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Maybe we are already "chipped"?

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posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: intrptr

I do not think it has anything to do with the mark of any beast 666 nonsense. That is just as mythological as any other story told. Religion is just another form of mind control, no matter where it comes from. Maybe the technology for mind control has been around as long as civilization? Maybe who ever began this experiment in HUMAN genetic dna sequencing has already implanted the ability to control us and the only requirement is a host body to activate the current and we simply live what ever lives they wanted us to live in order to observe and make adjustments?

What we think is random may in fact be pre-planned and the only differential are the outcomes from a culmination of many different outcomes combined to create other outcomes. Maybe the reason history seems to repeat itself is because they want to see if there are other ways for the outcome to manifest?

I like your explanation about antennas and how they might be actuated within our system, but maybe the antennas have always been there in our dna and they just introduce different versions of nano viruses or other biological entities in order to see how they interact with the dna.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: intrptr

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
a reply to: INEVERQUIT

Well, it's a given that the technology is far more advanced than what is admitted. Think about all those forced vaccinations for smallpox, that they did years ago.

I got one of those, it was mandatory. Different era back then. People understood the disease and their individual part to play in 'for the good of all'. If they required people to get vaccinated today there'd be rioting in the streets.

I got one as well, and no one asked us kids what we thought. No one knew of any outbreaks of the disease, either. But, hey, get a nasty little bubble on your arm, and a lifetime scar! There has been speculation about those mandatory vaccines.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: INEVERQUIT
a reply to: Bedlam

Bedlam, I appreciate your enthusiasm and you and intrptr have been having a spirited debate about tefillim and antennas, but here is the simply do not know for sure what they can and can not do with this technology, unless, you are part of the conspiracy and you are here to inflict us with your own version of mind control and disinformation on the subject.

So, you're actually going to do a logical fallacy and a shill shout in one sentence? I guess it would be too much to get a Gish gallop too.

There's this pesky thing. It's called physics. And electromagnetic field theory. And if you're going to have something that involves radio, then it will have to have the behavior dictated by that. The same for nanobots.

A sad sad truth is that you can't have nanobots that transmit by radio. At the moment, you're going to be hard pressed to find a nanobot at all. There's plenty of nanotechnology, and by that they mean engineered materials. But of something with a computer in it, sensors, means of propulsion et al that are the size of a large molecule, there are none. There are a lot of issues with it. Not least, power. And keeping those atoms in a structure you'd like, and not having them diffuse into each other and that being the end of your nanobot.

It's not possible to prove a negative, in general, so when someone says 'you can't prove it isn't', they're generally a child, or being disingenuous. Generally, one tries to structure arguments as positive proofs, such as 'prove that there is a way to transmit radio from a molecular sized object', or 'show me someone who has a self-contained molecular sized machine. Or any biggish chunk of one that actually works'. Preferably not something sugar cube sized with the comment 'who knows what they really have' which is an appeal to a negative proof.

This being general conspiracy, I won't ask you for a proof - however, I will offer evidence that it is not so -

The title of my OP was clear, I said maybe, maybe we are chipped, maybe they have figured out a way to do this.

The nature of my counterproof is clear. The physics of fields does not permit efficient transmission or reception of radio waves with gross dissimilarity between the wavelength and the antenna length. There's also an issue, again at a basic physics level, with dissipation of EM waves in conductive solutions. It's one of those things you can't avoid.

In addition, the "chip" part of an RFID isn't the entire system. I pointed out that many of the people that believe that they have been injected with some 'chip' ignore that there is more to an electronic system than a single component, and that they had overlooked the need for an antenna, power source etc in their fear of the logic section. You can't, for example, swallow the die from an Intel processor and claim you're a desktop gaming machine - there's a lot more to a computer than that and the processor die, complex and marvelous as it is, won't run the new Doom floating around in your tummy connected to nothing at all.

Since I do not believe they have ever told the truth about anything throughout history and our government has lied repeatedly about so many things, maybe they have so many different agendas all tied into one that it would not be possible to ever know any of it for sure.

A good place to start is - does my supposition grossly violate several laws of physics? How does what I KNOW exists, work?

If your first start is "we may have been implanted with GPS chips", then you've got a lot of issues.

1) GPS satellites do not "locate things". From your OP, I gather you might think that. It isn't true. GPS satellites send out very accurate clocks. And that's it. The GPS receiver figures out where it must be by measuring the time differences between the clock times of multiple satellites, knowing where the satellites must be with relation to Earth by an ephemeris. You can't have some magical thing called a 'GPS chip' that is tracked by satellite, it works the other direction. The receiver knows where IT is using the satellite, not the other way around.

2) GPS signals are very weak. And the frequency's high. So the antennas are small, but not THAT small. If they get much below the size of a postage stamp, they become crappier and crappier antennas trying to receive an already weak signal. Worse, Maxwell's equations tell you that the higher the frequency of a signal, the more the signal tends to be absorbed by a conductive medium. Like the salt water you are full of. There's no cool magic way to get by either issue. So receiving a GPS satellite with a very very small part immersed in saline is not going to happen. I'll leave for another post the OTHER problems with this, like losing the biggest part to impedance transitions from free space to your bloodstream.

3) Calculating a location from GPS satellite data requires a non-trivial amount of power. I know from the layman's POV, you push a button and the map moves so that you're centered at some location. Magic! But behind the scenes, there's a lot going on. A molecular sized machine is not easily going to be able to do the thousands of floating point calculations to do this, with diddly for power.

4) If you got past THAT, now you have to do something with the information. Your putative nanobot knows where it is. That's not too useful. It has to communicate that information outside. However, now it's got to transmit the data, over radio, with diddley for power, with a horrifically inefficient antenna system, through several huge impedance step changes, through a conductive solution and out of your body with enough signal left to be received somewhere. And given that you'd expect everyone to be infected by many multiple nanobots, they have to do this in some way that they can be heard and not just drowned out in a cacophony of millions of similar units.

There's too many suppositions and magic hand waves to make this go. And what you get for an end result is - you know where someone is. There are easier and far more reliable ways to do that.

That's without taking it the next awful and unlikely steps like "mind reading" or "mind control" which is a bigger bag of snakes.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: INEVERQUIT

If they are going to chip us, they would have to do it secretly. Otherwise, there would be no excuse to not ID people when they vote.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: Bedlam

originally posted by: intrptr
Imo, the system of the beast, the current bar code paradigm, right? Its already in place, not some future implant 'chipping' of everyone. We already carry the mark around with us, we buy and sell with credit cards and currency we earned by working in the system, being a part of that system.


I see it as being more of a fervent embrace of evil. It's more philosophical. You will have to reject God and embrace the avatar of Satan in the way a person accepts military service.

It's not a literal 'mark'. It's a binding contract. In the way a tefillin is.

A teffilin is just a religious icon. The boxes of parchment and the leather strap connecting them aren't magic talismans, they are representative of something spiritual, nothing more. Like other religious icons they mean less as time has progressed. Whatever idea originally begat them is long gone forgotten. Thats why I asked you about what the boxes and strap connecting them literally meant.

Like holy grails, crosses, prayer wheels, ad infinitum. Meaningless droll, replacing the original spiritual intent, meaning or lesson. Now if you want to talk about the devil taking us up the hill and promising us the world if we just bow down to it, thats a different thing. Again symbolic, but has lost meaning.

I don't think we can embrace evil per se, what we do is embrace money, self and things. Materialism and the struggle for wealth and possessions, our vanity and pride about our accomplishments, status, ambition, that kind of thing.

The 'binding contract' is to our job, house payments, loan interest, a new car, a big screen TV, a fat bank account.

Whatever we call contracting with the devil or Jesus is immaterial to all the effort we put into this daily life. We've supplanted the spiritual quest with a quest for stuff.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

Yah, after thinking about it, nano molecule sized antennas probably couldn't carry the signal. I was proposing a bunch of them spread out (but close enough to each other), all activating and combining to make a larger antenna in the veins and arteries. Then using their combined signal strength to activate the internal transceiver. Good for location only of course.

Good sci fi anyway, like i first said,

"My sic fi approach…"

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: INEVERQUIT

Religion is just another form of mind control, no matter where it comes from.

I agree, Organized religion has become totally corrupted.

Spiritual meaning has been lost. I hold a different opinion about certain teachings about how to behave towards each other and stuff foretold, though.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: intrptr

I don't disagree with any point there. I suppose my argument, if argument it is, is that if someone's going to invoke TROSJ as proof that RFID is the Mark of the Beast, then it behooves them to actually understand what John is talking about.

Personally, I'm not sure John wasn't on something. If we're going for apocalypses, I much prefer the Apocalypse of St Peter, in which you discover there is no hell. Just a sort of spiritual reform school.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: INEVERQUIT

Maybe who ever began this experiment in HUMAN genetic dan sequencing has already implanted the ability to control us and the only requirement is a host body to activate the current and we simply live what ever lives they wanted us to live in order to observe and make adjustments?

DNA forms your body and mind, but you still have choices. You still control you, or give over that control to the strongest worldly authority, whichever.

Have to get up in the morning and go to work to afford all that stuff, right?

Thats what I mean by out of control.

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

And my attention was perked by your suggestion the mark in the wrist and forehead had to do with the Teffilin, never thought or heard that before. So thanks for that bit of information.

Maybe after all the Beast as foretold is the current order, top down control of the world by the (ahem) Jews, in that regard? The impostors, the ones sitting on the seat of world power… hmmm

(waiting for the lightning strike)

posted on Jun, 5 2016 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

It was for small pox, subcutaneous, stippling mark and immunity from small pox. Must have worked, I never got it.
They wiped it out finally. But now we're ripe and there are weaponized strains out there. Our immune systems are unprepared.


posted on Jun, 6 2016 @ 07:14 AM
Thoughts often just jump into my head like they already formed somehow, one that just popped into it is along the lines of this....The Matrix or Holographic Universe we live in is run on a server that is running an infinite amount of simulations and always the end result is the bipedal intelligence subjugating itself into some kind of control grid that invariably results its its own self destruction.

The only way we can avoid self destruction of the Sphere we live on is to beat inevitability, everyone should be made aware of what awaits us this year and do our best to try and avoid it.

Become the only simulation on the server ( Hologram ) to never again to war, hate, commit violence and destroy that which is beautiful.

If we could do this then we would gain the attention of the game maker....gate keeper.

posted on Jun, 6 2016 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

It was for small pox, subcutaneous, stippling mark and immunity from small pox. Must have worked, I never got it.
They wiped it out finally. But now we're ripe and there are weaponized strains out there. Our immune systems are unprepared.


Where are the cases of anyone using that?

I won't live in fear of this or that "threat", because that's no way to live. That is a great means of controlling a populace, though. Think about it. Immunity from disease is great, but can we trust that's all that happens? From a system that has experimented illegally on prisoners, military, and even free citizens?

posted on Jun, 7 2016 @ 05:16 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Where are the cases of anyone using that?

Well I won't say thy use whatever they can get their hands on in Syria, or that the US and other nations use other hideous weapons like depleted Uranium munitions.

Just a matter of time b4 someone gets it right.

posted on Jun, 7 2016 @ 05:35 AM

Become the only simulation on the server ( Hologram ) to never again to war, hate, commit violence and destroy that which is beautiful.

....if only

posted on Jun, 7 2016 @ 05:37 AM
The chip will come to replace money and to identify and control people. The chip is the mark of the beast in its final state. Once the chipping is done on humans, earth will be destroyed once again (by god). It will be destroyed as it has been done before multiple times. You could also say the "earth game" has been lost by then.

We are currently living in the endtimes because we can't stop this development anymore. It's too late. We are enslaved by money so much, that we'll accept anything destructive coming with it. There is no unity in this world anymore and it can't be established anymore (because of how money divides people) to stand against the decline.

posted on Jun, 7 2016 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Perhaps, but I see no reason for the average person to worry about it. Might as well worry about being bitten by a rabid dog, or struck by lightning, or whatever.

Any time the government, or anyone else, pushes fear as a reason to do something, we should ask what it is they really intend.

posted on Jun, 8 2016 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Our gubment is so far off the rails, they're going to get us all killed…

what, me worry?

posted on Jun, 9 2016 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

Our gubment is so far off the rails, they're going to get us all killed…

what, me worry?

Some days, I think that's their goal!

Worried, though? Nah; they don't get to play that game forever.

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