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You are being 'farmed/harvested'. I'm in the same boat, though a little bit further 'developed' than yourself.
It means you must be a true conscious energy, born on alignment to the the energy 'fluxes' that pass into this world. Which is why they 'farm' you.
They basically pick those who are born on solar alignments, or other solid 'arcs' of energy, because they are the best conduit for sucking 'gold' from
The headaches are because they have connected a 'psy' to your pineal gland. Kinda like what they show in the matrix with people being plugged in, in
the back of the head.
Not so far-fetched at all!
It's like a parasite, some call a incubus, that sucks the energy and 'potential' from your life, to redirect it elsewhere.
This is why you feel like you are being 'held back'. Because this is essentially 100% accurate to what is happening.
A 'Psy' is hatched within your pineal, or 'seed'. Within a hyperdimensional frequency connecting to your bodies energy flux. You can feel it
(sometimes) but you can never see it. Unless you look at the medical symbol of course. This is where they got it from.
After it hatches, it moves down the spine. Curling back up into a ball in your pineal, as it grows. Once it is big enough it will spread out and
attach itself through all the 'gland' points within your energy.
Because I seem to be very in-tune with my body, when this was done to me, I could literally feel it moving within my body.
One night I "literally" felt it burrowing/slicing its way through the back of my neck throat, till it felt like something 'cut' my throat from the
inside to escape, and a bunch of 'tentacles' or vines emerged.
This occurrence literally affected my physically. With me 'choking' on the snake-like thing emerging from my throat, and coughing up blood.
After this, it will grow, and grown, and f#$king grow, until you have vines/snakes coming out of every part of your body.
It turns into a massive disgusting tree of some sort, that SUCKS THE LIFE OUT OF YOU!
Mine is so bad, that I need amphetamines just to get out of bed, or I would be asleep 24/7.
I can sleep for WEEKS straight, very rarely emerging from my room, unless I have access to stimulants.
But it gets even worse ...
How many people do you think can sleep for nearly a week straight ... smoke a large amount of high-quality crystal-methamphetamine, then go to bed.
Not even the drugs can help me with the 'drain' that I have attached to me now.
I can sleep ... and eat ... on levels of amphetamines that would brutalise most other people.
The second the 'light' goes into me, or is produced, the psy sucks it out.
Leaving me with NOTHING!
I doubt yours will be quite as severe as mine, but you can expect that things wont get better any time soon.
Apparently the 'incubation' for these parasites is somewhere around 7 years. But that's just what I'm lead to believe.
Afterwards they are supposed to 'reward' you for your service as a good 'host', by giving you everything you want in life. Except I highly doubt this
either. Don't believe it.
I don't think they give you 'anything', because they literally have no reason to do so.
And it is worth pointing out that when 'they' do give you things which you will appreciate, enjoy or cherish, they are nothing like you would want.
They will only 'serve' you enough to get you by and keep you alive during this. No more, because it doesn't serve their purpose.
And you can be sure that any outcome that does come, for 'reward', will be a broken-down reconstitution, resynthesis, or fabrication of the thing you
SHOULD have had. That they 'borrowed'.
Think of it like this ...
You were supposed to receive a sandwich ... because at this time in your life ... it is lunchtime .... These parasites come in, knowing that it is
lunchtime and that you will get a sandwich ... They take that sandwich from you before you know that it was there ... or that you were supposed to
have it ... They stuff it all in their mouth ... chew it up .... chew, chew, chew, chew, then spit it out on a plate to give it to you.
They think, that the sandwich is essentially the same. So what is the problem?
Would you eat that chewed up and spat out #?
They believe (HONESTLY believe) that what they give you back is 'better' than what they take. But this has to be a complete lie. Because if this were
the case, then what point would there be to them taking it?
Why would they take it? Only to give you something back 'identical'? Why? Because what they take IS NOT identical. It is far better.
They give you a recreation. Hoping that not only will you just accept that they took the 'graces' you were supposed to have in your life from you, so
they could give it to themselves and those they want, but that you will be content with their re-synthesis, so that they can keep on doing what they
are doing.
That 'the ends' will satisfy what they did. And everyone will be happy.
They are disgusting ... energetic ... parasites ...
And you will probably come to see that they have placed you in a avatar-like binding, where they control EVERYTHING around you. Your whole existence.
You can't do anything to get out of it. Trust me I tried.
I couldn't burn it off ... I couldn't electrocute it off ... I took 30,000Mg of Ibuprofen and woke up! They wont even let you die!
You are basically a pet. Kept until they are done with you. Then they move on to the next 'crop'.
I hope you get free of it.
Because the other side of this, is that nothing in your life will ever be the same again. Nothing will ever be as good as it 'might have been',
because you cease to be 'who you are', and become 'who they want you to be'.
They literally alter your brains pathways and neurological patterns so that they can 'superimpose' another conscious (or two) on top of your own.
They then use this to 'strangle' and suffocate your own core 'energy' and consciousness, so they can shift you into being someone they want you to be.
Who is in the drivers seat of your conscious, instead of the passengers seat.
They spend YEARS mapping the way you think, to sync their version of you, to you perfectly. So that you can become one with whatever entity or
'identity' it is that they apply to you.
For me, they 'morphed' my conscious with Enki Ea. But not just him! I've been named as every God and deity you can possible think of!
I've had so many alternate consciousness attached to me like a leech, YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE!
I am no longer the person I was when I was born.
I no longer love music, or write music, as I did when I was me, a award-winning songwriter.
I don't even pick up the guitar any more. Because I've become the 'me' they want me to be.
They tried to reapply a 'music' attachment to my consciousness to replace the one they stripped or killed. It wasn't the same. Didn't work properly. A
cheap imitation. I couldn't 'feel' music like I used to, or write it any more.
BUT HEY! I can speak languages I don't understand.
One of the so-called 'benefits' of being a solar-born "God".
Though I am still 'me'. I no longer feel like myself, or anything like someone I ever wanted to be.
Whatever happens to you, and whatever you go through related to what I've told you, don't believe that they are 'Gods'. Ever.
Or indeed, that there is even any such thing out there.
Nothing comes to save you from 'them'.