posted on May, 26 2016 @ 09:55 AM
a reply to:
A-holes only win if you let them. If you're unwilling to put forth the energy to either (a) fight back, or (b) report them as being off-topic and
mounting personal attacks, then you let them win.
Or like In4ormant said--you can always ignore them.
But also, tread lightly, because when/if you're emotionally attached to a topic/thread that you create, it's easy to see someone who has valid
differing opinions as being hostile or 'taking a piss at you,' so to speak.
So, there are many options out there on how to deal with this, but don't let differing opinions or naysayers (or downright A-holes) ruin it for you.
When all else fails, don't acknowledge them--and quite honestly, that's the worst thing you can do, because you're letting them know that their
opinion on the topic isn't worth your time.
I don't know about which thread you're talking, so hopefully I don't sound like an idiot right now.