posted on Jun, 23 2016 @ 06:43 AM
But a former editor says popular conservative news would be kept off the trending news sidebar. While the controversy continues and Facebook denies
the allegations there are other instances where this is becoming a problem. Thousands of people back in 2009 discovered that Amazon had quietly
removed electronic copies of George Orwell’s 1984 from their Kindle e-book readers. In the process, Amazon revealed how easy censorship will be in
the Kindle age. Amazon claims that this was because of a copyright issue. A company called, Mobile Reference, who did not own the copyrights to the
books 1984 and Animal Farm, uploaded both books to the Kindle store and started selling them. When the rights owner heard about this, they contacted
Amazon and asked that the e-books be removed. And Amazon decided to erase them not just from the store, but from all the Kindles where they’d been
downloaded. Amazon operators used the Kindle wireless network, called WhisperNet, to quietly delete the books from people’s devices and refund them
the money they’d paid. An uproar followed, with outraged customers pointing out the irony that Amazon was deleting copies of a novel about a fascist
media state that constantly alters history by changing digital records of what has happened. Amazon’s action flies in the face of what people expect
when they purchase a book. Under the right of first sale in the U.S., people can do whatever they like with a book after purchasing it, including
giving it to a friend or reselling it. There is no option for a bookseller to take that book back once it’s sold.
It is obvious that the single biggest threat to the elite right now is the free flow of information that’s available on the internet. The bill, H.R.
5181, the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act of 2016, is a companion bill to S.2692 introduced back in March. According to
Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) who co-authored the bill alongside Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA), H.R. 5181, seeks to incorporate a
whole-of-government approach without the bureaucratic restrictions, which will set up innovative partnerships to combat information warfare with
organizations that have experience in countering foreign propaganda.Kinzinger said to the Press:
"As Russia continues to spew its disinformation and false narratives, they undermine the United States and its interests in places like Ukraine, while
also breeding further instability in these countries,” Kinzinger said. “At a time when countries like Russia and China are engaging in hybrid
warfare campaigns, the United States has a unique opportunity to respond to foreign manipulation by encouraging the free flow of truthful information.
This can further prevent conflict and ensure future stability."
His quote about the free flow of information is laughable because what is being proposed is a blackout of websites Like Russia Today and Al Jazeera,
so that no American can read the counter propaganda to American propaganda.According to an article published by the Voice of America U.S. Senators Rob
Portman, an Ohio Republican, and Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat, have introduced a bill aimed at countering propaganda from Russia, China and
other countries. Having both a Democrat and Republican proposing this shows you that both Republican and Democratic leaders champion censorship and
Orwellian suppression. What is interesting is that under the new legislation Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act not only counters
foreign propaganda, but they will help local communities in those same countries to protect themselves from their own government’s media
manipulation. This means more funding for the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID) and other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) who already manipulate populations within countries they are trying to destabilize with U.S.
propaganda. According to the VOA report:
"According to its sponsors, the legislation called the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act is aimed at improving the ability of the
United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation, and help local communities in other countries protect themselves from manipulation
from abroad. Senator Portman also mentioned the importance of restructuring U.S. counter-propaganda under a single government agency. He stated that
there is currently no single U.S. governmental agency or department charged with the national level development, integration and synchronization of
whole-of-government strategies to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation. The claim is that in order to make this all happen is to have an
umbrella strategy that unites all of the different agencies that are playing roles, so that there can be a coordinated strategy. In other words, the
mainstream media will operate under one umbrella run by the U.S. government. It has been happening all along with Operation Mockingbird, where
alphabet agents like Anderson Cooper, Richard Helms and Frank Snepp, produce propaganda and report it on the nightly news. The CIA’s use of the
American news media has been much more extensive than Agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress. Who
would be leading the new agency?
Under the bill, a new Center for Information Analysis and Response would play the coordinating role. This center, Portman said, would be led by the
U.S. State Department, but with the active participation of the Department of Defense, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Broadcasting
Board of Governors the intelligence community and other relevant agencies. The bill also would set up an Information Access Fund, which would assist
in the training of local journalists, as well as award grants and contracts to non-government and civil society organizations, research centers,
private sector companies, media organizations and other experts outside the U.S. government that have experience in identifying and analyzing
disinformation methods used by foreign governments. So which organizations and experts would be involved? Of course the NED, USAID as mentioned
earlier, but you can add the International Republican Institute (IRI), Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Amnesty International,
the Open Society Foundation, the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), National Democratic Institute(NDI), CBS, ABC, PBS, the BBC, the New York Times,
the Washington Post, the LA Times and the list goes on. (Source: Global Research – Timothy Guzman) Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have issued
their views on the subject of shutting down parts of the internet that have what they call extremist view. The cover is to shut down radicalized
Islamic sites. In South Carolina, Trump suggested that Microsoft founder Bill Gates, could possibly help censor parts of the online world.