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Our Water Makes Us Passive!!

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posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by MemoryShock

The above link states what can/can't filter fluoride from water. From the info I encountered, fluoride exists as a negative ion in water. Water has a slightly negative charge itself to begin with. Two negative charges are not conducive to the making of a chemical/covalent bond. Thus, fluoride can be filtered out of water.

A simple truth, but what fun(read: headache) I had getting to the point of stating it

[edit on 18-1-2005 by MemoryShock]

Well, your headache may one day free me from the flouride chains of government servitude. Only alcohol will remain to keep me enslaved.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by The Vagabond

Well, your headache may one day free me from the flouride chains of government servitude. Only alcohol will remain to keep me enslaved.

Glad to be of service

I'll of course post anything else I find.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 09:16 PM

The above link states what can/can't filter fluoride from water. From the info I encountered, fluoride exists as a negative ion in water. Water has a slightly negative charge itself to begin with. Two negative charges are not conducive to the making of a chemical/covalent bond. Thus, fluoride can be filtered out of water.

I didn't check out the link, but this statement is only partially true. Water is polar, possessing regions of both slightly negative and slightly positive charge. This is what gives water its many unique properties ie: cohesion, surface tension, etc. The issue here isn't covalent bonding, rather it's an issue of similar chemical properties: things that are highly similar are difficult to separate. Fully charged ions (like F, but not necessarily F) are often able to separated because of their fully charged status. This is why your Brita or other water filter will often contain metal ions (usually positive) in addition to the charcoal.

posted on Jan, 18 2005 @ 09:32 PM
distilled water is the way to go. it tastes better too
the thing that i would like to be able to filter is my shower water.
the heat of the water opens your pores allowing the fluoride and
whatever other chemicals that are in the water to be absorbed transdermally very easily. this poses more of a risk than drinking
water, i think.

The widespread and uncontrolled use of fluoride in our water, food, juices, beverages, and dental products is causing widespread overexposure to fluoride in the U.S.

this site sells filters, i think i might have to order one for the shower

posted on Jan, 19 2005 @ 12:07 AM
Thanks mattison, appreciate the info

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by mattison0922
Not a big fan of flouridated water myself. I've read most of the stuff about it already posted on this thread. One thing I've not seen anyone post about it the source of said flouride. As I understand it, the flouride used in drinking water is not the pharmaceutical grade NaF used in toothpaste, but rather flourohydrasilicates, the source of which is rumored to be from the 'scrubbers' of industrial smokestacks. Gross.

Furthermore, flouride apparently only functions to combat toothdecay when applied topically, and not systemically. I don't drink tap water either.

Furthermore, flouride apparently only functions to combat toothdecay when applied topically, and not systemically. I don't drink tap water either.

Yes thats precisely what's so f'ed about it. It works topically. Systematically it's poison.

posted on Jan, 24 2005 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy

Yes thats precisely what's so f'ed about it. It works topically. Systematically it's poison.

The question begging to be asked is why they are continuing to add it to the water supply?

On another note, I have been looking for a reliable test to perform on my water and it seems the only way is to have it done through a laboratory. I am a skeptic and personally would like the capacity to interpret the scientific process myself, so if anyone knows of a water test, please post it. I'll continue to search as well.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 12:38 AM

On another note, I have been looking for a reliable test to perform on my water and it seems the only way is to have it done through a laboratory. I am a skeptic and personally would like the capacity to interpret the scientific process myself, so if anyone knows of a water test, please post it. I'll continue to search as well.

Hmmmm..... I'm not sure how practical this is. Certainly one could perform tests for bacteria and things like that, I even know that they make kits for it. Flouride, and any similar testing, ie: Lead, PCBs, done on things in the ppm to ppb ranges generally require the use of atomic absorption spectroscopy, maybe mass spec. I don't know that there's any way to get around the expensive lab equipment issue. If there is, I'd like to know about it myself.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 08:49 PM
Sometimes when I don't feel that great I drink more water than usual. I'm sick of trying to flush out my body with FLOURIDATED water. I plan to get a reverse osmosis system when I move out of my parents house (and also a chembuster) but it seems its in everything, so taking it out of the water wouldn't be a full solution, but it would probably help a lot.

I also am looking into herbal fluoride detox remedies. If anyone knows of one that works do tell.

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by joepits
I also am looking into herbal fluoride detox remedies. If anyone knows of one that works do tell.

Try's mentioned in the top half of the first page of this thread..............

posted on Jan, 28 2005 @ 09:01 PM
Water Flouridation...

What follows is but a fractional part of the "Address in Reply to the Governor's Speech to Parliament", as recorded in Victorian (Australia)Hansard of 12 August 1987, by Mr. Harley Rivers Dickinson, Liberal Party Member of the Victorian Parliament for South Barwon.

"At the end of the Second World War, the United States Government sent Charles Eliot Perkins, a research worker in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology, to take charge of the vast Farben chemical plants in Germany.

"While there he was told by German chemists of a scheme which had been worked out by them during the war and adopted by the German General Staff.

"This was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water. In this scheme, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place.

"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain and will thus make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. "Both the Germans and the Russians added sodium fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile."

Who is the Farben Corporation?

Anthony C. Sutton said in his book, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler: "Without the capital supplied by Wall Street, there would have been no I. G. Farben in the first place, and almost certainly no Adolph Hitler and World War II."

Interssen Gemeinschaft Farben (Interessen Gemeinschaft der Deutschen Teerfarbeninduistrie, or, simply, I.G. Farben) was a German chemical manufacturing concern that supplied the chlorine gas used by Germany during the First World War, but the eventual creation of the huge I.G.Farben cartel began in 1924 when American bankers began to arrange foreign loans.

In 1928 Henry Ford merged his German assets with I.G. Farben, to be followed by the American Standard Oil Company (the Rockefellers)
The I.G. Farben assets in America were controlled by a holding company, American I.G. Farben, which listed on its Board of Directors: Edsel Ford, President of the Ford Motor Company; Chas. E. Mitchell, President of Rockefeller's National City Bank of New York; Walter Teagle, President of Standard Oil of New York; Paul Warburg, Chairman of the Federal Reserve and brother of Max Warburg, financier of Germany's war effort; and Herman Metz, a Director of the Bank of Manhattan, controlled by the Warburgs.

In 1931 Fluoride in drinking water is found to be the cause of brown teeth -
now known as dental fluorosis.

In 1931 H.Trendley Dean of the U.S. Public Health Service initiates studies on fluorides under the jurisdiction of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon
(founder of Alcoa aluminum, who is one of the main suppliers of toxic sodium fluoride as a by-product of aluminum manufacture) publishes a purposely skewed study showing that, at 1ppm, fluoride results in the reduction of tooth decay.

In 1939 the American Aluminum Company (Alcoa), then probably the world's largest producer of sodium fluoride, transferred its technology to Germany (the Alted Agreement). The Dow Chemical Company transmitted its experience and technology in that same period

What of I.G. Farben today?

I.G. Farben signed cartel agreements with such companies as Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), Borden , Carnation, General Mill, M.W. Kellogg Co., Nestl頡nd Pet Milk, and I. G. Farben either owns outright, has had a substantial interest in or has had other cartel agreements with Owl Drug, Parke-Davis and Co., Bayer and Co., Whitehall Laboratories, Chef-Boy-Ar-Dee Foods, Bristol Meyers and Squibb and Sons. The list goes on and on and on and includes Proctor and Gamble who 'domesticated' the word "fluoride" with official encouragement in 1958, being the originators of the infamous "Crest" fluoridated toothpaste campaign

The published knowledge that sodium fluoride was known for mind - and behaviour - changing potential was available at the start of this century, as witness such entries as "Fluoricum Acidum" (Encyclopedia of Pure 'Materia Medica', vol. ix, p. 333).

And the inside story from a dentist and former international advocate of Flourination that it is bad for your teeth, bones and overall health...

[edit on 28-1-2005 by Flange Gasket]

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:04 AM
Get your own water, I recently bought a device that harvests water from the moisture in the air and then desalinates it completely with filters, radiation, ect. It works much like that nifty hardware seen in, "Star Wars."

Besides eliminating the risk of being exposed to flouride I also don't have to worry about the risks of drinking water with other pollutants. As for the toxins in food, well, I don't eat conventional food, I eat meal replacements that don't seem to have to many preservatives.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:27 AM
Fluoride was put in water to help prevent cavities especially in children. To jump from that to some conspiracy to brain wash us is not logical. So drink bottled water if you want or is their drugs in that too? If you smoke or drink booze you are doing far worse to your body than any conspiracy can do so think twice about that.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:44 AM
People being passive is a bad thing? I wish they could make people more passive

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by MemoryShockIn summary, Fluoride is interruptive of healthy thyroidic hormone function, evidence that fluoride does indeed promote docility with proper dosage.

Actually, it has only a small impact on thyroid function:

You could easily test this out simply by observation. Europe doesn't use fluoride... so are Americans more docile than Europeans? Is Bush more docile than any of the other world leaders? He's been fluoridated since birth.

People with brownish teeth may have been exposed to unusual levels of fluoride (this is how the overdosage was first discovered.) It's kind of a folk symbol that people with that kind of teeth are hardly pushovers.

We personally drink bottled water and have water purifiers but that's a taste issue (don't like the taste of the tap water) and convenience issue (better to drink water than soda) and nothing else.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Trent
People being passive is a bad thing? I wish they could make people more passive

That is kind of what I was thinking. Being a stay-at- home mom of 3 I say bring me another glass of that floride laced mind altering water.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
We personally drink bottled water and have water purifiers but that's a taste issue (don't like the taste of the tap water) and convenience issue (better to drink water than soda) and nothing else.

So you're arguing that Bush turned out OK and this means we shouldn't worry
What if I don't think Bush turned out OK?

I see fluoride as part of a broader health issue. Obviously despite my alarm at what fluoride can do in high concentrations, I'm not particularly worried that it's turning us into zombies. Believe it or not I actually go outside sometimes- I'm not an ATS script of some kind- and when i go outside I almost never see zombies.

To me the problem is that we eat various amounts of a great many things that we didn't really evolve to eat. We get a lot of things that we either don't need or shouldn't have, sometimes in small amounts, sometimes more. I think this is a health issue and may be part of why America on the whole is so unfit despite being so well off.
1. Much of the food we eat is not recognizeable as having once been alive; I'm referring to breads, sugar or fat based substances, and various pastes derived from excessive treatment of produce (like ketchup).
As far as I can reason, our body wants us to eat something that was alive so that the stuff which was keeping it alive will keep us alive instead. You can only slice, dice, process, mix, preserve, and cook something so much before the stuff you need turns into something else which you dont need, then your food is doing you no good.
2. We consume sweeteners that cause siezures, caffiene which does interesting things to your heart, transfat which is basically low quality plastic, fluoride which mildly retards certain endocrine functions, alcohol which can also be used specifically for killing living things, etc etc etc.
3. Relying on softdrinks has left a large part of the population constantly dehydrated. I know people who can go days if not weeks without taking a drink of pure water or anything remotely like it. They live on soda.

OK, this is getting long enough and coming slightly off topic. My point is that it just because we aren't getting enough fluoride to make us as docile as Joe Lieberman doesn't mean that it's a good idea to be putting fluoride or a lot of the other crap in our food/water into our bodies in greater amounts than we have to.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

Originally posted by MemoryShockIn summary, Fluoride is interruptive of healthy thyroidic hormone function, evidence that fluoride does indeed promote docility with proper dosage.

Actually, it has only a small impact on thyroid function:

Byrd, I was very specific with my words......healthy thyroidic hormone function. I checked your link and it states:"Published data failed to support the view that fluoride, in doses recommended for caries prevention, adversely affects the thyroid." The thyroid itself is not necassarily effected; rather it's the interference with the proper functioning of the hormones with the rest of the body.

Quote:"Thyroid hormones are extremely important in the regulation of metabolic processes and brain development. Every cell in the body depends upon thyroid hormones for regulation of their metabolism."Link here. Fluoride in large amounts is where you find the measured detriments and fluoride in large amounts is in a cumulative diet - soda, tea, juice, cereal, fish, mechanically de-boned chicken, etc. including our water! The necessity of adding fluoride to our water is ridiculous,, when many reports exist that conflict with the dental benifits as well as add possible downsides. An example of recent study It was also shown in ~50% of test subjects(low-scale study) that fluoride has an impact on hyperthyroidism, a suggestion that fluoride would affect on healthy thyroid function.Link Here

Originally posted by Bryd
You could easily test this out simply by observation. Europe doesn't use fluoride... so are Americans more docile than Europeans? Is Bush more docile than any of the other world leaders? He's been fluoridated since birth.

First of all, you should know better than this.......Populations are not easily observed and from my vantage the scrutiny of world leaders is accomplished only through their respective public relations......

Of course, I could argue that Bush being fluoridated from birth would make him the perfect puppet for the NWO; but that is an exercise in futility, I can't quantify any personal issues of dubya and I can only make vague allusions to the existence of a multi-level conspiracy bent on controlling the masses.

Furthermore, why is Europe non-fluoridated? A microcosm of this movement is illustrated here. Europe ceased the fluoridation of their water because of evidence contradicting any health/dental benifits and the basis that forced mass medication for the purpose of dental health that was accomplished easier, cheaper, and more effectively with conventional dental hygiene. Why is 2/3s of the American population still subjected to this "forced medication?

Originally posted by Byrd
People with brownish teeth may have been exposed to unusual levels of fluoride (this is how the overdosage was first discovered.) It's kind of a folk symbol that people with that kind of teeth are hardly pushovers.

A "folk symbol" is not conclusive.

Originally posted by Byrd
We personally drink bottled water and have water purifiers but that's a taste issue (don't like the taste of the tap water) and convenience issue (better to drink water than soda) and nothing else.

If I may ask, what sources do you have that indicate the use of water purifiers and distilled drinking water are motivated by taste/convenience(over soda) and nothing else?
This link provides a quick advertisement for a water purifier and , though, taste is a marketing point, the cleansing of pollutants is a main focal point. Nothing else indeed is the nature of "clean"water.

We could argue the validity of every scientific study to no end but the fact is that there have been scientific studies. Many of them have shown adverse conditions of fluoride on the biological mechanism. Furthermore, the very point fluoridation of our water is hyped upon, dental benifits, has been shown to be inaccurate. Dental fluorisis occurs with the build-up of fluoride in the tooth cavity, replacing calcium. Fluoride is beneficial to teeth only as a topical applicant. With these conflictions, why is the government still putting fluoride in the water? It's unnecassary and most likely to our detriment.

Additional links:
A recent UK study that advocates fluoridation Note: The UK adds fluoride to its water supply in some regions.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:40 PM
It's not that Sodium Flouride by itself will turn us into zombies, it's just one component of a vast chemical cocktail of additives and contaminants...the death of a thousand cuts, if you like. The net result is nations of apathetic, ignorant, obese couch potato consumers sucking up the propaganda on the tube.

As for the veracity of it being a conspiracy, it is a classic conspiracy, it has all the hallmarks, it has illuminati families conspiring with Nazi scientists in collusion with the governments of the west, and it's not a theory, it's fact.

posted on Jan, 29 2005 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by Flange Gasket
It's not that Sodium Flouride by itself will turn us into zombies, it's just one component of a vast chemical cocktail of additives and contaminants...

It is just one component, but one component that is "unnecassarily added to our water supply...........we don't need it and the government continues to add it...........

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