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White classmates pulled black girl by the neck with a rope, lawsuit alleges:

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posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 06:44 AM
a reply to: thinline

The quote above says a 'predominantly white private school'. There is a racial agenda being pushed here, and everywhere you look it seems. I'm glad the girl will be OK , tho something like that has to leave a terrible mental scar. This poor girl will grow up thinking every white person wants to hang her because of the actions of some children. Parents have to do a better job teaching their children tolerance, it will be very hard to do this with the biased reporting in our media.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

It sickens me to the point of non belief that a parent would use their child's suffering for profit, but we have saw this before, unfortunately. It's hard to put myself in this child's parents shoes. It said in quote the lawyer wanted a settlement before going public, that is a bad move, blackmail is never a respectable thing.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: thinline
Not to put the breaks in the white hate party.

Did anyone look up the racial make up if the class?

How many of the students were black

Any illegal in the class?

Where the kids white or George Zimmerman white

I know, I know, why ask questions, when it feels so good to yell, 'racist'

Really?? hate white guy party?? that's what you get from the story, that it is about hating white ppl??, my gwad man, even at it's most kindest, lets pretend it's an accident , the optics looks bad right down to the school's action, and here you go trying to deflect the incident on perhaps illegals who maybe "off-white", who have the where with all to send their kids to some elite school, my my those damn illegals must be living high off the hog.

“Even if this incident was unintentional, the school’s lack of supervision to let this happen, dismissive and tone deaf response after it happened, and refusal to investigate until legally prompted to, showed an utter disregard for one of the only African American children in the school,” the suit says. “Even ignoring what or who caused this injury, the school’s failure to notify the injured child’s mother is inexcusable and reckless.”

The highlighted part makes it clear that Blk kids are not a dime o dozen at that school.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: Spider879

This is horrible for sure, but children have altercations with other children at school all the time. They don't make national news tho. The media only concerns us with the racial stuff. ALL incidents of this sort of thing should have the spotlight shown on them. Children are taught this, and if we ever expect to live in a civilized society it needs to stop.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

Look at the post again. The post I quoted conveyed the idea that no local coverage was proof of motivation.

I simply posted links to the local newspaper and an article in a Dallas newspaper to disprove the assertion there was no local coverage.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:11 AM
this is the rope swing that is suppose to be the one that was wrapped around the girls neck.
there is no way that that could have been wrapped around her neck by anyone and her not see them do it.
in fact i'm having a hard time trying to figure out how even in a accident, it being wrapped around her neck.and enough slack left for someone to be pulling on it.

from this link Family of injured Live Oak Classical School student sues school, field trip host provided by Dreamwatcher

edit on 20-6-2016 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

ETA: now i can see her standing on the seat and falling and the rope wrapping around her neck.
edit on 20-6-2016 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:16 AM

originally posted by: abe froman
a reply to: Gryphon66

Who said they dragged her to a tree?

I read the whole report and that's not in there at all.

Also keep in mind that all you're getting here is what the lawyer ( the guy trying to get $3 million out of the school) says.

The rope was conveniently hanging from the tree.

What do you mean "only from the attorney"? The UK Guardian article linked has statements from both sides.

The school didn't even inform the girl's mother that his so-called "accident" had occurred!!!

Sorry "lads" there's a clear pattern of behavior on the part of the kids at this school and of the school covering it up ... and of course, the ATS racial apologists assuring us that there's nothing to see here ... just lawyers trying to rip innocent school districts off ... har har.

This trend is getting really disgusting.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

The rope was conveniently hanging from the tree.

no it was not conveniently hung or hanging from the tree. it was placed there as a swing. see the picture in my post above.
haven't you ever seen a rope swing in your whole entire life.

edit on 20-6-2016 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:27 AM
TBH this incident had my ears pricked up because of a similar incident
This incident that I choose not to post about a wk or so ago, well because who wants more ugly stuff plus the guys in this case were older and their actions clearer but the bullying and school officials came short also and is now being sued.

I am not in the habit of chasing down every ugly story I come across in order to further depress ppl, and hey while some ugly stories involves ppl who maybe socially white, it's not always about them, but some of us will bend over backwards to defend sht they know is wrong but for the fact that they are socially white or Black or just because members of their social I.D is involved

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: Spider879

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Spider879
I can Imagine. They noosed her and were dragging her to the tree.

Good thing someone intervened.

Yeah but the response of the school is also troubling if the lawyer's claim is true, it smacks of the kind of hushed tone seen in the rapist Brock Turner case.

Disturbingis right. Obviously they covered for the kids who were "just playing" at stringing up a n______.

Bullying amongst school kids exists everywhere, only in the deep south do they play with ropes, lol.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: rustydog
a reply to: Spider879

This is horrible for sure, but children have altercations with other children at school all the time. They don't make national news tho. The media only concerns us with the racial stuff. ALL incidents of this sort of thing should have the spotlight shown on them. Children are taught this, and if we ever expect to live in a civilized society it needs to stop.

I had altercations in school some with racial overtones but, I'd be just as concerned if the incident had zero to do with race and the issue was just bullying , I had posted on such and involved in conversation about bullying and most gleaned from media, media deserved much of the distrust, but not in all cases sometimes a story is just what it sounds like.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
a reply to: Gryphon66

The rope was conveniently hanging from the tree.

no it was not conveniently hung or hanging from the tree. it was placed there as a swing. see the picture in my post above.
haven't you ever seen a rope swing in your whole entire life.

Yep. And not once in my life have I ever seen one "accidentally" get wrapped around anyone's throat, from behind, nor seen them mysteriously dragged to the ground by ... what, a squirrel?

LOOK AT THE WOUNDS ON THE GIRL'S NECK FOR GOD'S SAKE! The rope was rapped around her neck from behind and she was pulled to the ground thereby ... and this is an "accident"??? This is just "kids being kids"???

You guys can have the thread. I'm going to be breaking T&C really soon if I don't get out of here.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie

ETA: now i can see her standing on the seat and falling and the rope wrapping around her neck.

If you have children, or have watched children with yours etc...stranger things have happened.

edit on 20-6-2016 by missed_gear because: add quote

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:50 AM
“Guys, did you do that on purpose?” the girl said she asked them.

“No. Why would we do that on purpose?” she said one of the boys responded.

- so mom saw a payday from a private school that she doesn't even pay for.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Man the difference of opinion must have triggered you. I heard that there's a safe space in the paranormal section.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 08:00 AM
In for a for a pound. I have pretty much given up posting on ATS. The bar has been lowered so far , it is becoming as hard to spot as bigfoot.
Honestly I was just reading to see when the first post blaming Obama, or the "libs", or the "conservatives" pops up as it seems that’s where the bar is these days.

So far this thread , though not to the degree above, shows how we as a community seem to have lost the ability to separate issues and just double guess motives and post about emotion inducing hot buttons.

Put the racial issues aside. At the very least the school appears to be guilty of gross negligence of their supervisory responsibility on this field trip.
If your daughter came home from a field trip with rope burns around her neck, I highly doubt you would just sit on your hands and do nothing. What if those burns turn to scars? Now this girl is going to have to go through the rest of her life with scars around her neck. If those burns turn to scars, I think that 3.7 million is too little.

Do not forget the lawyer will probably get half of that. There also can be taxes on a settlement or judgement. The tax law around this is complicated, but at least a portion of the whole amount will be taxable.

The school does have some liability regardless of the motivations and the injuries have the potential to effect this girl the rest of her life.

The schools insurance carrier (who will most likely be the party paying out a settlement or judgement) would be wise to settle quickly.

Anyway, any bets on the first post that will find some connection to Obama?

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

i have and it looks as if that they could have been inflicted with her standing in the seat the rope running down along her head and neck. she slips and falls, and it wraps around her neck.

here is a video of her, listen starting 30 sec mark, she says she stopped pulling on the rope and stood there, and then the rope got all the way around my neck. no reason why just got around my neck. no i tried to stop them, or tried to get it off. just stood there and let it wrap around her neck. doesn't make sense. instinct is gonna make someone try to find out why it's there or pull it off.

now if someone placed the rope around her neck seems she would have said that tom. dick or harry came from behind. or that i tried to get it off. no nothing like that, she says i had to pull it off by myself.

now did the chaperones handle this badly? yes. was it a race thing or bullying? no. momma saw a payday and so did the lawyer that took the case.

edit on 20-6-2016 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

ETA: in relistening to the video, even if she stood right beside the rope they were pulling on, how could she have not felt the rope wrap around her neck. now i can also see her walking in to the rope while it was being pulled. which would mean she was not paying attention to her surroundings.

if you know anything about bullying, you know that the one being bullied pays attention to where the bullies might be. and tries to avoid them if at all possible. at least i did when i being bullied. once i beat the sh@@ out of the main bully it stopped.
edit on 20-6-2016 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Spider879

I tell you it is very difficult for me not to evoke ugly images of the Jim Crow era

How many 12 y/o do you know that are familiar with Jim Crow era or the entire lynching history? I am guessing these are simply some idiots who did something stupid, but I highly doubt they are a group of twelve year old psychopaths intent on lynching black people.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: avgguy
a reply to: Gryphon66

Man the difference of opinion must have triggered you. I heard that there's a safe space in the paranormal section.

Even the paranormal would make more sense than this blatant apologetic BS.

Difference of opinion doesn't "trigger" me, but nonsense like suggesting that ropes have minds of their own, the fact that the girl had been regularly harassed, the fact that she has the clear physical evidence of someone wrapping a rope around her neck and pulling and all that gets written off to "well, the attorney's are just trying to make a buck"???

That reaches a level of intentional absurdity that is disgusting.

posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

If she's standing in the seat the rope is taut, right? How is it "running down around her neck" ? Unless someone wrapped it around her neck ...

Have you ever had anyone wrap a rope around your neck? What were your thoughts?

So, the girl doesn't act and doesn't describe the situation as you think she should to fit your scenario ... so, again, we have a taut rope coiling mysteriously around a girl's neck while she falls ... and no one helps her???

Even in your absurd physics-defying scenario, the school is still culpable for the harm to this young lady and apparent conspiracy to minimize what happened.

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