originally posted by: LittleByLittle
a reply to: namelesss
Subjective truth when deviating from objective truth is no truth at all but illusion.
The illusion is that Truth can be fragmented!
Schizophrenia is the fragmentation of that which is One!
Truth is Truth is ALL inclusive!
To fragment it, as you are doing, and believing it, is the illusion/delusion!
It is an error to attempt to discern between 'object' and 'subject'!
Quantum mechanics has demonstrated that the 'subject' (observer) and object (observed) are inseparable, One!
That any 'debate' regarding the distinction between the two is obsolete thought, beliefs, ignorance.
The terms are obsolete!
Just like 'nothing'!
The more blindness the more suffering manifested.
Suffering is a necessity for humans.
Suffering means, among other things as I have said, to 'allow' (as opposed to 'denying')!
It is in the 'denial', the 'dual-ization' (like your 'subject/object'), of the ego that provides suffering, as in additional Pain.
We can 'suffer' the pain of a broken leg, like suffering the children to come unto me!".
That is healthy.
Denial is unhealthy, and painful.
If there was no objective truth and all subjective views where equally valid why did Buddha teach what he did?
You are presenting a logical fallacy.
Just because Buddha is recorded as saying something doesn't mean that it is some ultimate truth!
To speak is to lie!
To even open the mouth, one must descend from the mountain!
His words are dualistic, egoic, as are all words!
What he said is true, it is also false, and both...;
"All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some
sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense." -Robert Anton Wilson
"Do not believe in anything
simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe in traditions
simply because they have been handed
down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything
simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything
simply because it is found written in your
religious books.
Do not believe in anything
merely on the authority of your teachers
and elders.
But when, after observation and analysis,
you find anything that agrees with reason,
and is conducive to the good and benefit
of one and all,
then accept it and live up to it.
-- The Buddha's Kalama Sutra
"The fundamental idea of Buddhism is to pass beyond the world of opposites, a world built up by intellectual distinctions and emotional defilement." -
D.T. Suzuki (The Essence of Buddhism)
Why do you care if we believe your inclusive view since no view matter anyway if all is equally true?
I am not attempting to spread 'beliefs', merely offer food for contemplation.
So, you imagine that Truth 'doesn't matter' because there is no 'loser', no 'winner' (no 'false' other than in very limited context)?
Truth is irrelevant because it is Truth?
That is quite strange.
A person who believe every statement is always believing a false statement.
Statement one.
The 'belief', in itself, is delusional, schizophrenic, insanity!
The strain of the infection is irrelevant!
The symptomology remains consistent throughout all strains, whether the belief is in Jesus or Freedom or 'free-will' or the Cat in the Hat!
Gravity pull on earth is on the surface of earth at my location at this moment is above 20m/sec2.
Statement two.
Gravity pull on earth is on the surface of earth at my location at this moment is below or equal to 20m/sec2.
Does not matter what the gravity pull is at my location and time. One is true the other is false. With measurement/awareness one statement can be
rejected and objective truth what is/was can be known.
You make very specific limited contexts and will fine duality being obvious.
as soon as you lose your artificial/arbitrary conditions, Truth is once again, ALL inclusive!
2+2=4 ONLY in special limited conditions!
Sometimes it = 1!
Sometimes 5!
You have to remove the portion of the Universe that is not 'base ten', for instance, for the truth of 2+2=4 to be 'objective/Universal'!
Your 'local' egoic truths and falsities all add together top make Truth!
"Every kind of partial and transitory disequilibrium must perforce contribute towards the great equilibrium of the whole.." - Rene' Guenon
All inclusive all views will always include what is not. Your definition of truth is insane since it makes no distinction between "what is" and
"what is not".
The insanity is in believing that there is anything that 'is not'!
Thus, since Reality is predicated on what exists, everything is Real!
Reality is ALL inclusive!
And since Truth is predicated on what exists and what is Real, Truth is, likewise, ALL inclusive!
Thus everything is Truth!
ALL inclusive!
You cannot successfully argue against that.
All you are doing is warping your mind/perception/awareness creating even more confusion.
As "We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are!", perhaps the confusion is yours.
I am really not confused at all, and perfectly able to rationally, logically,philosophically/scientifically support my theories and observations.
Rather than argue and call me crazy, be bold enough to make an atte,pt to at least understand what I am saying, before automatically gainsaying.
I am well aware of what is 'obvious' to the masses.
I am offering you something less 'obvious'.
And less hateful/exclusive/schizophrenic!
And if you try to refute this post you are in fact saying my post is not truth rejecting my view from your all inclusive truth claiming this
post is false.
In the limiting paradigm of science and philosophy, your thoughts are erroneous.
And even the error and insanity of your 'beliefs', are features of the Universe/Reality/Truth!