Wow. I haven't been in there for ages it seems! Yep. I'll have to stop in and drop one in!!
Like Stop, Drop, and Roll. Only Stop, Rock, and Roll!! LMAO!!!
Haven't heard that before Q. Pretty mellow for My taste. But it was good...
Haven't heard that before Hun. You know my musical preferences...
edit on 18-6-2016 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)
well no not really as you have played sh$t that i never heard called that when i have no idea what they are yelling...and yes that
is what it is yelling how can yelling words be music sing it with words we can under stand..i so so hate that kind of music
This song is Syx and my song..what to think how we are the names and we did this to our 2 kids..a little freaky if you ask me...Syx you should have
never told me how to do this one..LOL...
Aww Syx that was so kind you had me in tears together with the other responses.
But I really can't take credit for all those lovely attributes, I could apply the same to those who have touched my life here.
HAIL Dragons and Bears.
I trust you and CC are well and happily looking forward to the wedding.
yes i so cant wait for the wedding..but i will stop it if i cant find a hair color and shoes..i will tell daughter i cant go my hair is not colored
and i have no wait another month so i can get it am hoping soon to get my hair done...but not sure on the color..i just
want my silver shiners gone...and no they are not gray...i call them my wise
i know where we can go to for fathers day and then our anniversry..we could leave here about 1 and head to peoria..then go to the zoo...its a thought
or i can just get the kitchen packed up..
a reply to: ccbears
Oh we crossed posts.
Hay Hon you could just do some "low lights" some darker streaks it would look natural and you wouldn't have to fuss about coloring later.
And for shoes. Some "Red High Heals" like Dorothy, magical shoes.
You must be so excited.
As we walk around Lifes Highway, people all stare into the eyes of the beloved person sitting on the Exit to lov, this exit #96 was the love to all
loves of life. This cute girl looked left and looked right.
Was this her exit? Can she return to the Highway, what if her love does not exist on exit 96.
While no one was looking the cute girl of 96 jumped in. She was breathing words of love all of a sudden. Everything about this exit was filled with
deep love. All her past memories were changed to love. She never wanted to go back to the big bad Highway.
As she entered the restaurant of love there he was sitting, waiting his whole life to finally meet her. As the two met with a glance, time never
changed and they both never went back.
He said "there your are my love, my dream has come true" she replied "my whole life on the Highway was a time I searched for exit 96, here in am now,
it took me 96 years to get here.
Poof! They both went to heaven!
edit on 6 18 2016 by Quantum12 because: (no reason given)
edit on 6 18 2016 by Quantum12
because: (no reason given)