a reply to:
Whatever you choose is right for you.
Paganism (including Wicca) is polytheistic and a whole pantheon of male and female deities may be explored, ranging from the Western to the Eastern
traditions, although they are all different archetypes or faces of male and female energy, depending on what quality you want to invoke in yourself.
You'll see if you choose to research.
But you won't be bound to a singular "God" or "Goddess".
In fact there's pagans who also consider themselves Christians and go to church, although especially in the West strict monotheistic Christians would
have a problem with that (although there are liberal denominations).
In Africa it's not unusual though to have people who go to church and follow their traditional rituals, and even mixed beliefs.
Whatever your path, I'm just saying in paganism you're not bound to a singular god or goddess.
In Wicca ritual there's a main "Goddess" (traditionally represented by the moon goddess Diana, but the invocations have several names depending on the
ritual), and a horned nature "God" (Faunus, Pan, or even one of the Greek or Nordic deities). Ultimately it's very nature based, and celebrates the
changing seasons, which makes the male energy equally important, but ultimately female energy is more representative as a metaphor for the changing
seasons and the earth, although both qualities are necessary in nature and can occur in one person. Traditionally these deities are represented by the
high priest and priestess of the coven, but nowadays it's not even necessary to be in a coven. There are many guide-books and clips for single
practitioners, and a bit of overlap between various pagan paths. Although many people do, not everyone joins an organized group or goes through
formalized training and initiation.
The fact that you say you were raised Christian (monotheistic), but don't want to be confined to a singular God (or Goddess) suggests you're answering
your own question in that you'd like to explore wider.
You seem to be on the cusp of wider experience, learning and exploration, but also find it unsettling.
You are drawn to exploding some confines, that's for sure, even if it eventually brings you back to monotheism.
It will become a drive you cannot deny.
But beware, if you go ahead.
Don't just follow any guru or group without doing research.
We have Google these days.
But I feel something will happen or has happened to augment your dream.
Seize the day for human life is short.
edit on 4-6-2016 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)