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ATS - Needs moderation - no support

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posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 02:52 PM
Why have forums about UFO's or threads about Atlantis / Lost civilization if all you do is allow naysayers to scat on ANYONE who wants to think out side the box? This site has much potential but I feel its been in free fall for years now.

How can you support a thread, an idea, or forum, when you allow the SAME individuals ( literally just a handful ) to consistently crap all over anyone's idea. How can you EXPECT new comers to share a thought, when like clockwork, the same members come in.. counter, gang up, and basically tell you you're an idiot for thinking that way. I have backed out of so many threads over the years just because one, or two users are active in it, basically telling anyone that doesn't agree with "them" they are stupid.

I'm tired of them using one liners, or falling back on " Not having time to educate the simple minded. Or it was already stated many threads ago". But if YOU want to share/prove something, you need to supply certified reports from government agency's to prove anything.

Moderate ATS. Do your job. Want me to stop using ad block, want me to donate my hard earned money to support your site? Make it one I'd WANT to support. Kick out users that don't support WHY this site was created in the first place. Heck Id PAY to have you boot a few people if it meant allowing lurkers to feel like they could actually post their thoughts without being burned at the stake.


posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: Triton1128

In the free market place of ideas this is how it works, and to support anything else would most certainly drive away many more members than the ones who lurk, and haven't enough thick skin or veracity to post.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 03:04 PM
True story OP, ive backed out of making threads because of being ridiculed and shot down at the first hurdle. This is meant to be a conspiracy THEORY website where one speculates on THEORIES!

I see too many people mocking others beleifs, if you dont beleive what someone else is posting about then just dont comment, its that simple!! Its doesn't make you look clever by mocking ones beleifs, it makes you look like the immature bully you are!

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality

I think I understand what the OP is getting at.

It's one thing to logically debunk a thread topic, but it's another to step into a thread for the sole purpose of just tossing in a one-liner cheap shot.

Drive-by insults do not make for constructive discussions.

edit on 11-6-2016 by CranialSponge because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 03:12 PM
Whatever you do, stay away from the Mandela affect threads. In there, we are stupid, delusional, have faulty memories, are attention seekers, can't admit when we're wrong, etc. etc.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: ParanoidCovKid


I support conversation. By all means, share with me your ideas. We are very fortunate to live in this age where we can have free conversation thousands of miles apart with little to no delay.

Its the arrogant, the hard headed, the ones blinded by their own beliefs. I honestly do not understand why they ever created an account to be a part of this site. For all they seem to do is work against its very function. I just do not understand how someone that works for the site, had a hand in creating this site, would ever allow those members to continue to do what they do.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 03:38 PM
Its a forum... which means debate topics that are posted or add any information to help build the topic or tip the scales away from ignorance and into one of understanding.

Thats the format... a forum I was on as a mod was anything basically goes but try to have modicum of respect... if someone throws shade best to walk right around them as its likely they arent there to debate just bend over present their opinion hoping for a star from all those going hogwash or hokum and theyve saved them the trouble... of course how many stars that gets is a good indicator of how many detractors youre gonna have and if the detractors have stars you know they are gonna pony up and start tag teaming it with one purpose... derailment.

So basically research the heck out of the thread, present info that hasnt really been said 1000 times already or just dont care or at least dont make it seem like you do... if they throw an adhom you know they are hostile and not looking to add for or against wit anything to concider so might as well post right on around them... thats a big not gonna feed the trolls sign... of course some are very skilled at seeming interested but thats simply because they have some agenda interest of refutation to what youre presenting hanging around somewhere and just want to wear you down...

I know some get flummoxed under such pressure but you dont have to keyboard warrior them post for post nor stoop to any level other than even mindedness and on topic in some manner.

Ive eaten a few stars by comics or dry humor but sometimes thats taken the wrong way and well I cant help that one would have to follow the entire banter to feel the mood cause just a post without emoticons and mods typically not having the time to read 100s to 1000s of posts or whatever their schedule is youll get a smack and those stars will dissapear along with a post or two... so yeah they are around, and well many of them all of the net get treated like rockstars and doted or sucked up too and love notes by PM I didnt care for that business myself... as whew it can inflate an ego not being among one of the common ppl wanting to be a common person as many mods are just members first and well if you like a forum that much you dont wanna lose posting power on it... yet some expect mods to be seen and not heard and well thats kinda lame if you love the forum.

A few would have multi accounts but you could see right through it as a dedicated member with style of their writing. But modding is typically a thankless job and not an easy one, I was stressed for 6 months when I started cause there were all these expectations... like hey petition the owners for this that and the other and I was like I didnt know this meant being santas wis list... but when asked what improvments id had thought on all people asked and if it were implemented the best way to go about it from all I could see and present it all of us doing that started growing it pretty big... but that also kinda brought in mass producers eating away the very members livelyhoods... so it naturally split as growth typically does to things with no hard feelings on either end.

But hey thats some advice from someone with experience with a forum that was designed to eat anyone sensitive in the slightest to eventual mod as an experience cant say what happens here... but this place is like calm water compared to that niagra. But I can see how what you say takes place if not used to adversity in speaking a topic or ones mind... use it as growth to be a better debater learn debate styles and in the mean time maybe my advice will allow yourself and others feeling the same pinch aha youre not wearing green... and youre like dude it isnt even St patricks day and they go time slip... and run off.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: Triton1128

Name the members who are they? This ambiguous address is fruitless, also you said this

its the arrogant, the hard headed, the ones blinded by their own beliefs.

Anyone you, or I disagree with, could fall under these terms, in fact you and I almost certainly have in the past and will in the future. So, these descriptions do not honestly measure those you are speaking about, this just appears to be a very vague feel good thread, essentially saying don't disagree with me ardently or I'll be insulted, even further that these ambiguous posters should be banned simply because some elusive lurker may be to intimidated to post. Come on man

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 03:42 PM
Ugh, just posted a whole reply and fell off line when I went to post.

Long and short of it, I concur with you.

When I first became a member, I was very drawn to the Aliens Ufo's forum. I stumbled my fair share, but at least back then the members took the time to explain why I wasn't really seeing what I thought I saw. I really learned quite a bit and I'm very thankful that. It also made me a better contributor, because now I wont post anything unless I really think the ATS members should give it a good look over.

If I was a newbie now, I highly doubt Id give this site as much time as I have for the past 6 years. It just wouldn't be worth it too me. Bullying just creates more attitude and slams the door on learning anything, which too me defeats the whole purpose of ATS.

So again, good rant post OP, just a shame you had to post something like this being a member as long as you have.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: Triton1128

Agree, I especially see a big decline in religious threads due to mockery from people who don't give a damn about
religion but nonetheless still feel the need to tell you how dumb you are for believing in God.
edit on ESaturdayAmerica/Chicago2016-06-11T17:03:53-05:0030Sat, 11 Jun 2016 17:03:53 -0500032016-06-11T17:03:53-05:00JuneAmerica/Chicago by ElectricFeel because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:06 PM
Let me explane how this works, one person has 10 accounts here, so it seems 10 people are jumping on you when its only one, now he has 5 friends each of them have 10 accounts, so now you have "50-60" people jumping on you. If you write anything about refugees raping or mulims you get jumped on using this system. ATS is full of it.
edit on 11-6-2016 by imod02 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: imod02

Maybe I'm naive, I just can't see someone doing that. It takes too much time and effort.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Autorico
a reply to: imod02

Maybe I'm naive, I just can't see someone doing that. It takes too much time and effort.[
I have seen it here, they give themselfs away but I wont tell you how

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: imod02

"I have seen it here, they give themselfs away but I wont tell you how " That's fine with me. Maybe tell a Mod so we can get these "sock puppet" accounts terminated?

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: imod02

There are several people, some very vile sjw types that all type and think the same way, I'm convinced they are all the same person, or know eachother in real life. There are also a few heavily biased moderators that will ban you if you argue against them. This site stopped being about conspiracies and more about sjw topics.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:23 PM
Oh great, another pathetic thread on how no one should be allowed to disagree with you or challenge your beliefs or ideas. This isn't an echo chamber. You wanna hear only your beliefs and opinions? Log off of ATS, turn off the computer and talk to yourself.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality

I'm not here to stoop down to their level. The ones being afflicted know all too well those that I speak of. It's become so apparent that I felt the need to create a RANT. So far its become quite apparent to ME that others feel the same.

Go into Aliens & UFOs, The Grey Area, Origins of Creationism, Lost Civilizations. Bring up any author that tip toes around any topic/idea that is on the "fringe". It's pathetic. Snide comments is all you'll get regardless of what you have for proof.. because "its all been discussed in previous threads" their famous fall back. I swear some are here solely to derail any outside the box thinking.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: Triton1128

The answer to that is GROW A THICKER SKIN.

Usually truly disruptive members get the boot real quick.

If you don't want your ideas challenged stay off of ATS.

You cannot expect people to accept everything you have to say on any particular topic.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

It's more so being open to discussion. Being ABLE, to have a discussion without using belittling words, arrogant comments, or treating a new member like they are beneath them. I respect that all have their own beliefs and ideas.. But if you think different then me, I don't accuse you of ignorance. I don't mock you, or speak down to you like a dog.

If that's too much to ask, then you're correct. This site is NOT for me.

I'm not asking anyone to believe what I believe. I'm asking to have a humane conversation with like minded people regarding topics we all have interest in.
edit on 11-6-2016 by Triton1128 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: Autorico
a reply to: imod02

Maybe I'm naive, I just can't see someone doing that. It takes too much time and effort.

Well I could name names but thats not so T and C friendly but I know of at least two separate people who had over 20 accounts each..

And then there is the fact that my "battle buddy" at the hotel before first orders was an internet guy for the Army.. "Honey pots"
"sock puppets" "bots" "psy ops"

I see it happening.
There was a time when ww3 threads were all over during the ukraine thing.. I saw russians replying to themselves giving themselves stars..

Any way I would say yes you are naive.

and for the record I have one account. That's just who I am. but there are sociopaths/psycopaths afoot. And there are more organized activities as well.

In general this amounts to a non issue really. Stay tough and get your point across logically even if it''s logic based on imagination becaues we don't hae all the prove or data.. Eerytime they put you down is an invitation to speak even more details of what your mind sees. I like it actually.

edit on 11-6-2016 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)

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