I think the problem is a myriad of things. I think most of it can easily be blamed by technology. But a capitalistic economy is also a huge part of
it. Then you have the sheer number of people who exist on this planet. And finally the laziness factor. There are a lot of small factors that build up
to this dillema but even i am having trouble just having fun when i am doing an activity with friends.
In order to have any real fun you have to spend spend spend. And if you do not spend any money, are you really having fun?
I wonder what would happen if everytng electronic did finally break. No more computers, no more running cars.... nothing.
I really wonder what would happen.
And i think it would go something like this: a million different jobs would suddenly open up. There would be a ton of jobs that would finally open up.
For one reason.... we have been replacing humans with machines for decades. But we do not compensate the ones still working for us properly. Instead
the head of the company takes in all of the extra profit over the lost workers paychecks, instead of paying the survivors more. That is how it should
work, but greed?
That is why i think companies that do this are killing America. And outsourcing is doing the same.
While economy and technology is in one corner, in the other is food. Whatwe are doing to our food is actually attrocious.
You may never have this go through your mind but i started to notice that almost everyone in my generation buys prepackaged foods, or eats out at
restaurants. More often than our parrents and grandparrents. We don't want to cook our food we just want to eat it. The amount of actual ingredients
found in markets have dwindled while prepackaged foods take up to 90% percent of shelf space.
The next time you go shopping for food look at how many things come in nicely packaged, brightly colored, fully detailed, and priced items on the
shelves versus anything that comes raw. Where it looks like it was produced right there, or brought in completely raw. The amount of prepackaged foods
is so great that our kids think this is normal. When actuslly it isn't.
And i started to avoid buying things that had ingredients, additives, or contained anything with any word that i can no pronounce, or anything that
sounds scientific in it. If it has the word concentrate on it i avoid it. If it has artificial anywhere on it i skip it. If it has the word substitute
on it i dislike it.
But that is just it... everything is prepackaged, pre cooked, scientifically altered food. All in an effort to increase shelf life for higher
You know i was thinking back a while ago of making a prepackaged food competitive market a while ago. Where you can walk in, have a meal prepared, or
cooked for you using daily fresh ingredients.
Where as you place in the order of what you want to eat for the week and the chefs at my market will put everything together for you so all you have
to do is either pay for them to cook it for you, or stick it in your oven. No microwave.
And everything would be made right then and there. And you just bring it home, and stick it straight into the oven. No preservatives, no fancy
packaging. You just look at the cooking instructions, and you're done. And if you want something new? Put in a request a month ahead.
To me i think what we are doing to preserve shelf life of food is the root cause of all our health problems. Obesity, cancer, allergies. Everything we
are doing to keep food on shelves longer is actually bad for our molecular structure. But no one wants to say it. Because everyone likes being able to
just open it up from a vacuum sealed enclosure and eat it.
I think a billion jobs could suddenly pop up if we did this. Have cooks that don't even have to cook over a fire unless people pay extra for them to
do so. That way they can have everything "prepared for the oven."
None of the ingrediants will have any preservatives found in them, none of the ingredients will be placed in any type of machined packaging. It will
be nothing but fresh ingredients all the time.
I think i could get a bunch of cooks together to do this and pay them 10 dollars an hour doing so while at the same time making it extremely
ccompetitive in the restaurant business.
You see the funny part about restaurant eating is that you are with people who you wanted to bring. But not everyone likes italian. Or fish food... or
bbq. They always tell you to enjoy the atmosphere... of other larger groups than yours eating together....
This world is #ing boring......