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Reminder: More Than 500 AR-15’s Were Smuggled in Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious Scheme

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posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 03:23 PM
Good reminder that the Obama/Holder Fast&Furious boondoggle was heavily involved with the famous AR15 guns.

Seems they were smuggling back and forth over the U.S. / Mexican border.

Makes people wonder how many are still in the wild and have been used in gun related crimes.

It's odd no official agencies have said one way or the other if the AR15s used in mass shootings have any matching serial numbers from F&F.


Reminder: More Than 500 AR-15’s Were Smuggled in Eric Holder’s Fast and Furious Scheme

For all the psychobabble from the left about the weapon used by Democrat terrorist Omar Mateen, it’s funny how none of them ever mention the fact former Attorney General Eric Holder, at Barack Obama’s behest, allowed over 500 AR-15’s to be smuggled into Mexico.


That story is nearly five years old. Nobody in charge, namely Holder or Obama, has been held accountable to this day.


posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 04:15 PM
It's SNIP like this that really burns my chaps.

'Assault' weapons are bad in my hands. Hell they are not even 'assault' weapons.

They are semi auto rifles. That fire 1 round with the squeeze of the trigger.

The people that go around pushing gun control.

Run GUNZ to drug cartels.

Run MACHINE guns, and RPGS and WORSE things to terrorists, and two bit despotic regimes around the globe.

And they actually have the NERVE to lecture me about gun control ?

When it comes right down to it.

The anti gunners have MORE blood on their hands and ANY private citizen singularly or combined.

Reminder paying homage to my native American ancestors.

White man speaks with forked tongue.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

It is really a big story that the MSM has ignored. Those guns are out there, killing people every day. Supplied by POTUS and the the AG Holder, big story, protected by the Mass Lame Liberal American Media. They have blood on their hands, but of course, all these records are hidden or protected for at least 50 years for National Security Purposes.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: neo96

I agree with you brother. The real problem is that we are dealing with the least transparent administration in American History. Obama will protect all of the files as executive privaledge. We will never know the truth.....but many people, including innocent Americans are dying because of Fast and Furious. Peace

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 04:45 PM
Its ridiculous those exploiting this tragedy are blaming the tool and not placing 100% of the blame on the person using the tool. What if he used a bomb? What would they focusing on?

Its just like the (ridiculous) knee-jerk reaction after the Boston Marathon bombing, when pressure-cookers were pulled from shelves.

What we have here is a group of mental midgets! (with a well-known agenda)

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 04:47 PM
good. by trumps logic we are all safer now

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 05:05 PM
I get why the article in the OP was written

But this politicizing of peoples death is low brow politics as usual. What if a bomb was used, indeed. What would the rhetoric be? Should the DNC feel lucky that this is one of "their" tragedies to milk, instead of the RNC? If it would have been a bomb, it would be the RNC show, with their anti-terror rhetoric.

Its all precanned and predictable. Something terrible happens, and each "side" has their claims laid to it based on what type of tragedy it was. And that's the next news cycle.

Not who died, or why. Or who was a hero in the story. No, its gun control. Thats what 50 people died for. A few news cycles on gun control.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: six67seven
Its ridiculous those exploiting this tragedy are blaming the tool and not placing 100% of the blame on the person using the tool. What if he used a bomb? What would they focusing on?

Its just like the (ridiculous) knee-jerk reaction after the Boston Marathon bombing, when pressure-cookers were pulled from shelves.

What we have here is a group of mental midgets! (with a well-known agenda)

This is more about Hillary Clinton saying today to re-ban assault guns.

Her response is what's crazy.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 07:24 PM
No kidding it's CRAZY.

Were not suppose to judge ALL muslims for the actions of a few.

But by the will of ALLAH you can judge all gun owners by the actions of the few.

After all we ALL mass murders so LETS BAN a fictitious term!

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 03:11 AM
This is whole idea that Obama and Holder are solely to blame for F&F is complete nonsense. Treating half truths as whole truths.

Project Gunrunner anyone? You know....... The initial F&F program?

To help combat firearms trafficking into Mexico, ATF began Project Gunrunner as a pilot project in Laredo, Texas, in 2005 and expanded it as a national initiative in 2006. Project Gunrunner is also part of the Department’s broader Southwest Border Initiative, which seeks to reduce cross-border drug and firearms trafficking and the high level of violence associated with these activities on both sides of the border.

This is kind of interesting when you consider the following...

We found that ATF does not systematically exchange intelligence with its Mexican and some U.S. partner agencies. In addition, some ATF field agents reported that they do not find investigative leads provided to them by ATF’s Field Intelligence Groups to be timely and usable. We also determined that intelligence personnel in ATF’s Southwest border field divisions do not routinely share firearms trafficking intelligence with each other.

Official DOJ I.G. report

When I see things such as this I get a strong feeling that these agencies are covertly running guns into Mexico and a host of other places for years.

If you're going to trash the Obama admin you better trash the Bush admin as well.

Otherwise, it comes across as partisan and pathetic... Feigning outrage..... GTFOH with that melodramatic nonsense

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 03:24 AM
The designation "AR-15" always denoted a Semi Automatic rifle. Unless you have an original converted renamed M-16 which was military issue, that does not change.

If an AR-15 is an "Assault Weapon", then so are ANY other magazine fed rifles. And if you're going to start that process of naming rifles 'assault rifles' for their design...rather than their rate of fire/selector switch capabilities....then you're going down a slippery slope.

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: GD21D

Gunrunner ended in 2008.

So why did Obama and Holder start F&F ?

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 10:41 AM
I'm going to point out that the AR-15 used in Orlando was legally purchased from a gun store.
AR-15 Rifle Used in Orlando Massacre Has Bloody Pedigree

As for other mass shootings using AR-15's linked to the F&F scandal, that is circumstantial at the moment (and rather unlikely since those guns went south of the border and none of these events happened near the Mexican border). Though the Sandy Hook AR-15 was again legal, though it was purchased by Lanza's mother.

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 10:44 AM
So we all march downtown and turn in our AR's. Do you think they will destroy them or send them somewhere else. I know in my county only about 1/2 the guns confiscated ever make to auction because the cops get first pick.

posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

I think I remember this, it was Bush's fault!

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