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Sweden to begin deportations of refugees

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posted on Jun, 8 2016 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Yes I took to calling them Hard Libs awhile back. They are to be feared. Progressives use anything and care not what the original intent was.....just how does it serve "praxis" as a tool. They also hard about nation building being some vestigial of a bygone age..... but dam! they got some plans to build, rebuild, teardown and rebuild like crazy persons. The true cognitive dissonance of our age and currently trying to shove the hooker with a penis into the ladies room while turning their heads toward Iran making A-Zabombs

posted on Jun, 8 2016 @ 04:32 PM
Perhaps people should remember this

posted on Jun, 8 2016 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod

So then you agree we are not seperate races then. Thats what i was driving at. Different ethnicities of the same species. Why does this matter you ask though? It matters because the people need to understand were all the same at our base levels.Until they do we will never be rid of "racism" as a social construct.

posted on Jun, 8 2016 @ 11:23 PM
a reply to: yuppa

It depends on who you're asking. The idea behind the concept we mean when we refer to race is valid, whether it classifies as a race I'll leave up to geneticists. The everyday meaning and the concept it represents is still as valid as it has ever been.

Do you agree that this point of yours is just an appeal to semantics?

Don't be ridiculous, we're not all the same and we don't need to be the same either. Ignoring evidence just to avoid facing reality because one has some kind of obsessive fixation with equality is not a recipe for finding truth. Acting as if it is a problem that we're different. Turtles and hares are different too, no problem there.

That's a faulty view if I ever heard one. You're meaning we all have to be the same to get along? Sorry mate, I don't buy that at all. I'm not actively mad at people that are better at math than me, I can still get along with such a person as if it weren't an issue at all. Like we couldn't find a thousand other reasons to divide ourselves up without resorting to race.

If you really believe in this then you should have no problem with the idea that you couldn't ever really get along with people that were worse or better than you in any number of categories. This is the logic you're going by and it's pretty irrational as far as I'm concerned. If this isn't the case I don't see why we can't acknowledge differences, they are there and they are as clear as day and have been verified by science for a long, long time. By ignoring them you are being willfully ignorant.

posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: yuppa

It depends on who you're asking. The idea behind the concept we mean when we refer to race is valid, whether it classifies as a race I'll leave up to geneticists. The everyday meaning and the concept it represents is still as valid as it has ever been.

Do you agree that this point of yours is just an appeal to semantics?

Don't be ridiculous, we're not all the same and we don't need to be the same either. Ignoring evidence just to avoid facing reality because one has some kind of obsessive fixation with equality is not a recipe for finding truth. Acting as if it is a problem that we're different. Turtles and hares are different too, no problem there.

That's a faulty view if I ever heard one. You're meaning we all have to be the same to get along? Sorry mate, I don't buy that at all. I'm not actively mad at people that are better at math than me, I can still get along with such a person as if it weren't an issue at all. Like we couldn't find a thousand other reasons to divide ourselves up without resorting to race.

If you really believe in this then you should have no problem with the idea that you couldn't ever really get along with people that were worse or better than you in any number of categories. This is the logic you're going by and it's pretty irrational as far as I'm concerned. If this isn't the case I don't see why we can't acknowledge differences, they are there and they are as clear as day and have been verified by science for a long, long time. By ignoring them you are being willfully ignorant.

Um yes we are all the same. we are all HUMANS arent we? We are all Homo sapiens correct? THAT is what we have in common. THAT is what is the same. Im not saying we cannot get along with another person just because of a different ethnic backround. Thats you inferring that not me.

You just dont understand that the differences do not outnumber the similarities we all share. Science says that BIOLOGICALLY SPEAKING RACE DOES NOT EXIST. EThnicties do though. You keep missing this point. Also Stop trying to psycho analyze my words and impart meaning where none is implied.

how is it not logical to explain to the world that "race" as it is currently used is wrong? Oh because its a sacred cow right? its not SEMANTICS when SCIENCE BACKS IT UP btw.

The articles and other links i had posted do acknowledge that "race" is a MAN MADE CONCEPT with no real biological backing. Since there is just the human race on this planet we dont even really need to use it to be honest.

You accuse me of ignoring evidence when You claim the high ground is laughable. Do as we say not as We do right?
Im not the one who is denying reality here as you claim i am. I know we are not all the same in body,skin color and those tiny things,but we are all part of one "race" with differing ethnic backrounds. Just because you want to feel superior does not mean you are.

In the end the reality that humans are all related scares some people and they cannot accept the truth even when given direct evidence. (and yes in other threads i have posted evidence and studies but im not gonna do it again for your sake) Im right your wrong if you dont like it you know where you can go.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 02:42 AM
Lets watch Sweden etc get trapped in the mire called The European Court of Human Rights aka The Immigrants charter.

Its amazing how so many of these poor non country speaking people get to know about all the loop holes to try and exploit, if I didn't know better I'd say they were schooled..

Yes I'm taking the mickey, these people are indeed schooled before they get here as to what to ask for and where to head for the more accommodating governments, and lets remember this is all before the Left stick their unwanted and expensive nose in, bear in mind, its expensive to the tax payer and not directly to those lefties in full as it should be.

Yet again we must ask why we are told we need uneducated, often unemployable and more worrying is most DON'T want to work as part of some Islamist cultural attack (and for those who doubt it then READ AND RESEARCH LIKE I DO). We also get pre-made 'super families 'of 5+ kids that the result is neither parent will work but yet reserve the right to add to that family at tax payer expense.

Are these small numbers, NO....Lets also add the NUMEROUS young males who carry little or no documentation yet EXPECT / DEMAND the right of entry......And get it!

Do we need all these people I mentioned, no, not in a million years yet our governments still continue to lie about the number of skilled immigrants vs the landslide of totally undesirables for reasons simply too numerous to mention.

Immigration MUST be a business model, pick and choose and if you must offer aid to those you reject but don't just open doors to be stampeded, that simply is STUPID.

And could some leftie tell me where the housing is for all these people because my wife, myself and my daughter have been on the UK housing list for 17yrs solidly and we get told there's no stock for us yet newly constructed properties go in vast numbers to families of numerous children who will offer nothing to here and in many cases never integrate or pay in to our tax system..

Don't you just love the Lefty magic NHS and benefits system, fill the country with more people wanting these than those who pay towards keeping it afloat and tell everyone its ok, we will manage!

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: yuppa

No no no no no... you said:

Why does this matter you ask though? It matters because the people need to understand were all the same at our base levels.Until they do we will never be rid of "racism" as a social construct.

This is what I was replying to. This idea that we can't get along until we realize we're all the same, it's not true first of all. We're not all the same. And we don't need to be the same to get along either, that is the second fallacy.

You know what is a social construct? Your fantasy that races don't share characteristics.

Why would the differences need to outnumber the similarities? Another fallacy.

Please stop using ethnicities as a replacement for the word race. It's not a viable synonym or replacement, ethnicity includes language, religion, culture and other factors. You can use the word subspecies if you refuse to use the word race.

No, it certainly isn't just a social construct. Evolution itself tells us that much, as do our plain to see differences. Not only do our skin colours differ, our skeletons and bodily proportions do too, our testosterone levels, our muscles, our predispositions to certain diseases. There are a variety of differences between races that are readily apparent, just because we're not different species does not mean we're not different at all. Ignoring this because of some fantasy that we can't get along if we acknowledge differences is ignorant of truth.

It is semantics.. because people aren't talking about taxonomical categories in a scientific sense when they use the word race. Fine, if you want to be a stickler use the word subspecies but I'm gonna keep using the word race because it is already established and everybody knows what it means.

I'm not ignoring evidence here, the guy in that article of yours used the term subspecies. You know why? Because there are enough differences to justify it. You know there are differences between subspecies don't you? You know there are differences between different dog breeds even if they're able to mate with each other? This is a biological reality, not a social construct. The only social construct here is the Marxism agenda that wants to brainwash people into believing race doesn't exist.

Feel superior? Yeah, I don't know where you got that from but it's nothing but conjecture.

Really, us being one species scares some people? What a laughable assertion. There's nothing frightening at all about it. I know we're one species, this does not exclude differences in different subspecies.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: TheLaughingGod
Obviously you Dint READ my previous post. I DID state That Everyone DID share some characteristics. Go back and re read it again. Otherwise stop talking because youre not debating honestly.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: yuppa

I did read it and I wrote about everything I found a problem with.

Then we are in agreement. This unique nature should be preserved for posterity and the idea that race is just a social construct should be thrown to the garbage heap of history.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: yuppa

I did read it and I wrote about everything I found a problem with.

Then we are in agreement. This unique nature should be preserved for posterity and the idea that race is just a social construct should be thrown to the garbage heap of history.

BIOLOGICAL RACE dont exist. The "race" you refeer to IS a CONSTRUCT. No the thing that needs to go in the garbage is the notion we are all seperate races.

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: yuppa

I've already gone over this a number of times. First off, most people use the word race in a colloquial sense, this is how most people understand the word. They don't use it as a taxonomic classification, but as a word to refer to different races.

Secondly, in reality this is a matter of semantics. What you don't mention when you say this is that there are still general differences and characteristics in different races even if we are not different species. Saying there is only one human race is completely sidestepping the actual discussion. Most people already know we are only one species so I don't get why you are saying this as if it was some big revelation.

The taxonomic classification of race may not apply to different races but it is not a social construct in the least. It is a genetic construct and it manifests in ways that makes Asians different from white people and white people different from black people. Do you have trouble accepting this reality?

Why do you keep stubbornly ignoring this?

posted on Jun, 10 2016 @ 03:01 PM
I guess people of Sweden have finally had enough of 'This'.

posted on Jun, 11 2016 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: TheLaughingGod
a reply to: yuppa

I've already gone over this a number of times. First off, most people use the word race in a colloquial sense, this is how most people understand the word. They don't use it as a taxonomic classification, but as a word to refer to different races.

Secondly, in reality this is a matter of semantics. What you don't mention when you say this is that there are still general differences and characteristics in different races even if we are not different species. Saying there is only one human race is completely sidestepping the actual discussion. Most people already know we are only one species so I don't get why you are saying this as if it was some big revelation.

The taxonomic classification of race may not apply to different races but it is not a social construct in the least. It is a genetic construct and it manifests in ways that makes Asians different from white people and white people different from black people. Do you have trouble accepting this reality?

Why do you keep stubbornly ignoring this?

Your scientist and mine differ on this . Ill NEVER admit you are right ever. Because I know I am right. the studies DID take into account genetic variation ON OUTWARD APPEREANCE. thats called ETHNICITY. Im not going to keep arguing this because you are just flat wrong. Point is we are all HUMANS and related by DNA at the basic level that make a human a human.

posted on Jun, 12 2016 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Now you're just being recalcitrant.

You might want to touch on any of the issues I've been talking about.

What do you have to say about the writer of that article of yours calling races subspecies for example? Are you going to address that or are you just going to ignore it?

And what about the semantics issue? You act as if races and the differences between races doesn't exist just because they don't fit the taxonomic classification of different species. It's as if people don't actually know the ramifications of saying "we're all one race". They just regurgitate it because it sounds nice and because they've been told it so many times they've latched on to the idea. They don't seem to realize that this in no way means we aren't different, only that we aren't different species.

I used to believe in this too, when I was ten.. then I grew up.

It's funny though, because most people still believe in racial differences albeit somewhat unconsciously. It's quite ironic that most people still view Asians as brainiac nerds that are good at math, and black people as athletic. I guess this cognitive dissonance doesn't register to most people. Most recently liberals latched onto the finding that black people have actually inherited traits of PTSD. I guess they didn't realize that acknowledging this is in fact the same as acknowledging racial differences. But I guess reality is only interesting when it supports their narrative of victimhood.

Be done then.. but you've done nothing to discredit what I'm saying. And you still seem to be confused about the meaning of ethnicity.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 01:48 AM

originally posted by: Skywatcher2011

originally posted by: imod02
Has anyone else been thinking that President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker is more than a little mad.

No, he is not mad...he is just a puppet for the Elite to conspire in creating chaos around the world so that the NWO can be gin...other than that...the people in those affected countries are MAD AS HELL

Finally, someone (Skywatcher2011) who gets it. Of course, all of this chaos has been orchestrated by the NWO Cabal.

None of this is accidental. The EU was created as a NWO experiment in a "borderless world" under ONE BANK controlling their currency. If a country does NOT control their own currency, they control nothing.

Believe me, in time the Cabal is taking this to the rest of the world.

The US has been under attack for decades -- it's getting so bad now that some of the American sheep are beginning to wake up to the fact that something is rotten in the heart of the US government.

So things are progressing in Europe according to plan: chaos, terrorized populace, patriots are defamed as "racist bigots" for trying to protect their people, race, culture from annihilation. Next is civil war.

What people need to understand is that the NWO Cabal that runs the First World nations CARE NOTHING about people. We are roaches to be stepped on, to be exterminated. The Depopulation Agenda is real.

The First World nations are being turned into Third World nations -- where the populace is powerless.

The NWO Cabal is using the Far Left and the Radical Islamists to do their dirty work.

posted on Jun, 13 2016 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: tommo39

1,500 asylum seekers is nothing.

So is it true that in 15 years, the Swedes will be a minority in their own country?

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