posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 10:14 AM
The new red and blue wristbands that people are starting to wear that mark themselves either republican or democrat are the first steps in the
“taking sides” before a civil war. This kind of behavior of “Us versus Them”, typical of the Bush administration’s clever tactic at the
start of the war, only fuels the flame of separatism and encourages adversarial confrontation.
Oh sure, they're cute and "fun" to wear right now, but the wristbands are drawing the line, people are choosing sides. Soon wearers will be
welcoming verbal confrontation with those wearing the opposite colored bands. And then... who knows. I’m not sure it’s good for the unity of
the Country.
They remind me of soldiers tagging themselves RED or BLUE before starting war games.
[edit on 15-1-2005 by jupiter869]