posted on May, 21 2016 @ 08:48 AM
Hello all you bright eyed, lovely people on this website.
I’m just writing this thread to introduce myself a little and to say that I have spent many enjoyable hours over the years perusing the wealth of
information presented here.
The world is one hell of a strange place to be alive and like you all, I would rather spend time trying to figure it all out rather than sit back,
drink a beer and watch the footy, or whatever.
When I was a young kid I regularly had night terrors (about once a week).
I would wake up in a cold sweat, with the sound of my blood pulsing around my head and a feeling of increased pressure in my entire body.
One night I woke to a strange and frightening sight… I usually slept with the door slightly open to let some of the light in from the landing which
was red, because my folks thought it fashionable to have a red light shade (this was the early eighties after all).
so I woke up as usual but as soon as I did I saw a shadow being cast on the wall in my room and I was paralysed with fear, I couldn’t take my eyes
off the thing, which I can only describe as a classic Witch silhouette.
I lay there for hours just staring at it until I couldn't stay awake any longer and just nodded off.
I know this is most probably a trick of the mind…or my parents for that matter! but I never had another night terror after that and I suppose that
is part of what set me on the course I’m on.
Anyhow I hope you enjoyed the story.
Be excellent to one another.