originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: gladtobehere
I don't want to sound pedantic and I recognise it may seem trivial to many outside these shores but it's not just England - it is The United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, usually called the United Kingdom or simply the UK, of which England is but one of four constituent
Perhaps you should alter your thread title to reflect that.
a reply to: surfer_soul
Also what many don't realize is that the British were hoodwinked into what was then known as the Common wealth in the first place.
Again, a point of order for accuracies sake.
The UK joined what was then called the EEC, commonly known as The Common Market.
The Commonwealth is an organisation of nations the majority of which were former British colonies and part of the British Empire.
With the demise of The Empire many countries wished to share their common links and thus The Commonwealth was formed.
As for were the British people 'hoodwinked'?
Well yes, I think so.
To my knowledge and to the recollection of those who I have spoken to who actually voted in the referendum back in '75 political union was never on
the agenda.
The vote was for continued membership of a Free Trade Association - a 'common market'.
It is that move towards political union of the constituent nations and increased power of the centralised government in Brussels over the elected
assemblies of member states that many of us find unacceptable.
a reply to: HUMBLEONE
I shouldn't even dignify your post with a reply but as it's so full of absolute bollocks and crap.....
We Brits have plenty of balls, I assure you....as many can testify.
We'll never be speaking Arabic or foregoing our love of bacon butties and we sure as hell won't be covering up any of our girls.
You obviously believe all the bollocks MSM and other media outlets would sometimes have you believe.
Yes, we have issues - like most countries - but it's nowhere near as bad as you have been hoodwinked in to believing.
I must agree somewhat,
If anyone thinks that the EU is a bain to Britain, (especially those in the US) they need to think again, since the whole thing is coming to the US
courtesy of the TTIP, (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership...a very hush hush set up) soooon..unless you all want to shout about it over
there, that is if you know about it, and we, here in Britain don't know so much in that case.
Thing is Britain is not a full EU member, it's not bounden by EU dicktat, even in areas where it should be the same for everybody to make it work, or
at least obey the laws handed down. It's far too much to go into, in a singular post like this, everyone really needs to go and look into all the
what's what, and they'll probably be just a skeleton by the end of it, I kid you not.
Britain simply ignores much of what is the basic statutes in many areas because they are not required to do so, and I dare say many of those basic
statutes are not wholly implemented in some areas of the EU in infrastructure, what have you.
The BREXIT video...Yuh don't need to believe every word spoken, nor believe any edited sentence out of context from the man in the street, while there
were not so many of them..man in the street that is
Then the main artist, Mark Durkin the video maker, made a very good documentary on the myth of AGW for Channel Four back a while then pissed on it
with misquotes, while the main body of that documentary is correct overall. This time, while there are nubs of truth, they are misdirected as if it is
only the EU to attribute blame to, whereas Britain with it's certain amount of stance, blatantly ignores very simple statutes that do, or would make
our lives better, since they might seem to cost something for no good reason.
Now, as for Americans and the Brits, what was is it that Obama said when he came to Britain a short while ago?
"Britain will be back of the queue if they leave the EU" why should he have said that? Yes, only because he already knew about the Transatlantic
Trade and Investment Partnership agreement that is ongoing. Obama's appeal was not to politicos, it was to the people in the street, and he also knew
that there was little conflict with most of the British government anyway. More reading, then make your own mind up, it's a case of what is worse?
I don't agree with all that The Guardian says in the link, but much of it regarding government I think is pretty spot on.
Some of it, is also close to what Mark Durkin puts forward in the video in the OP, but without the music and dodgy history.
More reading here on so-called anti EU sentiment from Michael Gove,
Take note of one of the earliest artifacts of EU policy, VAT which is 20% now, while VAT was the first thing Britain embraced with gusto..apart from
all the other taxes that there are/were in Britain, apart form sales tax which VAT replaced.
edit on 22-5-2016 by smurfy because: