posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 08:08 PM
a reply to:
I avent ever heard 3 am on called Dead Time, but I have heard it called The Witching Hour for when whatever starts... I typically like such times at
night because its usually the quietest time from human made noise on a large scale, but my circadian rhythmn as been asleep with the chickens and up
with the sun... not a fan of that as I perfer night over day but eh body does what body does.
To add some extra woo theres that Scooby Doo teme park with that robot running around super fast making it appear ghosty or haunted... theres Dark
City I think? Where people fall asleep mid whatever then the night adusters come out and alter things all dystopian style kinda a neat premise of
course when what seems like time starts up again no one but of course those doing it and the protagonists are aware of whats going on... one of those
existentialist may cause a break down if so inclined to believe such things and start digging a conceptual hole for oneself from a phenomina to be
subject instead of observer to whatever.
Which is of course my advice especially in woo threads... no matter what be objective as its not a constant, if it does become a constant then yeah
document as much as possible if possible.
I had one of the first talk to type programs called Via Voice by IBM I left it on as I went about things without saying anything, and it would write
stuff while I was away from it... nothing partuclar that I can remember just thought it a neat phenomina... but not much different than music where
the chords or notes in accompanyment sound like the lyrics... not much music does that these days but in the 60s and 70s cut out the vocals and the
music basically said them the way they were arranged. Great artistry imo...
It may be of peoples interest to note in Zen saying a koan over and over in ones mind, would eventually lead to a solution by something like a door
creak or something falling answer it basically anything at anytime would speak... this experience of course was concidered a profound awakening.
Western psychology labels such things as schizophrenia though... but staying objective if such phenomina arises by non reaction is where honest
documentation that may lead to understanding it beyond the woo is where science moving from pesudo to actual lay, for those that want to seriously
investigate with credibility instead of heres another one for the foil files.