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Watergate II: Bush impeachment process

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posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by JediMaster
Bush won't go. Congress would never vote him out. Besides we need a conservative in office in these hard days, not a liberal.

they're hard days because the administration made them hard days. it's like saying one fox guarding the chickens seemed to make things worse so we should get more foxes in the chicken coop(or should i say coup?).

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by kukla
MA�it warms my heart to see you speaking of impeachment�and quoting Buzzflash interviews nonetheless. Cheers!

There�s only one problem with impeachment. The SOTUS Chief Justice chairs all impeachment proceedings. Enter stage left, Justice Rehnquist. Yes the same Rehnquist that appointed our good king. The deck is already stacked and the game hasn�t even been called. I think a racketeering lawsuit under the RICO laws is better way to go.

RICO Laws!!!!

This administration stopped being an active government in any definition a long time ago, if they ever where. Sure, they've followed window dressing parliamentary procedures but it has been more along the lines of corporate political moves, right up to and including organized crime.
Impeachment? With the same cabal controlling all of Congress and the Supreme Court?
It would take the coming together of several occurrences:
- evidence so concrete that any voting not to impeach will politically be exposed - a seat in line to the government teat being in jeopardy will get an Republican or politician interested in 'doing the right thing'
- someone with enough fortitude to make this their own crusade...and enough active rank+notoriety to make it happen
- a further catastrophe on all fronts continuing, with at least one turning into a cluster f*** of inescapable notice, regardless of how the complicit corporate media tries.

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Bout Time
- a further catastrophe on all fronts continuing, with at least one turning into a cluster f*** of inescapable notice, regardless of how the complicit corporate media tries.

Well, there is certainly enough 'impugnity' to get over this useless administration's 'immunity' on all of the 500+ cluster f***s the administration is presiding over.

An uneducated populace doesn't know how to implement 'Enough is enough' measures though. It is a tragicomedy of historic proportions (emphasis on the tragic).

posted on Aug, 25 2003 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
They've been developing forks secretly, don't you watch the news, sheesh! WMD ALERT! They have admitted to wanting to create their own sporks, America protect your KFC side dishes!

Na.Bill Clinton gave them the technology in trade for a donation to the elect Hillary campaign

posted on Sep, 21 2003 @ 12:29 AM
The first are the current collection from the Vote To Impeach website:

The second are from impeachment lawyer Francis A Boyle of Pennsylvania (pre Iraq War, he would add a dozen more Articles now):

Impeachment is just censureship. Removal for office is more important to be rid of the incumbent administration.

posted on Sep, 21 2003 @ 12:31 AM
I seriously doubt that Bush would ever get impeached... the majority party is on his side, and he is still riding the wave of publicity from the 911 attack and our premature victory in Iraq.

Besides, when Klinton was facing impeachment, he found a few things in other countries to blow up... if Bush faces impeachment, we will see things blowing up HERE....

posted on Sep, 21 2003 @ 12:48 AM

I'm with you on this.

Everyone else,

the US doesn't have to care what others think,
what is important is that they do what is right by their own values,
of course many will say that is to do nothing and don't get involved,
which is fine but in that case the interference in US affairs will only help to undermine the country,
better that the US be proactive IMHO.

posted on Sep, 21 2003 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Impeachment is just censureship. Removal for office is more important to be rid of the incumbent administration.

What Bush's Bully Boy Gang needs is to face charges *after* being removed from their Offices...After all, the Constitution *does* mention that Congress can only *impeach*...But trial can be called for after Impeachment.

Even though the Chief Justice's position is interpreted as being for life as long as he wishes, the Constitution says *specifically* that the term is for "good behavior"; It seems to me that the current Chief Justice has not been practicing any "good behavior"...It should be possible to get him ousted for that alone.

posted on Sep, 21 2003 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
I nearly fell out of my chair when I read this, people need to stop thinking in terms of liberal or conservative, how about we need some one who is willing to do the right thing for americans?


Yeah, Bush needs another Term, thats it!
This time he will make everything so wonderful and keep us safe from those pesky terrorist, all while North Korea says it will rape us with a fork!

we need a conservative in office in these hard days

Yes, someone who'll do the right thing for America - a conservative.
Bush is not a conservative. He just made conservative noises to win.

posted on Sep, 21 2003 @ 12:43 PM
Amen to that!

Without QUESTION this country needs a REAL CONSERVATIVE who is NOT "connected" to the "system" as it were... Fill in "NWO, OWO" or whatever your favorite alphabet conspiracy is for "system".

I have done some serious "thinking" on this subject and have come to the conclusion that there is no conclusion I can come to!

One day it appears as though this whole bloody government is nothing but a bunch of jerks that are ALL in the same club and laughing at us morons who aren't while they take away our liberty and our money...

The next day it appears as though it is simply the work of a crook and his cronies and there may still be hope that they ALL aren't in the same club.

This is a damn sorry situation.


posted on Sep, 21 2003 @ 12:48 PM

I thought we decided yesterday that the country needs a brand-spanking new electoral system.

Then someone comes along and shows you a lolly, and you are off with them in joyful oral self-pleasuring!

The topic is about the actual mechanics in the process of impeaching Bush and getting rid of this administration. If you can do that and put one in place that satisfies some of your conservative sentiments, then please do so, at speed! Anything would be superior to the stupidity, corruption and criminal audacity occupying the Whitehouse temporarily at this time.

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 12:02 AM
While I am sure your response made sense to YOU, i am baffled...

I simply pointed out that in my opinion;

1. This country NEEDS Fiscal Conservatism (we can NOT afford to blindly piss our resources away to simply give those who are spending MY MONEY more power)


The balance of my post was realtive to the fact that I am, for the FIRST time in my life, UNSURE of what I have to choose from. Do I even HAVE a choice?

To blindly attach oneself to a party because they espouse what YOU want to hear is as stupid as it gets. IF there REALLY is a power grab being perpetuated by a group of cohorts who are on BOTH teams (thus creating only ONE team... THEIRS!)

As far as GW Bush Jr. goes, I simply AGREED with Thomas Crowne that he is NOT a True Conservative, as a matter of fact I am not sure what he is.

Supposing he is what YOU say he is, you honestly expect me to beleive he has pulled all this off with NO collusion from his collegues across the isle?! That is the HEIGHT of shortsighted thinking...

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 12:09 AM
Whether or not we need a "Brand Spanking New Electoral System" is IRRELAVENT... It will NOT happen in our lifetime.

GET REAL... This country can't even get a voting MACHINE that everyone can agree on! We can't even get a constitutional ammendment STARTED to save ourselves from the Patriot act!

You HONESTLY imagine we can get rid of the electoral college started some 200+ years ago?!?!?!

Thomas Jefferson said he DID NOT want the election of the Chief Executive left in the hands of illiterate farmers and helped to create the Electoral College. It has served for nearly as long as this country has been in existence. The ONLY way that's going to change is with revolution.

What we NEED to do is OUT POWER the special interest lobbyists. Either that or make them ILLEGAL, which again has about as much chance as an iceberg in hell...


posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 12:10 AM

not difficult to disagree with your two points but consider:

1. The US won't be able to pay any bills if it goes down.
2. You have more choice than in recent history. The two major parties have not been this far apart on many policies in many years. If you mean more political parties as choice consider the problems in Europe when you have more than two or three parties.

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 12:13 AM
The best evidence of this collusion was Gore's early withdrawal from the legal process, which would have involved challenging the Supreme Court and calling them what they were, and throwing the country into a level of disrepair and international embarrassment on a level of about 20% of the disaster that currently exists.

That was a shortsighted decision, but probably made without too much foreknowledge of how corrupt this incumbent admin would be. Therefore, the level of total collusion would have been less than what you might consider.

If you need someone fiscally conservative, get rid of the Bush adminsitration.

If you need someone who stands for getting education out of the doldrums, economic development and investment in sectors with long-term contribution to the nation, get rid of the Bush administration.

If you need honesty in government, get rid of the Bush administration.

If you need peace in your children's time, get rid of the Bush administration.

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 12:25 AM
Are you NOT getting my point here?

You keep shouting "Get rid of" but you offer no REPLACEMENT that makes ANY difference (assuming there is COLLUSION)...

If this is as it appearing to me we are SCREWED either way.


My point is that ALL the "differences" appear to be HOLLOW sales pitches. Worse yet, competing pitches from the SAME TEAM... Pure COLLUSION, the Dems are the SAME as the Repubs. I mean THE SAME TEAM with two different "pitches" in order to guarentee the outcome no matter which way the peasent (that's YOU and ME) mind set happens to sway.

Take for an example, we are all sick and tired of hearing about terrible unemployment, the Dems put up a "pro labor" candidate who hails form the halls of the "system".


We are all tired of watching our tax dollars go to worthless programs that do nothing to improve the situation that causes the need for the funding in the first place, the Reps put up a "No New Taxes" candidate who hails form the halls of the "system".

The bottom line is the "system" stays in CONTROL. There is more and more evidence of this every time I look for it. These guys are ALL "Skull and Boners" or any of another few "select" groups that seem to promulgate political heavey weights...

My blatant point here is THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. There is NO CHOICE. There is NO independent candidate who is NOT connected. There WON'T be until we can get somebody from the rank and file who can raise enough MONEY to compete. Even THAT is NO guarentee of success, remember Steve Forbes? He had the dough, he did NOT have the charisma!

Man what a mess!


posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 12:30 AM

I would have agreed with you on this a few years back with no reservations.

but I am not so sure now.

Something has changed,

witness the desparation and the cheap attacks worse than ever.

all I got to say is if you are right than the theatre has never been better.

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 12:38 AM
I understand EXACTLY what you mean... BUT I think that when a "system" (I know it's asking alot to "assume" this but...) such as this COULD be is in jeapordy of being discovered by a more informed population what better device to "muddy the waters" with than the seemingly ruthless attack upon your supposed rival?

I would do the EXACT same thing if it was my "system", think of the "WWF", these guys ALL work for the same company, get paid based on how well they ALL attract (it's a cumulative bonus structure, the stars grab more nielson ratings by SLAMMING eachother and everybody makes more $$) an audience. How do they do it? They do it by talking trash about their coworker!

I think that's a great analogy of what i fear has happened to the American machine politic.


posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 12:41 AM

WWF is a good example and a bad one,
what about the Hart brothers and the WWF?

see there is rivalry in every family and disputes. Sometimes it takes a careful eye to see them.

posted on Sep, 22 2003 @ 01:42 AM
The problem is that the Public didn't really pay attention when Nixon was forced to step down in disgrace to avoid Impeachment...The "powers" weren't backing Nixon well enough due to having less control over the government structure. Also, the paranoid Nixon thought he was untouchable (That's the primary reason why he held onto those "Watergate Tapes" for as long as he did"; He *thought* he was in an untouchable position, but he was mistaken.

Well, *this* time around, with Bush in the Office, the NWO powers behind him & supporting him have control over nearly the *entire government structure* now...You can bet that they're much more capable of protecting their "figurehead" investments now.

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