posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 12:03 PM
Although the events that have been happening are the natuaral cycle of life we may be a contributing factor.
Earth rotates the sun. Life is lost and then given in the same breath.
Floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other uncontrollable events will continue to occur, just as they have since the beginning of time. Life
is ever changing but the changes are not new. Man will never be able to control everything. Although you have to give him credit for trying. Cures
for deseases, immunizations, transplants, and now were creating life through science, that would not be possible otherwise.
We have cloud seeding to fix drout, causing major flooding. Removing steam and hot gases from the debts of the earth for energy use, rerouting rivers
and making man made lakes for recreation and comsuption. Destruction of our rain forest and natural species interupting the ecology of life.
Possibly, probably, causing some of the natural events. Think about it, if you take the steam from the earth, what replaces the steam? Don't you
think this might cause volcanic and earthquake activity?
So instead of panicking, thinking the end is near, why don't we have a little more respect for our earth. Instead of remolding the hillside for the
perfect view, why not build on stable ground? I don't even want to talk about what we've done to and continue to do to our air. And I really really
think we shouldn't hit that comet. Cause and Effect People!
It is a crazy world and we are the craziest thing in it.