posted on May, 21 2016 @ 12:41 PM
Personal Excellence: Be Your Best Self; Live Your Best LIfe
"As a complement to The Happiness Manifesto, here is The Unhappiness Manifesto – 10 Surefire Ways To Achieve Unhappiness."
(C) Celestine Chua
1. Complain (harp on bad things that happen while ignoring the good stuff.)
2. Avoid your problems . . .
3. Compare with others . . .
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I think her 10 things are quite a good list.
I'd qualify #10 a bit. Some things are worth attachment--and healthy thereby--e.g. God--and some things aren't.
Certainly a LOT of personal misery is achieved, accentuated, magnified by each of these items. They are worthy a review.
And, I think teaching one's children about such principles is very worthwhile.
I think that in this era, such foci have become an epidemic problem. And a lot of it is awash across our Nation and culture as a Tsunami. i.e. much of
it is unconscious--an addictive habit that is perpetuated endlessly and in virtually every context and relationship--very destructively.
It can take 30-90 days to break the habit. But it is well worth it. It could even be lifesaving--particularly with the frequency of suicide in our
If one really wanted to get better in these areas, one could print a spreadsheet grid listing each of the items and columns for days of the week or
even merely weeks of the month--though days might be more effective. Check every day or use hash marks to count the number of times a day you engaged
in the dysfunctional item. Work to have a blank week. Then work to have a blank month, etc.