a reply to:
syrinx high priest
Because without a group asking for equality no one seems to get it. Most cases of equality have to hit the supreme court and well there state and
federal depending on the state they can stonewall it from going to federal and when federal says a law to say hey we need equality its garunteed
states rights get tossed up when human rights is the issue since equality is the argument.
Yet any state office recieving federal dollars must follow federal law... it isnt a closed system it is a dependent system... and federal law is the
law of the land when it comes to enforcing equality.
But so many have bound so very tightly to groups thhey forget it is individuals that make up those groups and then in doing so look or glaze on in no
responsibility thinking the label or group they chose will handle that responsibility in pass the buck or shoulder the load for them with no
individual responsibility and well when no one is working to solve just run around getting donations and told or advised on how to vote on things whos
to blame? Thats why people get pardons and step out of office to the side then go else where...
Of course stuff gets done somehow and it seems both cross their fingers to dodge or get the gold star if its bad or good...
We all have to take responsibility as you said personal responsibility and not blame it on some banner or group... of course when rights are being
stomped garunteed then yes group but forming groups and pandering and hoping to find a buddy for ones agenda through dollars? Holy beans Batman thats
not what the lobby process was for thats rigging industry in ones favor for maximum profit...
Mr. Romney said with the straighest face in the debates 4 years ago tat the government doesnt create jobs and Obama stood right there and agreed with
him... um hello US military US Post Office US Parks and Recreation and The Fing office you both were running for.... FFS We live in loon town, if you
can even get water out of your tap where you live wtf is in it? Cause none of this makes any sense at all sometimes... well most times.
Im glad to see more people getting political savy and paying attention because thats how some real change beyond everyone being silly billies is going
to get some things done....
Whatever pitiful person gets that crown of shame called POTUS I hope sticks to that campaign finance reform stuff... wasting 2 years pandering for
dollars when some terms are about that long... no ones getting a damned thing done.
It might sound like im emotionally upset but its so nutter butter im actually in hysterics giggling about it trying to inject humor but tis is also
serious business at the same time... I mean yeah want that much freaking protection from the world.... pad the pants, pad the matress, pad the ground
and make helmets for our special lil adult heads even when just walking around and helicopter us all with drones and baby monitors with us at all
Dang life getting in the way of living is some serious condition... cant even make friends with the next door kids cause skin tone and their super
hero in their make believe game has a different name... I suppose that means only one toy per house... and people wonder whats wrong with the world?
Were fing infants for flying spaghetti monsters sake... Id flip my table if I wasnt in a high chair so all I can do is rant with cheerios stuck on my
face and watch loony tunes for adults called politics.
No im not a trans gendered Brony not that theres anything wrong with playing horsey and the sex I was born with as great that I love women so much men
are some PITA that I perfer homosexual effeminate men as friends if I have male friends at all... and yes I can set a trout line and all that other
country boy can survive BS spouted as "manly"
I hope this lightens the mood around here but dang if it wasnt reality Id be like you dudes need to change your tampons every once in awhile or
something anything that gets us out of loon town.