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I don't understand Trump haters.

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posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 11:38 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: Aristotelian1

Wow! I didnt say anywhere... in fact I started with my opinion...that I wasnt gonna vote for him?

Re-Read-The-Opening-Line...then point out anywhere I said I wouldnt or wasnt voting for can't.

'cause I didnt...
That is fair enough. It seemed to me your post implied that you would not be voting for him. I'll just ask you. Will you be voting for Donald Trump?

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Oh haha. I understood. Seemed irrelevant...which I see a lot of people making irrelevant arguments..not here in this thread, but overall.

posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 11:59 PM

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 12:05 AM

originally posted by: WishIhadknown

Okay. What are the correct qualifications to be president in your opinion?

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: Aristotelian1

I'm not voting for plump,and here's why.....
"I'm the king of debt,I've made a fortune from debt",as close as I can quote....So,you're a slumlord,you buy cheap homes,rent them out,make some cash,fine.The market changes,you declare banktrupcy,settle out for 10 cents on the dollar,your a great businessman?
So China buys a billion dollars in american bonds,at 1 percent....10 years later,they cash them in,and trump says"whoa,you only get 700 million,take it or leave it" think they are going to buy more bonds?

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: ksiezyc
a reply to: Aristotelian1
Simply put they are liberals and so then it goes down to age. They make attacks such Trump's lack of campaign money. Well hah look now. He isn't as rich as he says(10 billion plus). They think that means liquid assets. No, it means land, building, businesses and yes part of it is money. And so much else they get wrong...

I dont get this he "has lots of money" fan boy stuff

I think Trumps a clown, his hair even makes him look clownish.
The exorbitant wealth means he is a greedy miser, he doesnt treat women well, shows no concern for people and is divisive.

But he is better than the alternative

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 01:39 AM
imo, Trump is an ideal candidate.

In modern times, the presidency has been somewhat of a clown party, since JFK to put a date on it.

Trump kind of reminds me of Reagan, who did spur the concordant "anti"-government movement....kind of similar to the style and substance of the liberal "haters" we are now in the company of. Same people on top of the Democratic party now controlling these crazed "opposition" stooges....Trump Haters.
edit on 24-6-2016 by FlyingFox because: freedom

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: gladtobehere

Sorry not to get off topic, but I personally agree with what you said, and I find it funny that no one can argue any of these points, and at the same time you have so little stars. Well a star for you Sir or Madam

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 02:57 AM
I'm not American so I have no say. Just as observer , it's unfortunate you're down to these two lousy choices. Hillary or trump, both are bad. She's just spewing bull# when she talks.

He reminds me of one of those guys who gets drunk and starts rambling on about all he can do, all he has done and it impresses people for some bizarre reason. He's actually not that smart. People with less money than him and that's obviously a lot of people think he surely must be, when in fact he's denser than the Sherwood Forest. He just doesn't appear to think things through, acts on impulse.

Oh well, we'll see what happens.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 03:26 AM

originally posted by: ksiezyc
a reply to: enlightenedservant

All I see: "I think" and "I don't like" lol. Oh lord help us

So you found a voter that thinks for himself and votes based on his own wants and needs. And that's shocking to you? That says a lot LOL.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: Aristotelian1

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
a reply to: Aristotelian1

No offense, but if you're seriously trying to learn why some of us hate Trump, you should probably skim the dozens and dozens of other threads about it. But to summarize just a few things for myself:

He & his spokeswoman burned all bridges w/me (I'm a proud Muslim) with their comments ans stances on Muslims. I also don't like his comments about Mexican people and I think his "wall" is stupid and unrealistic. I don't like the way his companies constantly screw over small businesses and contractors, either. And I fully expect him to try to force the US govt into bankruptcy. I alsodon't like the way he verbally bashes women in public, such as fat shaming Rosie O'Donnell, his menstrual bleeding comments about Megan Kelly, etc. I don't mind calling a female out based on idiotic ideas or stances, but he goes way too far by making it personal & crude. (I'm a little old fashioned in that regard.)

I also think he's absolutely petty and irrational, with him constantly taking every perceived slight personally and then responding w/"twitter beefs". I mean, seriously. Putting someone that petty and vindictive in control of the IRS, FBI, CIA, and our nuclear arsenal would be disastrous. Plus I think his campaign is both an unorganized mess and a racket (and I mean "racket" in the literal sense, not metaphorically). If he can't even keep his own campaign staff in order or organized, then how can he possibly handle being the literal chief executive of the entire federal Executive Branch?

I also think a lot of his policies are nonexistent. As in, he gives incredibly vague answers to incredibly complex questions. Things like "We'll use the best plans. They're magnificent ideas, really they are. We'll be terrific and finally make us great again. trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I'm really rich." WTF does that even mean? I need stats, reports, and details. That vague crap won't cut it.

Imagine you're an officer in a charity and you're supposed to implement your boss' plan for distributing food throughout the region. But your boss' entire "plan" only consists of "We'll get the best foods. Foods that taste great. Fantastically great. And I'll tell you what; those recipients will love that food so much and all of our hard work will be worth it. No no, I'm serious. It'll be sooo worth it." WTF does that even mean? How can you implement actual plans with people's lives on the line when that's all you have to go by?

I have a lot of other reasons, but I don't feel like repeating myself lol. Just remember, he's running as a Repub. No matter what people may say, his administration will be full of Repubs and they will interpret the law the way other conservatives do. That means his admin's budget will have all of the Repub priorities and none of the left wing/progressives' priorities in it. Not to mention, he'd be appointing other conservatives to the Supreme Court and other appointed positions. Why on Earth would I support that when Repubs have been fighting against my preferred policies for decades?
I appreciate the response. Let me begin by asking you two questions.
1.Do you self identify as a Democrat?
2. Will you be voting for Hillary Clinton?

1. I'm a far left Independent that's much closer to the Green Party's policies than the Democratic Party.
2. Only if the race is close in my state, If not, I'll vote for Jill Stein.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: violet

true...he is the ultimate tea party candidate.Cruz tried to do it with the evangelical's,Romney with the evangelical's,huckabee,santorum,etc. They cannot win with pure hatred or KKK support.All he can do is lie about everything and hope some will stick.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 05:20 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

So yeah, he would borrow borrow borrow until the economy crash and then "make a deal". He's ok with that apparently

Looks like you have forgotten recent history. Isnt that what Obama has done for nearly 8 years now ? Borrowed more than all the previous presidents added together? Same ol same ol

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Aristotelian1
What Important Issues does he talk about? I haven't heard any solutions to any problems, just the statement that he is going to make "America Great Again". (same phrase used by Reagan-Bush)

The 1% have leached the Country dry and now some think putting one in the White House is a good idea? And yes, Hillary sucks too.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 06:19 AM
I wouldn't give that ass-jack 5 minutes of my day.
He's the kind of guy that gets mad when he's losing a game of Monopoly and throws the whole table over.
Clinton can go suck a pickle.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: Gothmog

Thank you for making my point that much clearer! Good on you sir, Trump will be another 4 to 8 years of the same ol same ol. That was my point in a nutshell so thank you for clarifying.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: Aristotelian1
I'm making this thread because I will be voting for Donlad J. Trump and I do not understand why some people are not. He is not perfect, but he's by far the best candidate running and I genuinely believe that he will try to make America great again. He consistently talks about important issues that other candidates will not talk about and I usually agree with his analysis of said issues. I know people who vehemently oppose Mr. Trump, but from what I have seen it is because they have accepted false information or have not researched his opinion fully. I'm making this thread because I want to understand why some people dislike Trump. So to all the Trump haters, come bringing your best and most logical arguments. I genuinely want to understand all sides of this matter.

I love Trump. Hope he wins!!!!

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: Aristotelian1

1.Do you self identify as a Democrat?
2. Will you be voting for Hillary Clinton?

Curious that you'd employ an ergo decedo ad hominem rather than addressing the substance of the post you were replying to. Particularly given that in your OP you sought substantive debate.

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: ksiezyc

We got two hands out, both full of s--t. The only choice is which hand stinks the most...and I think we all know.

The Donald is clueless (experience-international government relations)...and Madam Secretary Hillary...well...she just stinks.

That's OK...Don can get it together, and Hil...well...she doesn't know where the glue is...

The choice...for better or clear. Thanks for play in'!

posted on Jun, 24 2016 @ 07:50 AM
I understand Trump haters. I just don't understand what they're trying to accomplish.

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