posted on May, 30 2016 @ 02:16 PM
I live in the UK so listening to Coast to Coast live is almost impossible. It goes out around Breakfast time here. The coast insider is a good deal as
there are no ads and it's cheaper than buying a newspaper every day and you can access the archives too. Youtube is a decent free alternative but the
shows often disappear quickly.
However I mainly listen for George Knapp who in my opinion is the best host on the show. George Noory probably gets slated more often because he does
around 5 times as many shows as anyone else and so has a lot more slots to fill. He's been forced to move away from just paranormal topics to fill the
schedule out and the quality of the guests sometimes leaves a lot to be desired. Plus George isn't always entirlely 'on the ball' in interviews.
Perhaps if the show only went out 3 nights the quality would improve? But then the audience would shrink and it's all about the ad revenue in the
commercial radio sector.
As for Linda Moulton Howe.......well someone said it before. It sounds like she's straining to read off of an auto-cue without her glasses on. She may
have won an Emmy back in 1980 and played a very interesting role in the film "Miragemen" but I think she sounds nervy and often annoying on Coast.