posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 05:49 PM
I think it looks pretty plausible that the Pentagon did close recon for means of a feasabillity study. Especially if they can disrupt irans nuclear
program with a surgical strike at their faccillites and/or political leaders, OR they conclude that Irans program is too dispersed / stealth to
guarantuee success.
The latter case would need a full scale ground invasion to really check out what's going on and destroy it, I think this alternative looks much less
attractive than cruise missile strikes ?
Not only considering the resistence that might come from the iranian army and or insurgants, but also I would expect China to be seriously piss off if
Bush messes with their oildealer. Also there is the little campfire going in iraq that just doesn't want to be smothered....Put some sji'ite uprise
on top of that and your campfire has just become a Bushfire, pretty soon the president will have a sleepless night considering the nuclear option
I therefore expect a surgical faccility strike first, Maybe Teheran will get the message, maybe not, if it turns out that Iran would give green light
to Hizbollah in south lebanon to harass Israel with the much hypothised medium range missiles, well, then things escalate bigtime and all bets are
Syria would become involve as well, maybe Turkey graps oppertunity to play the hero for the West and speed up access to the European Union, by
settling some old scores with Syria.
.....A pretty explosive situation that might blow up in your face, reason why I think the White House might be cautious about setting the whole middle
east on fire, unless they want to run the whole middle-east by marshall law and bring back the good old colonial times, well good luck to
you....better have some good backup plans...
[edit on 16-1-2005 by Countermeasures]