posted on Aug, 1 2016 @ 11:43 AM
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change is generated from the deepest levels and translated upward, given that people have a disconnect with the traditions of those nether regions and
would rather look to the skies that's created something of a problem,
Back when I had the simplest cosmology of Mother Earth / Father Sky, gender did seem to be an issue. But add in concepts of Chthonic/Olympian with
both genders in each domain it's not such an issue. Then add the Tree of Life.
Some people are able to see it cosmically as the grand union of the whole universe, others, such as myself, are limited to actual biological
understanding, with a mere hint of cosmic, ie. Ishara that binds in her role of going up and down.
The tree has a circulatory system analogous to animal life circulation. The roots take in the water and elements and compounds of the Earth. Those go
up to the Sun during the day. The Sun and elements produce usable food for the whole tree, from tip of leaf to bottommost root. The food goes down.
In the night, growth occurs, oxygen produced during the day is consumed in growth process. In the day, the carbon dioxide is broken to produce more
oxygen and food. The circulation is constant, up and down. Ishara.
Gender isn't an issue.
I am suspecting that the structural forms that religions take have little impact on the internal religion of the individual person. Little, but not
none. Theoretically and anecdotally, better or worser religious structures exist. I'm sort of fond of my Tree religion structure, it seems to work for