posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 11:21 AM
I believe that there are other intelligent beings out there interacting with the human species on this planet.
I haven't had any spectacular encounter with aliens, or a UFO, but I base my decision to believe on documented evidence. Lately, I have seen two
documentary videos about UFO's. Some of what I saw in these two videos is very unexplainable. I think that their is some kind of intelligent life
behind the operation of these aerial objects, non-human life.
I also think that my sub-conscious mind is catching on to some information that is not really discussed in the media. It is that there is bits and
pieces of signs or information, if you look around, that are pointing to an extra-terrestrial presence on our planet. An example is our technology
(computers), reference to alien life in hollywood movies, major corporations using the alien theme (alienware computers), our ability to send probes
into deep space, our ability to enter space and explore other planets. There are signs there, in our environment, that point to some alien life. I
have an intuitive feeling that disclosure of an alien presence is going to become necessary in our not too distant future, I don't really know why,
but maybe it is because our planet is going to experience some big change. Before this happens, I think that there will have to be a greater control
on the human population in this world (what they call a world government--nwo), the war on terrorism is a cover to help bring this about. This is just
my opinion.
I believe in aliens.