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Scientific Evidence on how TPTB are using psychological warfare on us!

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posted on May, 21 2016 @ 05:25 AM
Hello my fellow seekers of truth!
I have a theory that i believe strongly to be true, and it is terrifying in its application, yet totally unbeknownst to all of us,
i personally haven't heard any theories putting these things together, but if anyone else has i would love to hear others
views on it!

Firstly if you haven't heard of the Nocebo effect, it is basically how a placebo works yet in reverse, so if someone believes
they are going are going to get ill they get ill.

So the Nocebo effect has clinically proven scientific results that show that thinking negatively can effect your health.
(feel free to find more sources, there are plenty!)

Secondly without a doubt the people that would have known about this Nocebo effect long before any of us (as its a
relatively new finding, for us anyway!) are the people that own Big Pharma, and especially cancer drugs. Now we also
know these "company's" give big bucks to help heads of state get their position, in return the new heads of state help
push through any bills or statutes that will help their "partners"

Now im not going to get into how the MSM push all types of negativity at us from our TV sets because its to much to
go through, im just going to point out one thing.......Tobacco packets.

Now i dont know how many of you are smokers but im sure you have all seen these warnings, SMOKING KILLS etc etc,
Cancer here, low sperm count there, there is proof that these warnings are "worse" for your health than anything else,
these warnings are helping you develop these things. DONT BELIEVE ME........... just look at the evidence.
We know the people with power in this world are all in it together, that just makes sense "you scratch my back, i
scratch yours" they all have vested interests, and only care about increasing there power and stature.

The most troubling thing is that Many countries cant afford life saving drugs, because they are to expensive,
(let the statement sit with you), people are even buying the patents for drugs and pushing up the prices, this is crazy
why this is even allowed, all drugs should be free to all countries to develop themselves..... this is basic human rights.

please feel free to add anymore, as i have procrastination to fight

im mad as hell and im not going to take this anymore...............

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 05:42 AM
No doubt in my mind.

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 05:45 AM
If drugs were free there would be no development of new drugs..
I agree prices are extortionate but that is purely through greed..

We should look towards natural remedies anyway so these companies and those that run them do not have such a hold on us..

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 05:52 AM
a reply to: Davg80

what scares me the most is psychotronics and microwave/rf-brain signals that produce emotional reactions and can implant reactionary states in the brain without the victim even knowing they did it. causing the target to get labeled or arrested.

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 05:52 AM
Interesting theory. Although it's probably not as unique idea as as you might think. It's been theorised before that just as the mind has the power to induce positive change through utilising positive/beneficial thoughts, the mind also has the power to induce negative change through utilising negative/detrimental thoughts. Similar to the "change your thoughts and change your world" concept.

OTOHH, come to think of it, I wonder if this Nocebo effect works in regard to the sunscreen campaign? Constantly reminding us that no sunscreen = cancer and all...

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 05:56 AM
Many if not all drugs have two types, the expensive original one, and the cheap copy product from China and India.

They contain the same ingredients, you'll have to ask for it at the pharmacy or doctor though.

I am lucky to have the option of the copy products, or else i wouldn't have money for food and living.

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: Mianeye

your bottom saying remind me of a Rabbie Burns line "o wad power the giftie gee us, to see ursels as ithers see us"
or in English. Oh what power the gift to give us, to see ourselves as others see us. Love it!

back to the matter at hand, yes i think there are changes at hand with these cheaper drugs, but it is a small step,
and just another example of, oh we are fixing this but we cant tell you about this new threat/disease we have created.
Now i realize that what im saying is negative and kinda says we are screwed what ever happens.
But there is an answer IMO, and its very hard to do, it requires constant awareness of your thoughts and that which is
getting projected to you, unconsciously, subconsciously and consciously. Saying daily affirmations, i believe counter the
threat and i have been doing this since 2005.

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: Davg80

i have a outline for an experiment to test your hypothisis :

get 1800 people and infect them with an antibitic treatable infection

300 - recieve aomocycyllin ]_ all these people are told they are on the best antibotic availiable and are garunteed to be cured
300 - recieve suggar pills ]

300 - recieve aomocycyllin ]_ all these people are told - the infection is incurable - these pills will make your death painless
300 - recieve suggar pills ]

300 - recieve aomocycyllin ]_ none of these people are told they are infected - they are told the pills are vitamins
300 - recieve suggar pills ]

8 days later - compare results

i am not sure that an ethics committee would aprove this though

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 06:34 AM
a reply to: Davg80

I take it a step further and say we create reality..
Then what do psychological operations mean?

What does it mean to think an all powerful tptb exist?
To have fear and give up your own power?

I get the more direct aspect as per sanatizedinfo's post as well.
Shh don't ask..

careful now, but don't have fear. Fear is your number one enemy. Don't create your own nightmares.

Instead choose to be healthy.
Choose to be intelligent.
Choose your own vision
Make it happen .

Good night everyone.
This monkey is a sleepy. I should put him to bed.

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

from psychologytoday link in the OP.........................

"When You Think You’re Going To Die…

In another study, patients about to undergo surgery who were “convinced” of their impending death were compared to another group of patients who were merely “unusually apprehensive” about death. While the apprehensive bunch fared pretty well, those who were convinced they were going to die usually did.

Similarly, women who believed they were prone to heart disease were four times more likely to die. It’s not because these women had poorer diets, higher blood pressure, higher cholesterol, or stronger family histories than the women who didn’t get heart disease. The only difference between the two groups was their beliefs.

The nocebo effect is probably most obvious in “voodoo death,” when a person is cursed, told they will die, and then dies. The notion of voodoo death doesn’t just apply to witch doctors in tribal cultures. The literature shows that patients believed to be terminal who are mistakenly informed that they have only a few months to live have died within their given time frame, even when autopsy findings reveal no physiological explanation for the early death."

that's about as unethical as it gets....
the whole article is very interesting.

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 06:40 AM
Next posting from this OP," I have discovered that wheels are round "
edit on 21-5-2016 by imod02 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: Davg80

on a serious not - yup - good article

from a first responder // resuce outlook it was always cast iron policy to tel any patient that :

" your going to be fine mate "

whatever the prognosis

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Davg80

Absolutely indeed.

One might construe a LOT of the avatars on ATS as a demonstration of the points you make.

I can't think of another website with such a high percentage of negative . . . even death-themed avatars. What's WITH that? I think that what's with that is exactly what your OP discusses. The oligarchy has been flooding our culture and the planet with horrendous death-themed negativity for decades--and increasingly so.

I can't imagine any of my grandparents in the 1950's ever imagining such a thing. To have predicted such would have been considered utterly insane. Yet, here we are.

People actually pay money to run around in T-shirts etc. depicting death oriented fantasy figures, skulls, death and mayhem of one sort or another. And it's considered hip, cool, 'with it.'

It's as though the Eloi were wearing clothing glorifying the fact that soon, they will shuffle off to the Morlach's caverns for dinner--as the main course--as though they were advertising their own being torn limb from limb by vicious demonized monsters.


And the "music" . . . ditto. So much of it glorifies even torture and rape. And people PAY for it! They PAY to be brainwashed by such memes and beats from hell.

Beyond incredible.

The culture will reap what has been sown.

One cannot plant cacti and hope to harvest mangoes.

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: Davg80

Been chewing for 34 years and no sign of cancer, but I never even look at those warnings, so maybe that's why I'm doing so well

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: Davg80

I read this piece the other day and thought I would share it in this thread .

America – The Most Frightened Nation On Earth By Finian Cunningham May 20, 2016 "Information Clearing House" - "SCF" - America is exceptional alright. It is the most frightened nation on Earth, subjected to hysterical propaganda over decades warning about foreign enemies and ideologies. No wonder its supposed democratic freedom is in so appallingly bad shape, when the preponderant population is imprisoned by their rulers in a virtual cage of fear. Paradoxically, though, the dissonance of supposed freedom could not be more abysmal. At a press conference at the Cannes film festival last week American screen actor George Clooney digressed from his latest movie to talk about Republican presidential contender Donald Trump. Clooney, who is well known for his liberal brand of US politics and a big supporter of Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton, predicted that rightwing business tycoon Trump would not win the forthcoming November presidential contest. Clooney dismissed Trump as a demagogue sowing fear and divisive tensions along racial and xenophobic lines. Which is fair enough. Of interest here is not so much the actor’s views on Trump’s chances of political success. Rather, it is Clooney’s premise that Americans would not succumb to reactionary fear peddling. Seated at the press conference alongside his American co-star Julia Roberts and film director Jody Foster, Clooney told his Cannes audience: «Fear is not going to drive our country… we’re not afraid of anything». Well, sorry George, but you are dead wrong on that score. Fear is the paramount emotional driver in American politics since at least the Second World War, and probably decades before that too.

Big business and politicians working behind closed doors is the norm in most of the worlds societies .Law makers making laws to grant themselves immunity is only what any decent crook would do if he was in that position to do so .
Just like the environment or body can only handle so much toxins so too our political economic system can only handle so much before it dies. Call it karma or what ever but what goes around will probably come around .

Not sure if this is actually true about water but thought I would also share it

edit on 21-5-2016 by the2ofusr1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: Davg80

I have heard it said that laughter is the best medicine. Hey, I am not religious but there is also that old Jesus saying ' your faith has healed you'...or some such.
Perhaps the mind has more affect on our physical well being than we realise. Hypnotism too can relieve some ailments. I have read in the past that some conditions, even cancer can be caused by stress.

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: BO XIAN
I can't imagine any of my grandparents in the 1950's ever imagining such a thing. To have predicted such would have been considered utterly insane. Yet, here we are.

I bet your Grandparents' Grandparents would have been shocked by the culture of "the times" that your Grandparents were growing up in as well. Things we accept/practise today were not things we accepted/practised 60 years ago. Modernity is a strange thing.

People actually pay money to run around in T-shirts etc. depicting death oriented fantasy figures, skulls, death and mayhem of one sort or another. And it's considered hip, cool, 'with it.'

I can think of many things worse to spend one's money know things that directly and unjustly harm innocent person.


And the "music" . . . ditto. So much of it glorifies even torture and rape. And people PAY for it! They PAY to be brainwashed by such memes and beats from hell.

Beyond incredible.

Hmm, not sure I agree with your assertion that "so much of it" glorifies those things, when really it is only rap/hip hop that MIGHT do those things, but these two genres make up a small fraction of music available.

The culture will reap what has been sown.

Cannot really disagree with that.

One cannot plant cacti and hope to harvest mangoes.

What is one to do when all that's available to plant are cacti though? Mangoes don't just pop out of existence...

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: Davg80

Hey Davg80! Great thread!

I absolutely agree with what you've written, and am bookmarking my place for later.

I've been researching a lot lately on topics that 'fit' with your OP, but I'm awkward and fumbling for words this morning. Will return later to participate.

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I don't know what the percentages are. I don't listen to anything close to that genre except when I have to be in the same room at the college were it's playing . . . or some similar exposure.

In terms of what to do when cacti are all that's available . . . I'm reminded of a friend remarking on a book title:



PRIORITIES are still priorities . . . and life and death . . . are some of the more super-ordinate priorities around.

edit on 21/5/2016 by BO XIAN because: tag

edit on 21/5/2016 by BO XIAN because: wording

posted on May, 21 2016 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

yes it would seem there are many secret meetings between groups who are pulling strings for each other,
the Bilderberg group being the main one that springs to mind, but there must be so much more that we
dont know of, interesting how the report was coming from the MSM outlet NBC.... Do you think they are
going against TPTB and starting to report truths instead of half truths and propaganda..... probably not!
good to see some reporting of it though, even if it is the tip of the iceberg.

regarding the water looks likes they are snowflakes its as if they have regained there natural form
or something..... fascinating!

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