posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to:
Just because a person isn't situated to take full advantage of the system doesn't mean the system should then be artificially skewed to their favor,
I can readily admit that access to quality education and intellectual individuals is severely limited in urban and rural areas. The internet has
improved this to a degree, certainly. But access and immersion are 2 different worlds. I take advantage of my connection to the outside world
because it something that comes from inside me. Not everyone is this way, and most would likely benefit from immersion in a culture that valued
intellectualism, and not just survival.
Now, the reasons behind the urban dynamic can be argued ad nauseum. But at the end of it, the result is that the playing field is not level, and not
everyone has access to the toolkits that are needed to take advantage of what life in this great country has to offer.
But, like i said....that doesn't mean we should artificially alter that playing field to make it level, either. We'd likely be better served
addressing the illness, not the symptom. And while we are at it, we can maybe improve some of the issues that affect rural people, too.