posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 11:39 AM
Why is anyone surprised at what comes out of a politicians mouth and why are the public buying it hook line and sinker.
Trump lies, yes, to get his way. He bullies and tries to make people believe he is right and that they are wrong. The man is not as good of a
business man as people would believe, has nothing in common with the average citizen of the country, inherited his money from his father, who was a
racist and a tax cheat. And what ever happened to I am going to self fund my campaign, while he is out asking for donors to give him money so he can
run for president, including having all of his major events at his properties to which his campaign pays him.
Clinton is no better, there are skeletons in the closet and ultimately a few of them came out, yet even when the reports cleared her of any wrong
doing, people still cling to the notion that she did something wrong and still state the same rhetoric, and go after her, yet while her predecessors
did the exact same thing, yet no one is going after them. Bush and Cheny destroyed thousands of emails, rather than preserve them, and Powell did not
turn in all of his emails, even Rice got classified emails via a pubic server.
The reality is that neither candidate can do anything about the Jobs sector, it is up to the private companies to do such. Though one would think
that Trump would understand that, since most if not all of the products that are still currently selling, is made in factories overseas, by foriegn
workers, and not in the USA.