spoke to a friend of mine today(former 7th sfg)
he said its nothing knew about hiding figures, he said they did it in honduros/el salvador when he was there.
he suggested i looked around some old veteran posts, as he told me the vietnam war figures are also wrong. this is what i found..
U.S. Suffered Over 20,000 More Military Dead During Vietnam War Than Previously Reported
after talking to him, he gave some good ideas on how to find the truth.
1) find all the records of reserve mobilized and de mobilized
2) match the numbers against the current in totals
if you have the number of troops in iraq you simple minus the amount mobilized every week too keep that number the same. from that we could work out a
good guess at wounded/dead totals per week.
he also said it makes sense to him that the numbers are so high, he said it explains why the honor guard from alrington was sent to iraq.
he also told me that alot of the deaths could be private mercs. he said there was atleast 20,000 of them in iraq now. and about the areas where deaths
wouldnt be counted he said that most likey would be any area deemed safe or taken or controlled, you cant die from combat injuries if your own army
controls that place as that would mean you dont control it.
as a foot note. he said various reason we lie about body counts.
1) political
2) denie enemy any proganda
3) would play havoc with recruiting
4) american would become a isloated country once again (vietnam snydrome)
5) theres a limit before the public decides its time for it to stop