones body into goose bumps with a
tingle... but that is a moment of feeling unified...
Unfortunately, people attach or grasp that it is or comes from something that they are in at the time... oh that "high" has to come from this drug,
this posture, this church, this song, this food or whatever... such ideation is wrong. Sure it can be experienced in such a way, but it is obviously
not the only way because it is never not occuring... we just throw blankets of concepts and attachments on top of it... and think words have something
to do with it or concepts other than them being a mere pointing and belief just a rote experience until well one experiences it then they remain
attached to dogmas or specific words stating that thats the way to get there... when it is just naturally always there.
The reason it doesn't seem like it? Is due to all of that grasping and ritual, rites, and rules people think or have decided it comes from. Each and
every experience is limited and in impermanence... this means thought is also impermanent, so if we practice in repeatition a word a prayer in due
ernest then that is trying to make a semi permanence then all once has to do when that word prayer or whatever... doesnt matter what it is, cannot
leave the mind in its repeatition we leap off of that singluar word and find ourself smack dab in impermenance of the void, rapture, bliss... thats
the start of course.
The path after that is widening experience by looking directly at experience in wisdom not chasing experience just the same one always had... thats
like washing ones vehicle and then throwing mud at all others vehicles with a hole in the bottom slinging it right back onto ours in the process...
laughing then turning around and saying wheres the sneaky bastard as the way to my cleaning was perfect...
All things arise and pass and change form moment to moment to moment even right now, a mind it thinking something else moment to moment to moment...
thats change so of course to see this change profoundly, one practices attempting permanence... do not move, simply breathe if thoughts intrude, say
any word which one anyone chooses does not matter... and in that stillness in that attempt to make oneself permanent the permanent nature shows
itself, yet it is no different than all of these things in a permanence continually arising and passing which means permanence and impermanence are
the same thing, the moment to moment perceptions one attaches to are the only thing preventing it being a permanent state of being.
Over time, the mind is like a pure cloudless sky no name to any form... it all is simply matter one comes into contact with, without any judgment. If
there is judgement then it can be either a positive or negative nature, a creative force or destructive force... unattached? One can notice both as no
different in nature except for the intent in which it attaches. There is of course greed that can arise from attachment and hate due to craving for
various things of attachment... when it is in such a negative state it is not for any creative porpose, just to fuel an ego in that craving of contact
that only has a positive nature to itself and no others.
This of course is simply the nature of the dualistic world known as Samasara or basically all we make it... Heavens, Hells, Animal worlds, and filled
with all sorts of being in a cycle of always coming and going from one form to the next in birth and death due to these ego attachments... from
heights of gods to the pit of animals in behavior in such cravings and graspings and attachments to things one finds pleasurable in mind and attach
Once all of that cycle is broken within oneself... one is free. No one hand hand you that experience... they can only point some way as I have just
pointed... many other ways and of course without any bias to ways people point one can get there... taking the negative of course takes much longer to
arrive than not... thats why most every single one of them points to morals as personal living and ethics in society for all the varied ways to get
In a world where all of them are right all of them cannot be wrong, in a world where one is right all the others become wrong... so which world do we
live in? Heaven or Hell... if one says heaven surely youll experience hell and if one says hell surely youll experience heaven... the reasoning is
because it is all impermanent and unless one has cleared out their inner house or temple of chains and slaves to ones desires and cravings there is
only a reflection of those on the outside... yet outside and inside are no different, one echos the other... but of course upon breaking the cycle one
knows very very clearly the difference between guest and host of ones temple... no arising thought when it is so clean, any that enter or issue forth
is just an echo since the doors are never locked it bounces in and rolls right back out... because in such profound realization? There is no house, no
coming and going just concepts of such, and like the wind unseen in the sky clouds come and clouds go and no form need to be uttered of what they
appear to look like, and peace arises and fearlessness no matter what is storming in those unaware of such... only empathy for those not yet awakened
and suffering as one once also did.
Of course, life is something we define... something we create and what we yell out in negativity flys all the way back when slung at nothing wraps
around and pops one right in the back of their own head, unfortunately the deluded do not know that that, popping was from themselves. Like a dog
farting and scaring itself not knowing where the sound came from.
Such ignorance doesnt make ones life smell any better.
BBD: Well since we all are a creative force of matter harnessing a potiential energy, the potiential in which we use intent with that creative
effort makes all the difference.
Depends on intent (positive) or if such a powerful creator being can actually be nullified/yes it can.
BBD: This is why in Buddhism there is first the "inner" house cleaning as many call the body a Temple through which all of the world flows in
experiences garnered in contact through the senses.
This is just the Buddhist Monks way of justifying why they hide from or deny the 5 physical senses. Their lives in the Physical world; yet their mind
exists in the astral. What a dicotomy to attempt to resolve as is so fundamental (purpose of incarnation).
edit on 28-6-2016 by vethumanbeing
because: (no reason given)
Of course, once one has broken the chain of causation they simply flow along no different than all the energy and choose form or matter in which to
exist... thought bubbles like illusions or mirages exist to all of those that are not realized. Yet all 100% as real as could be to the person under
such illusions just like gods playing make believe only have power because others agree they do... thats why people such as myself and many others
suggest laying down such powers in desire to control others.
It is simply an inflated ego of pride that has puffed one up no different than the stay puft marshmallow man in ghost busters... try not to think or
it will be your doom, and well there in lay ones own downfall, the lies they tell others is every single doubt theyve puffed themselves up with like a
balloon no different in reality than anyone else, yet people will puff up themselves and others to such an extent as if it isnt anything more than a
mere illusion... and once one has reached such a state thinking there is no fall? The thorn gets pulled from the lions paw the stopper from the inner
tube and the entire thing deflates...
So hide from what? The false self or the tire pump one has bought into to inflate themselves and make the illusion to others that that is the standard
one must live and rise too?
Try not to let the cavemans voice get to you sounding like Dr. House I kinda rather enjoy it being that way myself.
BBD: Of course, once one has broken the chain of causation they simply flow along no different than all the energy and choose form or matter in
which to exist
Not sure its a choice more 'fitting a pattern' that resonates to whatever frequency they are pursuing/modifiying/exploring, having fun with.
BBD: ... thought bubbles like illusions or mirages exist to all of those that are not realized. Yet all 100% as real as could be to the person
under such illusions just like gods playing make believe only have power because others agree they do... thats why people such as myself and many
others suggest laying down such powers in desire to control others.
Of course its real to the participant/reactor/observer. I am not convinced of a Gods existence; just those that manage the systems or time space
illusion (heavy matter) patterns humans create with their thoughts.
BBD: It is simply an inflated ego of pride that has puffed one up no different than the stay puft marshmallow man in ghost busters... try not
to think or it will be your doom, and well there in lay ones own downfall, the lies they tell others is every single doubt theyve puffed themselves up
with like a balloon no different in reality than anyone else, yet people will puff up themselves and others to such an extent as if it isnt anything
more than a mere illusion... and once one has reached such a state thinking there is no fall? The thorn gets pulled from the lions paw the stopper
from the inner tube and the entire thing deflates..
A truth regarding beingness. Ego assumes its part in your individualization (OWNS IT), it
is selfish and has no compassion or truth telling its real purpose, personality development. This is different than individualization. The soul has an
obligation to progress "Dante-like" into fearless truth dome.
BBD: So hide from what? The false self or the tire pump one has bought into to inflate themselves and make the illusion to others that that is
the standard one must live and rise too? Try not to let the cavemans voice get to you sounding like Dr. House I kinda rather enjoy it being that way
This is not real; this: what you think is reality is just an experiment for those soul/spirits that wish to progress using the space time illusion to
grow their awareness.
edit on 28-6-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)
Want to know what is deluding you? Thought. What has caused it to delude you? The 5 sense consciousnesses it becomes attached too. Yes every single
one has a different consciousness... and that sense gate has a personal prefference for each and every one of them. The eye has a prefference, the
nose has a preference, the tongue has a preference, the ear has a preference, and the mind houses every single last bias that every single experience
has had against every single one of these consciousness's have experienced.
So what is all of that discrimination through all of those 5 sense conscuiousness's evaluated by the mind consciousness that just reflects all of that
bias called an ego self that clings to each and every experience as real lasting and permanent instead of just a phantom of experience a single facet
of the whole among a myraid of things?
Each thing has an infinite amount of experience that can be attached to it in and of itself... yet we attach our own distinctions to every single
indefinable thing with conceptual definitions we agree and disagree on them to be... yet this agreement or disagreement is to be taken as reality?
That the so called self not seeing this as illusion but something permanent and lasting when it is just what it is beyond all definition of
Sure we can see form, but we do not have to define form, sure we can hear but not have to define what we hear, same with taste, touch, etc. that one
attaches too as reality when that is not actually reality at all... the eyes can simply see, the ears simply hear without any label self or other
given via the mind or attachment that forms the bias that it is somehow separate from oneself or another experience than simply a contact occuring via
one or more of the sense spheres as one has become attached to as real and existing, when it by its very nature is impermanent and beyond such
definitions or labels of being that a separation hopes to make a constant tangible thing when it is simply as smoke that cannot be smelled but seen,
seen but not smelled or at a distance beyond all contact to even know or experience what that something actually is beyond guesses of a delusionary
nature that one has called an existing self and other to experience.
So cease the labeling in self and other... and the mind will have nothing to attach too in mindful awareness, there is simply an awareness of being in
and of itself that arises and passes from moment to moment to moment that is actual reality in the present moment of being with no past attachment,
and an ever occuring future as those attached keep creating it by the very attachments that do not actually exist beyond the very labels theye created
to bind themselves with.
Not paying any heed to any subject the senses could possibly attach too, one can experience the void of all perasive space that is and is not, letting
go of them as subjects one can simply observe them as the very uncreated potiential that not only serves to bind themselves in attachment but bind
others so deluded as well.
Of course, such suchness has to be experienced, it cannot be given and these words could be a blank post and state exactly the same meaning... as
there in essence is none, except the very attachments one not oneself gives them... aka you the reader.
Want to know what is deluding you? Thought. What has caused it to delude you? The 5 sense consciousnesses it becomes attached too. Yes every single
one has a different consciousness... and that sense gate has a personal prefference for each and every one of them. The eye has a prefference, the
nose has a preference, the tongue has a preference, the ear has a preference, and the mind houses every single last bias that every single experience
has had against every single one of these consciousnesses have experienced.
You mean instead of 'deluding' "eluding" (escaping or outside of the realm of my awareness). To Delude or active as a delusion: an untruth or
convenient self full filling fantasy/prophesy.
Pretty much what belief is when creatvity manifests in mass to become reality to those making such food for whatever intents or purposes known or
unknown to all sharing not sharing belief as such.
originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
A reply by Vethumanbeing:
The belief is so powerful (truth not mattering just a blind trust) can produce energy that some others (not of the physical realm) can consume or
sell. We are getting closer to a similar thesis. Creativity of the highly original is the gold standard of energy output (it has a waveform) that can
be collected and sold or traded to eventually be consumed. As you say; the belief in a system or dogma becomes a palpable energy form that can be
edit on 1-7-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)
This already occurs... its called batteries and fuel releasing a substances energy via combustion, friction etc. friction can accumilate much like
karma in static electricity and can be of either polarity. Just energy in matter with potiental it is always changing and both dependent on the other
to exist.
there is a story about saint vallalar
he was writing at night
and needed to refill the lamp
and could not tell which
jug had water and which had oil
his brother comes in to get the jug of water to drink
and sees that vallalar has unknowingly
used the water to refill the lamp
yet it had kept burning
a great take on this " The belief is so powerful "
is " being there " - peter sellers film
We do have that whole placebo effect and well the illusion for the delusion is sort of an asshole thing. So one like some dude saying "I am" and then
moving the cheese and saying "he did it" well it removes personal responsibility for blame to not know who or what this god concept is... and of
course those perpetuating it simply have an effect with a nameless ego trying to be the cause when we all have and are responsible for our own cause
and effect on the it... that IT itself has so much potential that of course one greedy and hateful would want to harness it and have slaves to a
concept instead of the freedom to create and use such potiential as the whole mass sees fit for existience...
So such a being or energy only would wish to use such in power and of course keep others in the dark saying they created the light... meaning light
can only arise when they slup the switch for it to occur... like tricking children with quarters behind the ear... it gets old the more one sees it or
knows the trick, and the magic ceases to delude.
edit on 1-7-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)
kibric: The belief is so powerful "
there is a story about saint vallalar
he was writing at night
and needed to refill the lamp
and could not tell which
jug had water and which had oil
his brother comes in to get the jug of water to drink
and sees that vallalar has unknowingly
used the water to refill the lamp
yet it had kept burning
a great take on this " The belief is so powerful "
is " being there " - peter sellers film
He appeared to walk on water at the end of the film; the human was the identity Chauncey the Gardener; in his innocence was Christ like. My power grid
disapeared tonight; I had an oil lamp that had to be continually adjusted because it was burning too hot/bright and I feared a fire might ensue. No
water to quell "The belief is so powerful" at will/should/would put the fire out; or I die in the attempt?
edit on 1-7-2016 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)