posted on Jun, 8 2016 @ 02:56 PM
Okay, must go offline for the night. It's been great to spend some time here with you. Thank you all for helping to make the day a good one.
Also, I posted a little update in my "Finding the Goddess" book thread
Really, really hoping to get a few more reviews. They
do help! But meanwhile, for those who've read the book (or read it again!) but haven't
commented there yet, please feel free.
Okay, goodnight from us... Catch you tomorrow.
ETA: whoops.... meant to also say that if you have published something, or have your own website that doesn't compete in the same field as ATS, then
you can also ask the owners for permission to promote it via ATS. There are plenty of members here who have sought and been given permission to put
links in their signature and even do threads about their books and so on. The main requirements are usually that a member must have been here at least
6 months, and that whatever they want to promote does not breach T&Cs, or lure ATS members to a competing site.
If you'd like to get permission, just send in a message to "contact us", or PM a staff member.
edit on 8/6/16 by JustMike because: (no reason