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Does anyone really believe...

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posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 04:25 PM
In Mysterious things and beasts????I not seen in reallife only on telly, unless i actually do see something then i'll freak out big

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 08:43 PM
Good question, one the really fascinates me. What is it, that specific "element" in a persons mind that makes them beleive in something of that nature? Especially those who beleive without ever having seen such a thing, but just beleive in the varacity of someone elses story/s because theres so many of them.
Is it real beleif the same as you beleive your mother has brown hair, is 5ft 3" and likes pizza, Such beleif is based on real fact, ingrained knowledge from daily experience, but what of say, a reptoid alien? Can beleif in such a thing be just as real? or is it self imposed, forced beleif, based on some phsycological need? Can our minds fool us so completely? some would say yes, hypnotism for example, post traumatic stress, hallucinations by various causes, these things can seen quite real, why can our mind not sort fact from fiction sometimes? brainwashing by cults, how is this possible if the mind does not self delude?
Any honest theorys about this?

[edit on 083131p://48018 by instar]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 09:37 PM
I believe there are things in this world that are yet to be discovered. For instence the world has been around for millions of years yet good devices to capture images for proof have only really been around for a hundred years. I'm sure people have cought something on tape, but choose not to release to the public. Yet I'm also sure there are images out there but people quickly dismiss as fake. So I guess it is up to the person to witness it first hand to believe or hear a story from a person they trust to realise there are things out there that have no explaination. Me I BELIEVE!

BTW can I have permission to draw your avatar, its awesome!

[edit on 15-1-2005 by Die Trying]


posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 03:10 PM
What you believe in really has to do primarily with two things, how confident you are in the supreme knowledge of humanity, and how secure you are with the unknown. Many people reject ideas of new species because they simply cannot comprehend how evolution could create something that mankind was unaware of. These are the people who say things like “wouldn’t someone have taken a picture of one?” or “ why is there no evidence of them?” some people believe that if they cannot reach out and touch it in a zoo or watch it jump though hoops at the circus then it must be made up.

Others reject the idea of new creatures simply for fear or what it might mean if they did exist. I personally do not like the idea of giant squids and other titanic ocean dwelling creatures, I find the thought of them to be very unsettling. These people must realize that at one point people had no idea what a Tasmanian devil or a Man-O-War jellyfish was but they educated themselves on these creatures. The bottom line of it is that this planet has been turning and growing long before mankind and as hard as we have worked to gain knowledge there are still things out there to be discovered.

I want to believe.

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:02 PM
For me I think it's not so much believing in them as much as not denying the posibility that they COULD exist. In my mind, unless something is DISPROVEN, then it is still possible that that thing is true (or exists). Disproving one or two, or all, sighting or encounters with a phenomenon or creature does not prove it does not exist, only that no one has actually seen one (or that that specific person didn't actually see one). It's a matter of being open minded to things and not just shutting your mind because it seems too far fetched, or just because you haven't seen one (of whatever is being discussed). There are many things in this world that are discovered every day, hundreds of new species of animals and plants are found every year and until we have explored every inch of this planet (land, sea, and air (and every cave, nook and chasm)) and have it all under constant surveylence there are still going to be things out there that we've never seen... that no one's ever seen... and who's to say that one of them isn't bigfoot, or a chupacabra.

Paranormal phenomenon like ghosts are along the same lines... and may forever remain a mystery. Since current technology can not discredit every account, there is still doubt.

Aliens and creatures from other worlds are a phenomenon that will not be discredited completely for many millenia to come, since it would require the searching of the entire universe to do so (every planet, every star, every asteroid, every comet, every nebula, every inch of space.)

But in the meantime, while we wait, we'll continue searching for the truth. It's much easier to prove something IS, than to prove that it ISN'T. One shred of indesputable evidence is all it takes to remove doubt, but you must discount every possible way that something could exist to prove it isn't so.

(case in point, Carl Sagan's dragon that he keeps in his garage. ) He's basically saying to scientists not to make claims that can't be tested (or make claims before testing), but rather to work the other way around... look for evidence, and then make educated assumptions about their cause.

[edit on 16-1-2005 by Greyhaven7]

posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:30 PM
There was a time when I would have been asking this exact same question, "How could people believe such stuff?"

Then one night I saw a bigfoot with my own eyes. I even made a report to BFRO and they called and talked to me about it.

Having seen this I can never, ever say that someone else hasn't seen something equally strange.

Someone tells me they were abducted by a UFO I just look at them and ask, "Did they shove a probe up your butt?"

Someone says they saw a ghost, Not a problem. Was it my ex wife? No. Damn.

Someone tells me they see the wee little leprachauns that dance across their lawn and i'm ready to do a little dancing myself.

Someone should start a string on how anyone can question ANY paranormal event if something paranormal has occurred in their own life. If you believe something odd has occurred to you than you have no claim to say something equally odd didn't happen to someone else.

I saw a bigfoot. If you saw an alien or ghost or Loch Ness monster, come on over here brother/sister, give me a hug and let us share together.

Love and light to each of you,


posted on Jan, 16 2005 @ 08:38 PM

"Todays mighty oak is yesterdays nut that held its ground."

No, todays mighty oak is yesterdays nut that grew up!

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 07:10 PM
Of course I believe. You honestly think that no cryptids exist? Apes were merely discovered around 70 years ago, and we completely take them for granted. 90% of the oceans haven't even been explored yet, and I'm sure there is some kind of mammoth creature lurking in those depths.

posted on Jan, 17 2005 @ 07:17 PM
i thinks its what you see. like i believe in big foot but not totally. because i have never seen one with my own eyes.but like ghosts. i have see s*** in my house, like screwdrivers flying, and books falling from shelves that fuel my belief for them.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 02:46 PM

Does anyone really believe...

In Mysterious things and beasts????I not seen in reallife only on telly, unless i actually do see something then i'll freak out big

Absolutely, because it's often proven true.

Take the ceolocanth for example, a huge lungfish, thought to be extinct for over 50 million years....they found a live one back in the 70s.

They've found non-fossilized megaladon (giant shark putting Jaws to shame) teeth.

There's the slit-nosed deer recently discovered in Vietnam, or the Collossal Squid as echoed in sailor horror stories of old.

We believe in monsters, mostly because occassionally we FIND them...

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 08:07 AM
Yeah.I believe in such freaky creatures.

I watched a program on Discovery Channel a few days ago and there was this show about different type of animals in the world and how they adapt.The scientist on that show claimed that out of the million types of animals,insects and mammals etc that we had discovered,there is about 9 000 to 11 000 more yet to be identified.Cool eh?So I won't start dismissing creatures such as the Big Foot,Yeti,Lochness Monster and Giant Evil Bunnies with really big teeth as nonsense just yet.

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 08:13 AM

I watched a program on Discovery Channel a few days ago and there was this show about different type of animals in the world and how they adapt.The scientist on that show claimed that out of the million types of animals,insects and mammals etc that we had discovered,there is about 9 000 to 11 000 more yet to be identified.Cool eh?So I won't start dismissing creatures such as the Big Foot,Yeti,Lochness Monster and Giant Evil Bunnies with really big teeth as nonsense just yet.

i have noticed latley the discovery channel that most of there programs are of date so don't put your hopes up about that number

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 11:26 AM

They've found non-fossilized megaladon (giant shark putting Jaws to shame) teeth.

Wow. I wasn't aware of this, do you have a link? I definetly believe that the oceans have many many organisms that have yet to be discovered.


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