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The Real Drug Gateway

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posted on May, 30 2016 @ 04:03 PM
I struggle with this. I'm clean but mentally hooked. Opiates offer an escape from anxieties, stress and depression like nothing else, its like a boost of optimism.

It's a real pain in the butt to feel this way......I own it though

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 04:05 PM
I think if someone is having a mental crisis an opiate could be a true medicine. If anyone has ever felt a full blown panic attack or crushing depression they know what I mean...

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 04:10 PM
I am not at all meaning to advocate usage, just speaking from the inside and saying it's a sad state of affairs...

It used to be pretty easy to get painkillers because with insurance you only have to pay fifty cents

Heroin is very very expensive, junkies go into a perpetual sickness with fleeting windows of relief here and there because of how expensive of a habit they're in.
edit on 30-5-2016 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 04:31 PM
I think things would be much better if there were no drug war and people were free to choose for themselves.

I honestly believe there would be less addiction and more responsible drug use.

Also less people in jail, less violent crime and less mental distress.

This world is a pretty heavy place already and the drug war makes suffering even worse.
edit on 30-5-2016 by GoShredAK because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

To avoid becoming to philosophical, I absolutely agree greed is the major facilitator. Greed - and nipping in the bud - is a problem persisting since time immemorial. There are no easy fixes at this point.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK
During prohibition people were making all kinds of homemade hooch. Back then, folks were experimenting with distilling just about everything that grew. Today folk are are mixing, and extracting, any medicines and chemicals, they can get their hands on.

I don't think there will ever be a complete stop to people looking for, and consuming intoxicating substances. People use them to booster or to quell every emotion.

We often discuss the ills of addiction and the possible harms and cures. It just looks to me that a big part of the problem is in the production, the marketing, the distribution, and who controls it.

So GoShredAK, where do you see this whole thing is going to end up?

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

That's a difficult question! I have to ponder.......

In short, I only see things getting worse.

The drugs aren't going anywhere and neither is the cartel. Those in the drug trade will still make hundreds of thousands of dollars while hard working folks barely get by...

The big time dealers will mostly get away with their crimes while the simple guy just trying to take the edge off of a stressful life will be destroyed.

The legalization of cannabis in a few states is a hopeful step in the right direction but its too little too late I am afraid

Nope, not until complete destruction and a restart for humanity will we look at and treat drugs differently.....

(pardon my hasty posts please, I'm at work so I get them in when I really lucky I have a job that allows me to browse ats periodically throughout the day

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 05:34 PM

don't think there will ever be a complete stop to people looking for, and consuming intoxicating substances. People use them to booster or to quell every emotion.

And that's ok. There is a negative stigma attached to drugs

A negative stigma that should not exist. In moderation many drugs are not at all bad for you.

Physical addiction and going to jail are bad.

With responsible usage, and no government interference drugs would not be as much of a problem...

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: GoShredAK

With responsible usage, and no government interference drugs would not be as much of a problem...

I hear what you are saying but I find it hard to have faith in the responsible usage part.

We have seen what has happened with other substances that were legal to consume, and we failed miserably on responsible use.

Our society is deteriorating. The mind set and expectations of the people in our new society, is not moving toward what is better for the whole. It is centered completely on what is better for me, this moment, and the rest of you be damned.

As you said, things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. I fear that while everyone is waiting for the guy to show up on the white steed and rescue us, a little intoxication to dumb the pains of the world, is going to look like just the right ticket. Brings a whole new meaning to the government's mandate for Meaningful Use.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Good post! But there's one significant element that hasn't been brought to this discussion yet: Afghanistan.

When the Taliban was at the height of it's power, a very large percentage of the poppy fields were disabled in Afghanistan because drugs are against Sharia law. I've heard plenty of BS propaganda from the U. S. government claiming the opposite, but I have more faith in the stories that my veteran friends tell me because they're far more trustworthy than a government trying to sell a war.

Since the Taliban was ousted from power in late 2001/2002, there has been a stark rise in opium production in Afghanistan and for the past decade ( plus ) has reclaimed it's position as the top opium supplier in the world.

But how? I thought we kicked all the bad guys out and set up a neat little democracy?

The CIA has a deplorable history of drug trafficking. It is no mystery. This time it hits closer to home for many. Because coc aine and crack are bad, but no drug is deadlier than heroin

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

But there's one significant element that hasn't been brought to this discussion yet: Afghanistan.

You mean and the gift they bring to the wonderful Land of Oz?

Now if we can just get the real Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs to just step forward.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I'm sure there's yet another medicine for it.


posted on May, 30 2016 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I'm sure there's yet another medicine for it.


How much you want to bet, whatever it is, that it will come touted as the next new "Wonder Drug"? "The Great Panacea".

Of course a couple of years later they will suddenly come to a shocking revelation that it is destroying half the planet and half the people on it, slowly and insidiously.

How many times have we seen this before? We never learn and they keep getting richer. Why should they change? If it isn't broke, why should they fix it.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I floated softly, as a cloud...

... now cannot do a s#it.

Scared it will tear my 4r5e apart

To little, bloody, bits.

edit on 30/5/2016 by chr0naut because: The problem with opioids!

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I'll escort You down the rabbit hole and I'll give fair warning so You can pull out before the tears develop. The first warning is this: This is like an onion and the deeper You get, the more tears are raised. Ready?

We will start with "The Drug War" this is a total farce. I worked in Law Enforcement during the "Crack War" that is when the target was the Urban male (read: Black or other; non-voter; non-affluent) This subject received PRISON for selling/using coc aine because they figured out a way to make even more $$$ by 'rocking it up' making a smokable form. The sub-Urban male (read White or affluent; voter; affluent) received PROBATION for using the same drug but using it in powder form coc aine hydrochloride.

Back in 2001 when The Taliban was running Afghanistan they produced 7% of the world's opium, now it is close to 90%.

Do You know who took over many of those "pill mills"? The same guy who spent $75M of "His own money" to get a job that pays $337k/yr. to be called "Governor" Rick Scott. The same Rick Scott who got $445M out of a healthcare scheme in Alabama. He took over many of these with His private business "Strip Mall Drs.; Concierge Dr. Quick-Care" Remember Florida testing the Welfare Recipients for using drugs while receiving welfare? They had to pay for their own tests. At Fl. hospitals the tests averaged $150.00 at The Governors place they cost $34.00. The results were 2.7% tested +, this after a re-call of the results..

So, those who got cut off of their pain meds. have to either go get some methadone or get some "horse" Why did the U.S. invade Afghanistan anyway?

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: JimNasium
Ding! Ding! Ding!

Give that man a cigar!

And the information abut Rick Scott was front page news. It was brought up in campaign ads throughout his run.

Of course it didn't make any difference. George Bush outed Florida as one of the most corrupt states in the US for voting.

Just like healthcare; drugs, both legal and illegal, is a Boon Town business for our government.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

And don't forget to look into the 2 "Opium Wars" that the West waged against China. The UK literally forced China to allow its opium products, which resulted in one third of China's population becoming addicted to opiates.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 06:27 AM
i hear alot of false propaganda promoted by the medical industry. They want people to believe they have the anwsers to the problems of pain which they dont. The medication works and does kill the pain and guess what alot of people are in pain and alot of the time. Funny thing is the stuff works on mental pain just like it works on physical pain which it numbs it.

the false story of prescription pain med pandemic places the blame on the drug instead of the system that creates the pain. They take away personal choice and create victims so they can control what you ingest as if its their right. The doctors have egos as if they are gods among men yet they cant eradicate health problems as simple as atheletes foot. They push meds and get kickbacks from med companies.The med companies figured out along time ago curing a condition isnt profitiable and a war on actual medicine that works has started.

and fools line up to champion a cause to help the "victims" and destroy their and everyone elses right to self medicate. They create labels for people who use the drug to make them feel less human or flawed and the mindless public cant see past their own hero complex to realize they are actually counter productive to actual working medicine.

from birth our bodies are breaking down and we are slowing dieing with every minute and fools actually believe they can counter this process with the latest fad of led lights and ultra sound waves lol. because they are so afraid of being called a name and labeled as sub human or weak.

i really dislike the medical professionals now they all try and act like "house" even the nurses are acting like it.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: BeefNoMeat

How did people cope with pain before 1996 (I believe the year OxyContin was on the market)?

as far back as i can remember
Lortab and Tylenol #3. Tylenol #4,Vicodin, or any number medications that has codine or is a in some form a opioid.

posted on May, 31 2016 @ 07:26 AM
imo this drug epidemic is a symptom of our disconnectedness and masses of people trying to fill a void that compassionate human interaction can only fill. coincidence? i think not...

we are in the technology age. the age of turning to your phone, or computer versus being filled up with that contentment that compassion and with what(i know cliche) love can provide.

we need to figure out a way to add that element back into society

edit on 31-5-2016 by dreamlotus1111 because: (no reason given)

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