posted on Jun, 20 2016 @ 05:04 PM
Hi everyone! Good morning!!
Just a quick hello because after a few days of being sick and not sleeping well, I slept a little TOOOOOO well this morning and I have to get up and
go shortly!
(Creature of habit. I NEED to go to the grocery store first thing in the morning, otherwise I'll be surrounded by people and get overwhelmed and
flustered and irate.... wouldn't be so bad. Except. Bogans.)
I quickly read flipped through the pages! Hope to put another story entry up later
Hooray for Martin the Pixie finding her voice!! Hooray for two
story entries from Sir Dragon!
These stories made my morning catch up far more..... tolerable...
Also Happy Anniversary to you and CC!!!!
Birdie!!! Synchronicity seems to be happening to me more and more lately, almost every day I'm commenting about something happening. It's
Hello to Q, Chooch, Miss Night,.... um... everyone else! LOL. I'm half asleep, and need to be wide awake in 5 minutes. Don't judge me, monkey! (hehe,
I love that quote, good ol' Grandma's Boy
*zooms away leaving a trail of doughnuts behind her*