posted on May, 26 2016 @ 01:14 PM
I'm wondering why humans aren't helping eah other reach full potential instead of moving towards depopulation?
We must depend on each other in order to reach the stars.
The potential in prisons is not seen, the potential in the lowly of people is not seen, we judge each other of mundane things....
We will be our own downfall. It seems to head that way. And what have we accomplished so far? Nothing.
We have tin cans in space calling itself space station. We trying to travel in space without real knowledge of how to o about it uing less fuel, and
it's in our faces yet we think that syphoning resources from the planet will help.
Still thinking in the primitive mind. Why?
As destructive as we are, we tend to not see the life we can bring.
I have numerous ideas that WILL make Humans traverse space without a care, but you will look at my home and judge it based on color.
Your sense of pride destroys possibilities of others.
If there be a day when we all work together for common causes, race, color and Creed would have no place.
though we are all one race of being, it's the surface that defeats us inside.
Wake up. See potential in others instead of seeing a threat to your life.
Remember it's the future we are trying to protect.
Well, isn't it?
edit on 26-5-2016 by AscendantCause42 because: (no reason given)