posted on May, 21 2016 @ 02:36 PM
Well the thing is, I paid into my G.I. Bill and was even denied that, 15 years later, 4 JAGs, 5 letters of Denial from VA office and just about every
boneheaded excuse you can come up with as to where paperwork is and where answers come from, and I still don't have that 48k I paid into in Basic
training. They just invested it and spent it on more 500 hammers I suppose.
I've self taught myself web design, development and went into SEO and Cybersecurity myself.
While every other tom, dick and Harriett get's approved ( somehow ) for college loans that many could buy a modest home for or a brand new car, but
most go for that liberal arts degree, no offence to anyone with an actual liberal arts degree.
The thing is, all these student loan debts, are going to be the cause of the next great depression, one that will make the housing bubble look like a
key step in some Bernie Maddof scheme.
Just remember, Our debt could be tomorrow's War.