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The Real Drug Gateway

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posted on May, 31 2016 @ 09:37 AM
Witnessed this first hand in my family with someone close. It started with a small stroke many years ago which lead to a bunch of prescription pills which had side effects that lead to more prescription pills and of course, pain killers, and in the last 7 years we've seen an incredible deterioration of her life. She isn't the same person anymore. And then, within the past few years as the doctors finally decided to try to cut her off these pain meds, she turned to street drug dealers and pretty much any drug she can find. We, the family, have tried recently to get her to move away but she refuses and this is simply because she'll lose those drug connections. Real sad and I can only imagine how widespread this is in our country. I've said it before, Big Pharma is simply nothing but legal drug dealers who are destroying countless lives. They've paid off politicians to protect their business.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: dogstar23

I think what is meant by gateway drug is "things people try first". Which is usually alcohol or tobacco. That's what it means to me, anyhow.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: Rezlooper

Real sad and I can only imagine how widespread this is in our country. I've said it before, Big Pharma is simply nothing but legal drug dealers who are destroying countless lives. They've paid off politicians to protect their business.

The faces of those with substance abuse problems has changed. When you heard the words drug addict, the first image that came to mind was of an inner city person, dirty, disheveled, and a person of color. That image doesn't always hold true today.

There are a great number of functioning and non-functioning drug addicts that are not homeless. Many have jobs, and present a very acceptable appearance. Too many of our elderly have fallen victim to addiction through no fault of their own.

You are quite right, many that are addicted started on legally prescribed medications, given to them by people and industries that they trusted.

edit on 31-5-2016 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: word edit

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: Autorico

I think what is meant by gateway drug is "things people try first". Which is usually alcohol or tobacco. That's what it means to me, anyhow.

A common definition of a gateway drug, is a drug that is habit forming, that may lead the user to other habit forming, possibly addicting substances.

Whether people believe that there are drugs that fit that description, is not really the point I was trying to make.

I am more concerned about the gateway that allows for the production, distribution, and profiting of those drugs.

Almost every drug distributed in this country has the government's fingerprints all over it.

It is my opinion, but I believe that our government is the real OZPINHEAD that holds the keys to the gate, and no one can enter the gateway without its stamp of approval.

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