posted on May, 29 2016 @ 04:10 PM
This Thread is not for every one.
This Thread is for people that are stuck in a never-ending spiral of depression.
The goal is to use special techniques related to prayer to climb out of the depression, to feel better for a period of time.
And to use praying to accomplish certain other things.
1) Every technique may not work for everybody.
2) A technique may work 50, 75 or 85% percent of the time.
3) After climbing out of depression, one may reach a high level of joy, followed by what many saints have described as the "Dark Night of the Soul."
A Dark Night would require a reboot or shift in behavior.
Here we Go....
Prayer Secret Number One:
Some habits seem nearly impossible to overcome.
Many people wish to lose weight, but the joy and temptation of eating for many is so strong that they find it nearly impossible to skip even a single
day of eating those delicious snacks.
For others, the struggle is from the lure and temptation to drink copious amounts of alcohol.
For others, the addiction to internet porn is overwhelming...every day.
Once you start to fill your mind with these thoughts such as the delicious taste of food, the image of the food/the bottle of beer/the porn, the
slight dwelling on the thoughts often cause the attraction, the thirst, the compulsion, the desire to become stronger, and the will power to become
Prayer Secret Number One is this:
To reduce the odds of succumbing to temptation...
You must pray AS SOON AS THE AFFECTING THOUGHT ENTERS THE MIND. If you pray between 10 and 20 Our Father's instead of dwelling on the thought, the
temptation will subside completely a good percentage of the time.
But there is another part to the secret. This is the important part. You may decide to pray the next time a temptation occurs, but instead, your mind
decides to push aside or forget thoughts of praying at that moment.
To overcome that problem you must implement a second part of the secret. The true secret trick is to go closer to God, throughout the day. Not just
when the troubling temptation arrives.
What you do here is pray 1 Our Father spread THROUGHOUT the Day, somewhat randomly.
Every 40 or so minutes you Pray 1 Our Father. (perhaps starting with every 15 or 20 minutes).
Suddenly the idea pops into your mind to pray, and you pray 1 Our Father. Then 20 to 40 minutes latter you pray 1 Our Father.
When the idea to eat the delicious snack, or the idea to drink, or the thoughts of sex enter the mind, you can now pray more easily as your mind is
used to praying at random moments.
After a few days of that, you can probably stop praying 1 Our Father every 25 minutes approximately, and instead your mind now is capable of
triggering the prayer response at each moment the images/sounds/thoughts associated with the temptation occurs.
For several days, the strong temptations may pop into the mind frequently, like 25 to 30 times throughout the day.
But eventually there would certainly be days in which the strong temptations occurs much, much less frequently (once, twice, six times in a day).
Prayer Secret Number Two:
When a sudden bout of loneliness occurs. Strike back by Praying 15 to 20 Our Father's at that moment. The lonely feeling can go away.
A great, great time to pray is immediately after physical activity. Or praying immediately after physically helping people with your hands and entire
or immediately after doing any physical work, even after a brisk 10 minute walk.
When your body is physically active, the heart beats faster, the temperature rises, the skin sweets. There are a bunch of physical processes being
activated in the flesh.
Now stop. Stop lifting, stop running. Over the next 20 minutes after ceasing activity: Now other processes in the flesh are occurring with the
stillness, the heart beats are getting slower, the body temperate is dropping, the blood flow is normalizing.
That is the moment you should be praying.
You did physical work to help another person, or significant physical work around the house, or you did your daily/weekly exorcise, or you walked
briskly for 15 minutes and broke out in a sweat, or you walked for 10 minutes in the cold outdoor winter....NOW
stop suddenly, sit down and pray 20 Our Father's as your flesh and heart are normalizing
Don't only pray when you have an under-activated lazy heart of stone. Make your prayer life associated with action of the flesh.
God made the 7th day for prayer and rest. This is your secret. Immediately after physically active work, invoke the command for rest and holiness.
Your body when physically active represents the first six days, your body when suddenly put to rest immediately after the physical activity when it
undergoes other processes of cooling and calming down represents the 7th day The Sabbath Day.
Exodus 20:8-11:
“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your
God. On it you shall not do any work...For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the
seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."
Isaiah 30:15 - "For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said,
“In repentance and rest you will be saved,
In quietness and trust is your strength.
But you were not willing,"
After being physical active, then immediately sitting down for 20 minutes of prayer. You can try this at some point:
Be As still as possible while praying 20 Our Father's.
Zechariah 2:13 "Be still before the Lord, all mankind"
When you are in the presence of a person, your mind may generate certain unrealized feelings associated with them. A good friend that makes you laugh
a lot may trigger a vague positive affection. While a person that constantly criticizes you may trigger a great discomfort when in the room with you.
With a person you have negative feeling, or no feeling for, you can pray while you focus vividly on the other person. Or you can pray while focusing
vividly on a mental image of that other person.
Your focus is on two things simultaneously: 1) On Prayer 2) On another person
or you quickly alternate between 1) Prayer 2) real image or mental image of Another Person. You Pray 1 Our Father then you focus on other person, you
pray, then you focus on other person, you pray, then you focus on person, etc.
When doing this, I would strongly focus on the inner being of the other person. At other times the whole time that I pray 20 Our Father's I am
mentally imagining that I am putting my hand on the other person's shoulder.
By doing this for about 20 Our Father's, I have actually created a positive feeling, a tenderness towards the other person, for a period after the
prayer session.
I would look at another person in the tender feeling for them...then turn my attention back towards the target of my prayers..and yes the
positive tender feeling is present.