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6 Giant Corporations Control The Media

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posted on May, 29 2016 @ 09:14 PM

….And Americans Consume 10 Hours Of “Programming” A Day…

We get fed programming from 6 media behemoths 10 hours a day!
Walt Disney
News Corporation
Time Warner

Just think about your own behavior. Even as you are reading this article the television might be playing in the background or you may have some music on. Many of us have gotten to the point where we are literally addicted to media. In fact, there are people out there that become physically uncomfortable if everything is turned off and they have to deal with complete silence.

The article, by Michael Snyder says the old adage; garbage in garbage out is the rule regarding these giant media corporations.

It says things are getting better because of the internet but not much better since the internet is practically a repeat of these media programming monsters.

10 Publishers Account For Half Of All Online News

Overall, the top 10 publishers -- together owning around 60 news sites -- account for 47% of total online traffic to news content last year, with the next-biggest 140 publishers accounting for most of the other half, Similar Web found.

The thing is to turn off the media a few minutes a day and just maybe meditate for 10 or 15 minutes

Increase it 2 or 3 minutes a day until you get maybe to an hour a day.

Seek other alternatives media outlets and please read a book once in a while, broaden your scope from the MSM.

posted on May, 29 2016 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Ahhhhh but they all spew the liberal, oligarchy, communist, socialist, tyrannical party line.

I'm surprised you are calling them out!

posted on May, 29 2016 @ 09:39 PM
The Disney/ESPN/ABC group seems to be the worst, when it comes to treating viewers like animals that lack intelligence.

If my wife didn't watch Jimmy Camel and ABC-7 Chicago news every night, I'd never turn to that network. They use these annoying beeps to get the sheeple's attention, and cross-promote each others shows and events as if it's news. What's even crazier is that many events are deemed "news worthy" simply because someone videotaped them. Without the vid clip, the story would never be broadcast.

posted on May, 29 2016 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: Willtell

Ahhhhh but they all spew the liberal, oligarchy, communist, socialist, tyrannical party line.

I'm surprised you are calling them out!

No they spew the capitalist, oligarchy line.

You're just spewing right wing dogma

Not one of these corporations spew any communism, or socialism and many of them such as news corporation are hardly liberal

There after your money

posted on May, 29 2016 @ 10:42 PM
I do not watch any mainstream media whats so ever.

I turned that propaganda media off over 12 years ago, and guess what? I am free from all the propaganda and fear mongering.

I go to third alternative media on the internet that loves to show their sources for there facts.

Yes, I do pay for Satellite TV, however I only watch movies and a few TV shows, nothing else. I have only one rule in my house and that is no one is allowed to turn on the News.

Many years ago when I started researching many events like 911, it came to my attention then, that the media was telling lies and using propaganda.

I came to realize not only does the mainstream media lies and uses properganda, but it protects the elite around the world.

Hitler would truly envy the American properganda media which is so much better than Germany, and I am sure Russia and China are adopting our methods as well.

posted on May, 29 2016 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: Willtell

originally posted by: BO XIAN
a reply to: Willtell

Ahhhhh but they all spew the liberal, oligarchy, communist, socialist, tyrannical party line.

I'm surprised you are calling them out!

No they spew the capitalist, oligarchy line.

You're just spewing right wing dogma

Not one of these corporations spew any communism, or socialism and many of them such as news corporation are hardly liberal

There after your money

Predatory capitalism, yes they want your money and your attention, but on their terms. They want you to release your power unto them. There are no compromises, they demand only capitulation. These are corporations, have you worked for a corporation that was democratic lol? They are authoritarian and totalitarian by nature, dictatorships complete with vile little underlings. They share more in common with feudal lords of past monarchies or the petty despots of African Nations. They feed like ticks poisoning and weakening us as long as we watch and listen.

It seems the parasites have finally overcome the host.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 5/29.2016 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: Willtell

They are probably only part of what Karen Hudes refers to as the Network of Global Corporate Control where one company has interlocking directors (members of the same group have have multiple directorships and bring other members of the group) on the 47,000 companies forming the global financial markets.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 02:53 AM
a reply to: Willtell


They fit well within the oligarchy's decades long plan to marry a bastardized form of Communism with a bastardized form of monopolistic Capitalism as the NWO economic system.

Evidently you have not researched their plans well enough to know that more clearly.

Besides, if they were not Communist/socialist, they would NOT have allowed the gritchy one and the flaming socialist, so poor at math, to rise so high--nor would they be supporting them so rabidly so constantly in their media.

Nor would they have tolerated so extremely the fact that illegals get far more welfare benefits than legals and natural born citizens.

I think you could see reality much more accurately if you took your red colored glasses off and exchanged them for clear ones.

Yes, I know the dictionary difference between socialism and Communism.

From where I have observed for around 70 years, socialism is functionally merely Communism in more polite white-wash--and that temporarily en-route to full blown tyrannical Communism. It's merely a temporary strategic label to snooker the ignorant serfs and slaves, a white-washed term to fool the sheeple with.

However, I'm fairly convinced that you are unwilling to be influenced by the facts of the matter or the facts of history. And, most likely, like ALL the examples from history--along with other early supporters of the new tyranny, you may well be marched off to the death camps among the earliest groups. The new tyrants always know that their earliest supports are untrustworthy and tooooo unaware about true realities to be tolerated in the new regime.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

I'm amazed he just learned this! BTW,FOX is liberal?? Trump needs to pay them like the prostitutes they are!

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 03:33 AM
originally posted by: Willtell

….And Americans Consume 10 Hours Of “Programming” A Day…

We get fed programming from 6 media behemoths 10 hours a day!

And here you can see what holdings they have in your media market.
Walt Disney
News Corporation
Time Warner

CBS and Viacom are both owned by National Amusements Time Warner owns damn near most of it followed closely by Disney and News Corp. Rupert Murdoch chairs both News Corp and 21st Century Fox after they split in 2013. Bigger companies own some of these.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: blkcwbyhat

I think Fox is far toooo liberal . . .

dressed up in a thin layer of conservative white-wash

while they administer a dose of barely disguised liberalism . . . the conservative white-wash makes the oligarchy's Communist medicine go down better . . . like Mary Poppins' sugar her medicine.

It seems to me that O'Reilly HAS to be a stooge of the oligarchy designed to corner a significant chunk of the population as their guru . . . and slowly, tweak them here and there toward tolerating to accepting the party lilne.

edit on 30/5/2016 by BO XIAN because: added

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
The Disney/ESPN/ABC group seems to be the worst, when it comes to treating viewers like animals that lack intelligence.

People watch what they want to watch. Programming panders to a slice of the public. It's a pity not everyone can be as enlightened, or intelligent as the OP.

These corporations are global and stuffed full of different media channels. New Corp., for example, has media that deals with every imaginable taste, thus covering maximum consumption. Yes, that means it has stuff for intelligent people too.

What counts is editorial freedom, rather than corporations steering and filtering a particular message. In the case of Russia and China it's the authorities who steer and filter that message. There is not government involvement in US media, nor the media of most other developed nations.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 04:07 AM

originally posted by: paraphi. . . There is not government involvement in US media, nor the media of most other developed nations.

Perhaps it depends on one's definitions.


THE SAME puppet masters that pull the strings of government pull the strings of the media.

They bragged in their own writings long ago about buying out all the major media outlets in 1915 and 1917. They've continued to expand and consolidate their holdings AND THEIR !!!CONTROL!!!

Ignorance of those facts is dangerous.

And terminally uninformed.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: BO XIAN

I guess I go on evidence. In the modern world do the US government control the media in the US? Do the governments of other developed countries control their media? How do these governments control corporations? In your own words.

The root of the OP is that the corporations are essentially "dumbing down" the masses. Perhaps true, but were the masses ever any different? Most people watch what they want to watch. If that includes the stupid lives of celebrities and puerile news TV, then what's wrong with that?

Not everyone can be as intellectual and informed as the "elite" who push their "everyone's so thick and it's because of TV" worldview. What would they do? Programme intellectual discourse that no-one will watch?

I have to say that I don't watch TV very much.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: paraphi

I think you make a reasonable point about the masses--AS A GROUP--not being all that interested in intellectually challenging content.

However, I'm not sure you understand well my point that

the SAME (essentially) puppet masters pull the strings of government as pull the strings of the media.

i.e. the governments are AS MUCH PUPPETS ON A STRING, AS THE MEDIA ARE.

So, your question about do governments control the media is a moot one. Governments AND media are !!!CONTROLLED!!! by the SAME CONTROLLERS!

Government--overt governmental people and structures are a sham. The real 'rulers' are hidden.

Just as the pretense of independent thought in the media is a sham.

Bertrand Russell long ago spoke of psychology being eventually used on a mass scale by his puppet master co-horts to control the masses via media etc.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 05:47 AM
a reply to: Willtell

Putting aside the party political rhetoric for two seconds...

A monopolised media has the power to shape nations and direct the actions of those nations. Political intent can be channelled through the same media corps and gain the approval of the mostly informationally malnourished population. The 'garbage in' could be all the simplifications and deceptive messages. The 'garbage out' could be the way we make critical decisions or unwittingly allow the big media machinery to dictate our actions.

Great War propaganda and even Coca-Cola show how powerful media and marketing can be when it comes to shaping millions, making billions and pointing out our chosen enemies.

If I had political power, the last thing I'd be wanting to do would be dismantling media monopolies. I'd need them as a ladder to further power. They'd need me to 'play nice' and to consider policy impacts on their business model. I'd need them as a mouthpiece to transmit my agenda and keep the cultural pan simmering against 'threats.'

The problem is the system is set up this way and it's no easy task to make monopolies break up without political will. The nature of politics, people and products is a 'Big 4-6' naturally arises and would require artificial brakes to stop it from happening. Again, that's for political will and we're back to square one.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 07:06 AM

Whats really scary, as a commentator on this video pointed out, is that the audience is laughing at the video as if its funny, when they should really be shocked and appalled.

Another sane comment on this video: "Why are they all laughing? This is creepy. Who has the power to write these lines, and what else are they doing this with?"

More examples of centralized media control/conspiracy on this clip..
edit on 30-5-2016 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
So, your question about do governments control the media is a moot one. Governments AND media are !!!CONTROLLED!!! by the SAME CONTROLLERS!

Crikey, who are these people. Just who are the puppet masters? How do they do it? Please, in your own words, who is controlling Western governments and how come no evidence has come to light? Do these people also control the one-party dictatorship in China, or the authoritarian Russian, both of whom Chinese have high levels of media control.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: Willtell

Putting aside the party political rhetoric for two seconds...

A monopolised media has the power to shape nations and direct the actions of those nations. Political intent can be channelled through the same media corps and gain the approval of the mostly informationally malnourished population. The 'garbage in' could be all the simplifications and deceptive messages. The 'garbage out' could be the way we make critical decisions or unwittingly allow the big media machinery to dictate our actions.

Great War propaganda and even Coca-Cola show how powerful media and marketing can be when it comes to shaping millions, making billions and pointing out our chosen enemies.

If I had political power, the last thing I'd be wanting to do would be dismantling media monopolies. I'd need them as a ladder to further power. They'd need me to 'play nice' and to consider policy impacts on their business model. I'd need them as a mouthpiece to transmit my agenda and keep the cultural pan simmering against 'threats.'

The problem is the system is set up this way and it's no easy task to make monopolies break up without political will. The nature of politics, people and products is a 'Big 4-6' naturally arises and would require artificial brakes to stop it from happening. Again, that's for political will and we're back to square one.

We are not talking about monopolized media control as if it were for the purpose of only business.

We are talking about media control by a highly compartmentalized secret government.

posted on May, 30 2016 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky


They made a big fanfare of breaking up the AT&T Bell Telephone companies.

Yet, they've been monitoring all such communications 24/7/365 for more than 45 years.

The break-up was a tolerably nice gesture . . . on the surface . . .

I suspect any current era break-up of the media companies would be a similar white-wash job.

I don't have a clever answer. And, it wouldn't matter . . . the chosen trend is toward MORE tyranny and !!!CONTROL!!!--subtle and brazenly overt.

We are awash in it . . . soon to be . . . many . . . drowning in it.

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