posted on May, 22 2016 @ 07:38 PM
From Wikipedia:
Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms. Juan Linz's influential 1964
description of authoritarianism[1] characterized authoritarian political systems by four qualities:
limited political pluralism; that is, such regimes place constraints on political institutions and groups like legislatures, political parties and
interest groups;
a basis for legitimacy based on emotion, especially the identification of the regime as a necessary evil to combat "easily recognizable societal
problems" such as underdevelopment or insurgency;
minimal social mobilization most often caused by constraints on the public such as suppression of political opponents and anti-regime activity;
informally defined executive power with often vague and shifting powers.[2]
Let's look through these:
Trump has said that many things should be handled at the state level. That the states have lost power. So that's unathortian by trump
Why did they state lose power? Healthcare is now national, marriage is now national over local, even bath room usage is now national
If you are keeping track at home
Obama 1 Trump 0
2) trump says all ISIS members are Muslums. Therefore, all incoming Muslums should be checked out.
All illegal aliens are breaking American laws and are criminals.
Both of those statements are facts over emotion, but they do play to emotion
Vs Obama
One person goes on a mass shooting, nobody supports the mass shooting. Some thing has I be done with guns. Ignoring the logical argument that there
are many ways to do mass damage and plays in the emotional
3) neither ones have really tried to stop mass mobilization. One could make the argument that some area are trying to stop religious groups from
meeting, but not really from the top
OBAMA 2 Trump 0
4) trump has said things like, if that was legal.
Obama has shifting and increasing powers. The judge said that DOJ over stepped their power. The courts have said that Obama has installed people while
congress was in session and his appointments are illegal. He has not followed the court orders
So the final count is
Obama 3 Trump 0.5