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The superbug (Phantom Menace) that doctors have been dreading just reached the U.S.

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posted on May, 27 2016 @ 07:14 AM
a reply to: seattlerat

Perhaps using all those "Kills 99.999% of germs" hand sanitizers left and right in hospitals isn't such a great idea

I've heard many people talk about this as a concern. Thanks for sharing OP!! Flagged

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 08:42 AM
My mother in law was having issues with an open sore that got infected.

we purchased a tube of silvasorb and applied it to her bandages.

It worked perfectly where other medicines did not.

Seems like silver does indeed kill resistant bacteria.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: FamCore

I have heard (may or may not be true), that some illnesses that ravage adults might not have have been a problem if the person had been born (and spent childhood) in an environment that was not antiseptic. For example, there is a very high occurrence of Multiple Sclerosis (my Mom passed away due to complications from this ravaging horror) in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It has been suggested that this could be due to the "clean" water/environment... Children growing up in 'clean' environments where they have less of a chance of contracting a bug and building a resistance to it, MIGHT be more susceptible to contracting a life-threatening illness in their adult years. I don't have any source to back this up, but it seems to make sense to me...

So, next time parents ask you to wash your hands or take a bath, just refuse and tell them you are saving your own life!

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: HUMBLEONE

Trashy checkin' in with two teeth left, and remember
Bixby doing a Sanhedrin commercial on Johnny. Or was
it Saturday Night? Anyway he was alive too... and we
both had more hair pigment for sure.
I also approve of the original post, it's all just a matter
of time before the problem gets bigger than Kathy B's
Twinkies habit. I got to have me another 12-pack now
because I hear bacteria LOVE processed suger-- maybe
more than cancer. Sometimes Louis: dead is better.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: seattlerat

I have heard of this on the news and my first thought was....that`s what happens from the abuse of antibiotics. Surely the lobbies knew this would happen eventually or have they been blinded from counting profit for so long?

So keep taking meds for every minor thing you catch and help speeding up the process of completely resistant invasive microorganisms.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: seattlerat

What's scary is that the last antibiotic ever developed was in 1987, there are no new antibiotics and without them we would definitely go back to the dark ages.

Scientists are now studying bacteriophages, which may give us hope. One of this bacteriophages, a virus called Pseudomonas aeruginosa, has been found in a pond in Connecticut, and we can only hope it works:

Phage selection restores antibiotic sensitivity in MDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Virus discovered in pond can help kill antibiotic-resistant superbugs

originally posted by: dogstar23
It's been pissing me off for years as these people and their doctors (whose licenses should be revoked) are essentially contributing to the deaths of others - the crime is murder, the weapon is ignorance, stupidity and selfishness.
Antibiotics don't cure viral infections.
People and their doctors who are contributing to this, in my opinion, are far greater a threat to us all than any terrorist could ever dream to be.

It's not just that, antibiotics are overused with livestock too and bacteria is evolving to survive them. The growth of antibiotic resistant bacteria will make human diseases harder to treat. Scientists around the world have provided evidence that antibiotics used in animal feeding is having a negative impact on public health.
LINK to the report.

originally posted by: KTemplar
Cinnamon combined with honey is a powerful natural anti-bacterial.

Whilst I agree that honey is antibacterial, it is not strong enough for certain infections, like septicemia for example. Blood poisoning is too severe and fast to be cured with honey only, you need intravenous antibiotics for that.

posted on May, 27 2016 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: Agartha

You are correct, I refer to the Cinnamon/honey combinations for early intervention of sinus infections, throat infections, colds and flu.

So many people run to the Drs office before trying these.

Sepsis is a whole other ballgame

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: Agartha

This is stuff that I did not know and one of my favorite things about ATS members that use their brain cells when they post.

Thank you for this information- I truly appreciate when replies are relevant to the OP!

I have recently been prescribed Bactrim (an antibiotic medication) and was on the horrible stuff for 10 days- while it WAS effective, the problem recurred within 2 weeks. Now I am in a real tizzy trying to figure out which way to go with further treatment. A close friend swears by Homeopathic remedies, but I have never had any positive results the few times I have tried her suggested "treatments". I have mentioned this before: I suspect that BELIEF in a treatment has a lot to do with how effective it is.

Have a great weekend everybody!

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: seattlerat
a reply to: Agartha

This is stuff that I did not know and one of my favorite things about ATS members that use their brain cells when they post.

Thank you for this information- I truly appreciate when replies are relevant to the OP!

I have recently been prescribed Bactrim (an antibiotic medication) and was on the horrible stuff for 10 days- while it WAS effective, the problem recurred within 2 weeks. Now I am in a real tizzy trying to figure out which way to go with further treatment. A close friend swears by Homeopathic remedies, but I have never had any positive results the few times I have tried her suggested "treatments". I have mentioned this before: I suspect that BELIEF in a treatment has a lot to do with how effective it is.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Seattle do you have an upper respiratory tract infection? It is allergy season. I cannot stress enough that people take allergy meds at least a month before spring arrives if that is the case. When I was living in AZ I got so sick and nothing seemed to help - no insurance at the time so no antibiotics, I chose to ride it out. I swear it sounded like valley fever. In the end out of sheer desperation I got a bunch of lemons and started just drinking water with as much lemon as possible and it worked. Product Kefir (probiotic yogurt drink) works wonders on intestinal problems. Of course plenty of rest. These things work for me. Cinnamon as well.

Don't know your ailments but hoping you recover quickly.

edit on 28-5-2016 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: KTemplar
You are correct, I refer to the Cinnamon/honey combinations for early intervention of sinus infections, throat infections, colds and flu.

So many people run to the Drs office before trying these.

Sepsis is a whole other ballgame

Some people get upset when they have a viral condition and the doctor will refuse antibiotics, for the well known reason that it doesn't do anything to viruses. Our bodies are just amazing, we have an incredible immune system that will send its army of antibodies to get rid of pathogens, and it usually works really well.

originally posted by: seattlerat
This is stuff that I did not know and one of my favorite things about ATS members that use their brain cells when they post.

Thank you for this information- I truly appreciate when replies are relevant to the OP!

I have recently been prescribed Bactrim (an antibiotic medication) and was on the horrible stuff for 10 days- while it WAS effective, the problem recurred within 2 weeks. Now I am in a real tizzy trying to figure out which way to go with further treatment. A close friend swears by Homeopathic remedies, but I have never had any positive results the few times I have tried her suggested "treatments". I have mentioned this before: I suspect that BELIEF in a treatment has a lot to do with how effective it is.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Thank you! I don't know what your problem is but I can assure you homeopathy doesn't work, many studies have proven homeopathy to be ineffective, it would just be a waste of your money (I can post links to studies if you want).

You have a great weekend too, probably better than mine as I'm working both Saturday and Sunday. lol

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 03:47 PM
Silver is a great option as another member mentions above, I wonder if they would consider IV Vit C therapy for the infected woman? Probably not...

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: Agartha
Whilst I agree that honey is antibacterial, it is not strong enough for certain infections, like septicemia for example. Blood poisoning is too severe and fast to be cured with honey only, you need intravenous antibiotics for that.

No you don't.

Three-part treatment, twice a day.

- Carrots
- Sesame seeds
- Raisins

posted on May, 28 2016 @ 04:42 PM
Firstly, you treat E.Coli with Lemongrass

Secondly, this is a complete 'non-story'. You only needed to read as far as seeing 'Washington Post' to know the story is either lies, or manipulation of the truth for the purposes of fear-mongering.

But, it states clearly in the story, that other antibiotics still work.

The problem with antibiotics, is that they are a double-edged sword. They 'take out' both the good and the bad within us.

Here is another article you should read, countering the reporting of the information in this post.

No, this isn’t the start of the antibiotic apocalypse, just bad reporting
edit on 28-5-2016 by IamSandSHEisB because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2016 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: IamSandSHEisB

Thank you for providing some balance to the discussion, and doing so politely! I will be looking into the article you posted. The problem with ANY source of information is that it must be taken with a grain of salt unless it is based upon YOUR OWN personal experience. Unfortunately, I am not a trained scientist with a multi-million dollar lab and access to unlimited funds and I would never test on animals, so I can't really do my own experiments to prove either of the articles true/false.

What news sources do you recommend that might not have a hidden agenda or biased viewpoint? I'm curious as to why you would find a reporter on a PC enthusiast website to be a better source of information than others?

Have a good weekend!
edit on 5292016 by seattlerat because: (no reason given)

edit on 5292016 by seattlerat because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2016 @ 02:40 AM
edit on Jun 17th 2016 by Djarums because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2016 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: IamSandSHEisB
No you don't.

Three-part treatment, twice a day.

- Carrots
- Sesame seeds
- Raisins

You are saying you can treat septicemia with carrots, sesame seeds and raisins? Explain the pathway at a cellular level so we can all understand how, please. I know you won't because what you are suggesting is ridiculous. Antibiotics save lives when they are critically ill, not raisins.

edit on 29-5-2016 by Agartha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2016 @ 10:55 AM

Seattle do you have an upper respiratory tract infection?

No, thank goodness, I'm perfectly healthy except for Crohns Disease and the residual effects of GB Syndrome.
Doctor has told me I need ANOTHER surgery, but I have decided to give my body a chance to heal the infection before I go under the knife again. Most of my problems are a result of previous surgeries that I received before there were more specialized non-invasive treatments for Crohns.

Thanks for your kind words and intelligent posts.

posted on Jun, 3 2016 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: seattlerat

Seattle do you have an upper respiratory tract infection?

No, thank goodness, I'm perfectly healthy except for Crohns Disease and the residual effects of GB Syndrome.
Doctor has told me I need ANOTHER surgery, but I have decided to give my body a chance to heal the infection before I go under the knife again. Most of my problems are a result of previous surgeries that I received before there were more specialized non-invasive treatments for Crohns.

Thanks for your kind words and intelligent posts.

You're welcome! Crohns is brutal, most of my family has it, I suffer from Diverticulitis if I eat sunflower seeds (which I love of course); probiotics is the best medicine for you - non-expensive would be Kefir pro-biotic drink!

Hope you heal soon and stay well!

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