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Dutch Replica of Noah’s Ark Suffers Damage In Collision at Oslo Port

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posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:01 PM
Dutch Replica of Noah's Ark Crashes Into Moored Coast Guard Boat

First of all, I would like to point out that I called it.

Noah’s ark crashed into a Norwegian Coast Guard patrol boat in the Port of Oslo on Friday morning. It was not, of course, the actual ark, but one of two reconstructions that a Dutch carpenter named Johan Huibers painstakingly built over seven years, based on the biblical description. The smaller of the arks was being towed on Friday when the crew lost control, which led to the collision. No animals were on board and no one was injured, but the ark’s wooden cladding was damaged. A small crane on the patrol boat was also damaged, Lt. Rune Svartsund, a coast guard spokesman, said. Ole Herman Kjernsby, the head of travel at Stena Line, a ferry company based in Oslo, said his staff members did not witness the accident but could see the damage to the ark afterward, including what he called “a huge rift” in the side.

There's one important thing the Dutch man didn't calculate: the existence of anything else on Earth besides water to crash into. Noah didn't have that worry. Also: it's a good thing he hadn't put two of every animal on board yet.
edit on 11-6-2016 by AshOnMyTomatoes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:56 PM
This guy could very well be rebuilding civilisation soon.....if his boats float and function.

If I had the money and juice I would be building one right now.......we should be building them all over the world together as a group.

What could it hurt.

Noah made sure his boat could survive collisions with a specific size of debris in the waters, so follow suit....if anyone is interested and loaded with resources to do so ....PM me....lets get building right now...time is of the essence.

If you have a few million to spare and a few friends with the same pocket change.....lets git er done.....real functional Ark......but not historiclly exact....lets fill it with the shell like directed ....and keep the core value things the same.....but add technology everywhere possible to make it as functional as Noah did with the same urgency and attentions he projected.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: AshOnMyTomatoes

"Jesus is my co pilot"

Yeah great co pilot you got there

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 05:42 PM
The problem is this guy didn't have Noah's over 500 years of life experience. What sort of man younger than 500 thinks they can build and navigate an ark like this?

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: AshOnMyTomatoes

All Noah had to worry about was a mountain to land on. And, well, he had gopher wood, whatever that is! Glad no one was hurt.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 11:47 PM
When's the last time the this tug boat Captain had an "accident"?

When was the last time Norway's Coast Guard was ran into by a tugged barge?

Was damaging the replica intentional?

Seems like it.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 12:04 AM
a reply to: one4all

Wouldn't it be smarter to build a sub?? If your going to use technology to equip your arks do away with them completely. That way no matter what happens on the surface you just wait it out under water. Though I'm not sure why you would feel the need to do this but I guess everyone needs a hobbie.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: AshOnMyTomatoes

Hardly a replica... that guy just wasted time and money... that isnt what Noahs ark looked like!

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: combatmaster

I suppose having a religious fantasy is safer than sniffing glue?

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: AshOnMyTomatoes
Dutch Replica of Noah's Ark Crashes Into Moored Coast Guard Boat

First of all, I would like to point out that I called it.

Noah’s ark crashed into a Norwegian Coast Guard patrol boat in the Port of Oslo on Friday morning. It was not, of course, the actual ark, but one of two reconstructions that a Dutch carpenter named Johan Huibers painstakingly built over seven years, based on the biblical description. The smaller of the arks was being towed on Friday when the crew lost control, which led to the collision. No animals were on board and no one was injured, but the ark’s wooden cladding was damaged. A small crane on the patrol boat was also damaged, Lt. Rune Svartsund, a coast guard spokesman, said. Ole Herman Kjernsby, the head of travel at Stena Line, a ferry company based in Oslo, said his staff members did not witness the accident but could see the damage to the ark afterward, including what he called “a huge rift” in the side.

There's one important thing the Dutch man didn't calculate: the existence of anything else on Earth besides water to crash into. Noah didn't have that worry. Also: it's a good thing he hadn't put two of every animal on board yet.

Belief-addled fools!

Besides, why is it that no one ever brings up the point that on the very next page in the bible it clearly states that Noah brought SEVEN of each animal!
That is 7!
Seven, not two!

Why is that (conveniently) ignored!

What despicable wastes of money these clowns are guilty of, with this idiocy!
That wealth wasted on their idiot's 'arks' could have fed a country in Africa for years!

SEVEN of each species!
Does it get more 'metaphorical/mythological than that?

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

Noahs Flood IMHO was a portion of a set of global displacement waves, during which time the continents shifted, being in a submarine would likely put you where we now find Whales .....on top of mountains in bits and pieces.

Noahs Ark was unique because it was big enough to not capsize initially and to defeat the different sizes of debris which were floating in the water.

A submarine is nyet.

Even small survival pods need to have specific a motor and like insulation and see you could end up anywhere in under an hour....go from the equator to the pole and be flash need to be able to move the boat away from poor have to be crush-proof because of the debris in the water.No electronis will be working and no sattelite GPS will be available,maps will be useless .

Noahs boat solved a lot of problems it was specificlly designed to function in a specific marine environment or situation....IMHO it was purpose-built to survive a global displacement wave.

I dont need to do this...Noah wasnt the only survivor of the Flood there were others.....I have an alternative option.I dont really like Boats....however in the name of Humanity I am willing to spend the time and effort to collaborate in a project which could mean the difference between humanities survival or extinction....nothing is witten in guarantees.

Technology will let you down....there was a reason the Ark was built how it was built.

This is a global crap-shoot......and HUMANITY is throwing the dice.......everyone has an opinion and an idea....some sell their opinions and ideas for money and to spead the word....some crusade against TPTB and the Religons....some monetise the issue going on Speaking tours....some are building "survival communities"..... .I do none of these me its simple if you are suppossed to know and be prepared you are already well on your KNOW whats up already.....we arent all message bringers.

If your gut instincts arent red flagging like mad right now.....what could I ever say to you????....if you are worth 50 million but you have never been able to break through the glass ceiling into the BILLIOAIRES CLUB you are likely being frozen out ...and can "feel it" are who I am looking made you loot the usual dirty way because NOBODY makes millions of dollars and hoards the fiscal impact without contributing directly to the deaths of millions and millions of people ......and now that things have settled down you realise how things ARE NOT GETTING INTO THE BILLIONAIRES CLUB........they are locking you out....but why why why????......well now you arent worth enough to TPTB to afford a spot in their coffins.

Or maybe you do have a ticket to a Bunker somewhere but your GUT INSTINCTS are telling you this plan isnt your best option.....well now you have one.

Maybe you simply have tons o money and wish to give it back to something which suits your fancy.....maybe you are older now and want to leave a Humanitarian legacy....

Maybe you are just having fun surfing ATS.

Personally a book published in 1977 helped me find a new perspective......DOOMSDAY-THE SCIENCE OF FRED WARSHOFSKY.

IMHO time is very short regardless...and everything takes time to do........I am tossing out a line simply because there is NO TIME LEFT TO PANDER AND PONDER.....and even people who arent intimately indoctrinated to the current state of global affairs can now FEEL SOMETHING BUILDING......but no one has put the entire picture together....many of those who have are TPTB and peope like me who have no TIME TO BE MESSENGERS and no resources to make a difference.....the irony is that TPTB WOULD NOT CARE ONE IOTA if someone built an Ark to survive in....THEY are trying to survive.....they just dont want to see a Global War break out over territorial issues.....COUNTRIES ARE GOING UNDER.....and even if the Leaders of these countries KNOW THE FULL STORY they cannot do anything about it...if the masses discovered and BELIEVED the truth they would force conflict immediatly.So if you are in any way a Guardian Angel and choose to leave a legacy....well here is your foot the bills and I will make sure you completely understand and grasp the situation if you sign a non-disclosure agreement.

TPTB are willing to ignore people who are trying to build a SECOND LAYER OF are no threat to them you are a non-issue....they will likely neither help nor hinder you unless you begin some type of crusade to stir up the masses when there is NO WAY TO GIVE THEM AN "INCREASED" CHANCE TO SURVIVE.

IMHO according to history this is FAST....LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT......we are so far along now that as I said earlier those in the know are now making their stands......and due to the dynamics of the event those who "could have" been given directions will be of no issue because their places will be taken by paniced people who follow instinct in the last hours.

If you know the entire story you realise that if you are under 65 years old you were frozen out of the true reality you were living in.... you had no chance to make a definable difference because it would have taken several hundrend years to properly prepare....which is what TPTB would tell you they have been doing for HUMANITY....this is why they feel no moral compunction about the things they do....they KNOW they are ultimately doing the most anyone could and they are simply writing their own names on the tickets ......but this scenario is NOT has been played out before.

I mean a book from 1977 which is one among THOUSANDS of books out there describing this was what caught my eye....this is not a NEW issue and it has never been COMPLETELY SUPPRESSED....however it has been actively and aggressively DISENFRANCHISED.

At the end of the road and day....which is where we are...either you have a crystal clear perspective or IMHO you are out of time if there is no one to indoctrinate you carefully and accurately according to your own personal processes.

If you have 50 million in the bank today and do not have a massive preperation already completed....well.....why not? What legacy will you about your FAMILY 30-40-100+ people who are innocent and have no could easily provide for them and cover the bet just in case.....but once the dice roll even a billion dollars will not get you into the game.The few bucks which would have kept you and yours in the game were never invested and once the game begins no one is let in...think about this....and remember ALL MAJOR RELIGONS as well as governments have this knowledge in full.If you are able to...put your entire belief system aside long enough to understand there can be no blame here.....AMNESTY is not being offered because it isnt needed.....when the SHTF and everything is over....every human alive will have completely let go of the past.....and will understand the gravity of their new reality.

Put it this way... nuclear sub is a is a Cruiseship or an Aircraft is an deep underground base or DUMB......this one must be SURFED not sailed......and if you are in the water when it begins you are likely in the movie 2012 you must have your ARK at the highest point possible so most of the displacement waves waters energy is disappated and so you can RIDE THE CREST...or SURF IT.

Even a mountain top DUMB in rock is a coffin unless you are 100% sure it will not end up beneath 2 miles of seawater.
There are ruins on mountain tops which were HARBORS......the "H" blocks found at one particular spot were part of a breakwater system @ sea they are on mountain tops.

One last "hook"....why do you think the LDS leaders have their people storing food and supplies and prepared to leave their homes on notice to live in TENT CITIES??? are going to race enmasse to safe areas armed and equipped when there is no civil control....they will be like an ARMY with no one in their way...being in buildings will be death due to earthquakes....being in the right spot is EVERYTHING.....these LDS leaders know exactly where they plan on going....and they also know the timeline.Remember this happens FAST and comes like a thief in the night with no warning.... the causality comes from behind the sun methinks catching us off-guard.
edit on 12-6-2016 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: namelesss

Does 7 of each Animal ensure genetic diversity if you say had Cows and Goats and Horses??

The number 7 could be connected to the requirement for genetic diversity in case there are NO ANIMALS LEFT.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: AshOnMyTomatoes

All Noah had to worry about was a mountain to land on. And, well, he had gopher wood, whatever that is! Glad no one was hurt.

"Gopher wood" is used because they have no idea how else to translate the Hebrew word. The word describing the substance used for the ark is never again used in the rest of the Bible. Jesus disambiguates this mystery in the Apocryphon of John:

"And he (the chief archon) repented for everything which had come into being through him. This time he planned to bring a flood upon the work of man. But the greatness of the light of the foreknowledge informed Noah, and he proclaimed (it) to all the offspring which are the sons of men. But those who were strangers to him did not listen to him. It is not as Moses said, 'They hid themselves in an ark' (Gn 7: 7), but they hid themselves in a place, not only Noah, but also many other people from the immovable race. They went into a place and hid themselves in a luminous cloud. And he (Noah) recognized his authority, and she who belongs to the light was with him, having shone on them because he (the chief archon) had brought darkness upon the whole earth"

Ever hear of the MerKahBah - The light vessel? I planned on making a post regarding this topic.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 02:17 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: AshOnMyTomatoes

All Noah had to worry about was a mountain to land on. And, well, he had gopher wood, whatever that is! Glad no one was hurt.

"Gopher wood" is used because they have no idea how else to translate the Hebrew word. The word describing the substance used for the ark is never again used in the rest of the Bible. Jesus disambiguates this mystery in the Apocryphon of John:

"And he (the chief archon) repented for everything which had come into being through him. This time he planned to bring a flood upon the work of man. But the greatness of the light of the foreknowledge informed Noah, and he proclaimed (it) to all the offspring which are the sons of men. But those who were strangers to him did not listen to him. It is not as Moses said, 'They hid themselves in an ark' (Gn 7: 7), but they hid themselves in a place, not only Noah, but also many other people from the immovable race. They went into a place and hid themselves in a luminous cloud. And he (Noah) recognized his authority, and she who belongs to the light was with him, having shone on them because he (the chief archon) had brought darkness upon the whole earth"

Ever hear of the MerKahBah - The light vessel? I planned on making a post regarding this topic.

Yeah, no idea what was used, and I was aware that the term isn't seen elsewhere, either! Makes me quite curious.

Not much knowledge of those other books, personally.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: one4all
a reply to: namelesss

Does 7 of each Animal ensure genetic diversity if you say had Cows and Goats and Horses??

The number 7 could be connected to the requirement for genetic diversity in case there are NO ANIMALS LEFT.

I guess that there is much that can be 'done/interpreted' in that info of the 7, yet it seems that no one read the book and saw that, or ignored it, for some reason.
Perhaps it makes the 'literal' translation all the more absurd...

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: namelesss
I guess that there is much that can be 'done/interpreted' in that info of the 7, yet it seems that no one read the book and saw that, or ignored it, for some reason.
Perhaps it makes the 'literal' translation all the more absurd...

All events on this material plane are a symbolic manifestation of the higher workings of light. If you are able to read the symbolic manifestation presented to you, you can learn a lot about your current deficiencies (i.e. acknowledging your karma).

"....holding fast this one thing in myself, that the Lord contrived all things symbolically and by a dispensation toward men, for their conversion and salvation."

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: TycoonBarnaby

what utter twaddle

where do you get the notion that noahs alledged " 500 years life experience " would qualify him in anyway to be a ship designer // builder and ships master

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 02:33 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: namelesss
I guess that there is much that can be 'done/interpreted' in that info of the 7, yet it seems that no one read the book and saw that, or ignored it, for some reason.
Perhaps it makes the 'literal' translation all the more absurd...

All events on this material plane are a symbolic manifestation of the higher workings of light. If you are able to read the symbolic manifestation presented to you, you can learn a lot about your current deficiencies (i.e. acknowledging your karma).

"....holding fast this one thing in myself, that the Lord contrived all things symbolically and by a dispensation toward men, for their conversion and salvation."

I well understand, and experience/Know, the 'metaphoric nature' of the 'Make-Believe' that most simply accept as 'material reality'.
And I am also well aware of the imagination/ego that holds all the 'beliefs'.

"If you are able to read the symbolic manifestation presented to you, you can learn a lot about your current deficiencies (i.e. acknowledging your karma). "


"If you just hosted the same strain of (imaginary) 'belief' with which I am infected, you would be as smart/saved/spiritually advanced, etc... as I am!"
'Beliefs' are vanity, Pride.

Thank God that I am naturally immune!

I was referring to the clueless folks of the 'literalist', Faithless persuasion who, in the desperate attempt to validate Faithless 'beliefs', the seven animals number seems to be quickly discarded, ignored, as that would put a final kibosh on any prayer of a 'literal translation' to bolster literalist beliefs!
Which NEVER can rise to 'Faith'!

True, unconditional Love is ALWAYS recognized by It's unconditional Virtues; Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Gratitude, Humility, Charity ('Charity' is never taking more than your share of anything, ever!), Honesty, Happiness, Faith...

edit on 15-6-2016 by namelesss because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: namelesss

"If you are able to read the symbolic manifestation presented to you, you can learn a lot about your current deficiencies (i.e. acknowledging your karma). "


"If you just hosted the same strain of (imaginary) 'belief' with which I am infected, you would be as smart/saved/spiritually advanced, etc... as I am!"
'Beliefs' are vanity, Pride.

Thank God that I am naturally immune!

I was referring to the clueless folks of the 'literalist', Faithless persuasion who, in the desperate attempt to validate Faithless 'beliefs', the seven animals number seems to be quickly discarded, ignored, as that would put a final kibosh on any prayer of a 'literal translation' to bolster literalist beliefs!
Which NEVER can rise to 'Faith'!

Well, note that is also your belief. History happened, regardless of what we'd like to believe - if we can't believe certain written accounts, it's erroneous, because belief cannot change the past. We can argue about history and myth, and try to discern which is which, but its best not to get angry at eachother, calling people "clueless", over something that will not change due to our beliefs.

I've seen great things in my faith, and I've also seen the abyss in my doubt.

posted on Jun, 15 2016 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: AshOnMyTomatoes

Did they let the ass drive again?
I wonder if the insurance will call it an act of God?

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