Sounds like code that they will not buy into fear and enter into submission or agreement with those preaching submission as a path aka those
practicing Islam in the land that was designated to the Jewish as a homeland to share with Palestine... it appears that that experiment has failed to
bring peace to the two sides where they can live and integrate harmoniously in a melting pot of both religions and ethnic cultures living together in
peace... it has been dividing line after divide line one chunk of land at a time in local domination.
Of course outside influences have played their various hands... in this experiment even less of a melting pot than the US is with all its various
forms of people from around the world and ideologies of culture and ethnicities.
Of course drawing personal lines of bias looking at the local and world stage to keep separation or root for equality... has made people choose lines
individually and in groups based on limited personal experience in comdemnation of others and trying to justify such irrationailty as rationality
using past as a reason... but doing so only perpetuates that problem forward in generation after generation.
I moderated a forum for motorcycles at one time... and there was a lot of nationalist hate for the Japanese so strong people wouldnt even ride a
Japanese motorcycle but they loved motorcycles right? Well when some ride them with ideologies of hate as the seat then thats the difference. Of
course being the newer to the forum mod picked even after being a member for roughly 2 years already... I got the social poriah of being the Japanese
mod, I took it upon myself to change as many minds possible and help legitmize that riding a Japanese or other foreign bike was ok... some were even
against Brisih made motorcycles so American cycle in their nationalism.
Odd thing of course but I learned a whole lot and so did everyone else... by the time mopeds started be accepted for the next generation of chopper
enthusiasts and mainstream commericalism came on board and the purist underground split off from that... it was time for me to go as acceptance and
the mission statement of the sites founders was harnessed and realized... ride bikes and have fun. It didnt say ride American, Asian, European... but
a persons bias did. A bit less by the time I left hampered by a DMV statute trying to discriminate myself and oh so many others despite it being
against 5 federal laws.
Sticking me in a place of protest for everyone affected instead of bending over and accepting that corruption trying to legalize discrimination and
well its the same trying to do the same with bathroom laws so Ive taken that up as well because discrimination is illegal despite what some extremist
that have ceased state power say... so keeping up the good fight until something gives has been what ive been doing stuck between the rock and hard
place knowing as state law and federal law, this state doesnt have the proposition system it has the petition system... that officals just throw out
and can put of being heard no sooner than 2 years and this can continue every time it comes up.
Mr. Netanyahu is protesting for Israels continuing to assume land and power and wanting the US to fund it and holding out on the funds for more...
when the UN has recognized Palestine as a statehood. This of course has raised tensions on the entire world stage no different than such local state
divisions here in the US as mentioned above into extremes not only at home but abroad in everyone that has chips or livelyhood or way of life they
wish to conserve or protect and preserve as whatever ideology...
This happens at both ends of this Bi-poll spectrum and well the balance is of course supposed to come from the very politicians themselves to follow
what not only the people want but what te rest of the world agrees as a pathway forward using the UN and its recommendations to get there. Allowing
Israel to whip on Palestine further only allows discrimination against thhe now recognized and protected state of Palestine... choosing sides in that
is a very very bad idea.
Obama needs to step back remove all its chips as it is increasing pressure on all other UN members including very very close allies. Yes quite a few
countries have neuclear arms including Israel, Pakistan, Iran etc so at this point it would be better to step back and check UN recommendation to
avoid a looming disaster when seeing Mr. Netanyahu's message. However veiled and needing interpretation... clear message doesnt code words veiled ones
do and this was a threat.
It is clear that the UN does not agree with Israels non itegration policy as it is becoming ultra nationalist in nature, when it caled Palestine a
statehood it meant it needs to be preserved and protected... not funded to continue the march toward ultra nationalism or extremism in its take
We know from history what that does and its not good... it leads to another North Korea and if other countries follow and destroy themselves and each
other cutting off all trade it becomes a world prison abroad and at home under martial laws and police states where ever that is one happens to live
in a world of chaos... I dont suggest lighting that fuse and if its lit snuff it out and side with the world or UN policy.
This is the result of bi polar or bi polled extremism of the far right and far left both no different in the eyes of controlling others in various
extremes... of course the difference is... one side is heavily armed and the other is not. So the gun control issue is the divide between extremist
and militant... totalitarianism and egalitarianism towards equality and peace.
Just a voice from the middle ground and I hope both sides Ive pointed at take heed... a little less than 8 years ago Mr. Metanyahu was calling for war
with Iran and if Mr. Romney had won he said very clearly he was going to give them that war Mr. Netanyahu was calling for... that would have been
world war 3. The far right was trying to pretend Iran was no different than Iraq meaning no Neuclear weapons when indeed they do have them... hedging
their bets that the American public was dumb enough to buy it.
Now we have a canditate that is so extremist in his speeches of bigotry and fanning so many flames one would hope that it is simply show just to oust
the whole extremist right wing party and move towards something a bit more peaceful and stable and the that had called make America great agin may not
be lying. Because bigotry and discrimination was never meant to be part of America on its founding... that came later for more immigration and people
becoming peacekeepers, law markers and politicians under their own brand or ideology changing the entire face of what America was founded on...
Unfortunately that became genocide, slavery, and manifest destiny using the moral pander of supperiority and not equality...
Well thats the entire current political spectrum... I urge people not to divide on an ethical basis but come together in understanding and dispell any
ignorance that stems from hate and any greed that cant share with the rest of the world.
Since Religion is often pandered as a reason and excuse for all of these various agendas as an excuse and since the US over whelmingly gets called a
Christian nation despite separation of church and state that has crept into politics replacing the language of the consituation politically and
To do a search on a paper called: A Good Man Went to Heaven.
If theres no time... a quick synopsis is people in heaven and hell are both bound at a table at the elbows in heaven people feed each other... in hell
people only feed themselves. Heaven or hell on earth is a choice whether one believes in it or not some eat and some do not in this extremist back and
forth called right now... The beauty is that right now changes constantly with every single individual choice... it would be a good idea to ask who
are you feeding and if one does become full are you only then trying to feed the one you identify as a friend sitting next to you?
Thats how curruption in society and politics works... perhaps one day we can tream up and everyone eats at once... no need for a prayer because if
that ever occurs, that would be a blessing itself.