posted on May, 31 2016 @ 06:53 PM
Having looked at this and have read all of the replies the following can be stated:
I do not agree with or find any sympathy for those who would sexually use children.
What I find surprising is the number of people who advocate the death penalty for those who would do such. And as was pointed out the justice systems
often tend to have problems around the world, including in the United States. Do we now go with hysteria and find a person guilty without proof?
There are cases, of such here in the USA, where it ruined the lives of people, all due to the parents hating them or children lying under oath, with
words put into their mouths by people anxious to get a conviction. While at the same time, there are some cases where those who were proven to have
done such, walked away.
Before we take on such a hard line approach, the criminal laws need to be relooked at and ultimately either scraped with a new set put on the books,
or there will be mistakes. And the first problem is the sex offender lists that are out there. Those laws, while having the best of intentions, are
showing to have caused more problems than it should.
And then there are the actual laws, where you see the lives of some ruined for years, due to either the person who is considered the victim, who is
not so innocent, or where is it due to a parent wanting to punish the other person.
Point in case, would be what about a man, who goes to a bar, picks up a girl, she says she is in her 20’s, has id, looks and acts like it and then
she ends up being 16 then what? Do you now advocate punishing the man? What about the case where the boy is 18 in high school, and his girlfriend is
16 and they have sex, and now he is in trouble cause of such, cause the parents caught them and seek to punish the boy, should that 18 year old be
punished and put to death or castrated for such?
These are the kinds of things that are now coming out with the laws that are on the books in the USA right now, where these things happen and
unfortunately it brands such as being a sex offender, or even a child molester for the rest of the persons natural life. And therein lies part of the
Another part is the legal system and the fact that the laws are not applied equally across the board. Take the case of Robert H. Richards. Here is a
man, who was convicted of molesting of his own daughter, but only got probation, while someone else would have had the book thrown at them, and they
would have been in prison for years to come.
While another case, the McMartin preschool trial, showed that one parent made accusations, without any evidence, and it was shown that the children
were told what to say, and when it came out, that there was perjury and the children were only repeating what the adults had told them to say. And in
the end, costing the tax payers 15 million dollars and one family’s name ruined due to it.
While I do agree that those who are convicted, beyond a shadow of a doubt of such should be punished, and it should be hard, and after that they
should be kept apart from the rest of society, I also must conclude that the laws in the country are out of order as well. A man can murder rape and
murder a child and have far less of a problem, than one who molests a child, who is the greater danger and why is it that the murder does not have to
be on a list and allowed to be where he may recommit such a crime, while the molester has to stay away from such?