posted on Jun, 1 2016 @ 05:40 AM
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Just to add a personal perspective...
I had the exact same problem, resulting from an infection that caused my ear wax production to skyrocket. The wax had become partially hardened, and
I constantly felt as if I was underwater, or listening to things more with my eyeballs than my ears.
The doctor told me I would have to have my ears flushed out, but with the wax being as hard as it was, I would have to have it softened first. To
that end, he bade me visit the pharmacy, and purchase a bottle of medical grade olive oil. It came in a small dropper bottle. The stuff worked best
when warm, so I would boil a kettle, pour a shallow measure of water into the bottom of a cup, and let it sit for a bit to cool, before putting the
olive oil in the cup to heat up. Then I would place a couple of drops into one ear, while lying on the couch on my side, being careful not to let the
oil drip out. I would then do the same for the other ear.
This process over the course of a week or two, softened the wax, so that when I went to get my ear flushed out, it all came out relatively quickly.
They used a little machine which fires pulses of water through a very small nozzle, to wash out my ear, and one of the waxen lumps which came forth
was nearly the size of a 9mm bullet. It was actually a very pleasant treatment to go through. The oil was a must though. It never would have worked if
it had not been for the warm oil treatment first off.