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Paranormal Phenomena controls us into accepting reality as perceived so our dreams can be farmed !

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posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:28 AM
As above so below
Our DNA, mitochondria, our internal bacteria cultures, our cells, even our very minds
might just be as infinitely complex in nature as we perceive the universe to be
Part of a more complex system of fractal causality, fate, and quantum probabilities of a vibrational holofractographic universe.
Even if you don’t believe the RH type blood evidence for a divergence, a gap in the natural evolution of the human species, all native lifeforms on earth emerged from the primordial ‘black goo’. The ooze of plasma state consciousness that can be programmed into shaping its matter into divided parts to experience itself. The laws of nature, our genetic codes, and nature’s use of mathematics and hyper dimensional ‘sacred geometry’ come from this black goo. It imbeds a code for life, and a perception management matrix.
Is the world a dream? Is it an altered version of reality or perhaps a collective paradigm model that keeps transforming and is already unrecognizable from the real reality? The simulation argument talks about the human existence as a computational matrix of virtual dimensionality. Some argue that what defines the human existence pre-dates our birth, will outlive us yet it seems mostly affected by deterministic institutions. Our system of society appears immutable by individuals unless they attain the 15min fame focus window where the public’s attention can lead to positive change.
Forget UFOs & ALIENS.
If we are in the matrix, the Aliens are agents of the system. Drones, clones & programmable lifeforms.
Messengers of deception. Masters of illusion and misdirection.

What is the matrix?
That’s really the wrong question…
Better questions would be;

What are the goals behind the industrial-scale abduction phenomena? What sentient cognizant intelligence(s) are behind the veil and making interventions into our linear space-time frame of reference?
The abduction phenomena almost alludes to that we are livestock in some sort of computer generated reality as the movies “The Matrix” or ‘Jupiter Ascending’ advance. Our captors make sure we reproduce, don’t use nuclear weapons, and don’t venture too far out in space. They make sure we are cared-for, employed and lodged. They must be getting something out of this.

Could our captors be farming some element of reality; perhaps while we sleep in dream state?
Our dreams are the manifestation of the creativity of the human spirit. We think they are limited by our imagination and probably don’t understand all of the links to the unconscious. Could our dreams, some hormones, protein, or DNA light particle be key to creating reality at the quantum level.
This makes me ponder:

What resources would inter-dimensional beings be coveting? Contrary to the resource coveted by Extra-terrestrials. Would it be physical things like Hormones, DNA, organic, tissues, our water, air, gold, oil or rather would they be after immaterial things like Energy, vibrations, emotions or thought forms?

Maybe they came here and even after all our barbaric wars they discovered hope, honor, generosity and the tenacity of the human spirit. There are incredible everyday people on this world.
People the Catholic Church could consider ‘saints’. I’m not advancing any specific theories, just thinking out loud.
This world has a tremendous duality of everything.
Good vs bad, white vs black, presence vs absence, matter vs anti-matter, happy vs sad, day
vs night. It’s like there is no middle ground. To transcend this paradigm and move into the next octave of perception, we have to evolve. We have to mutate, into the next stage of evolution.
I’m not talking about Alien-Human-hybrids, Mutants or superhuman specifically.
I’m also not necessarily referring to evolving spiritually although that is also needed.
What I’m referring to is more about evolving our morality & values ruleset. A majority of humans on earth have to become freakin SAINTS. So that the less honorable ones amongst us will still be decent individuals. Would a billionaire leap in front a car to save a child about to be hit? What about a homeless person. Why not? Most people who answered that question probably said no.

I think we are born decently good, but then we are shaped by the system and the ‘code’ of life.
It teaches us different things. Differently. But when this code isn’t working and us cogs become un-hinged from the machine we are supposed to be a part of, when we become a ghost in the shell, thinking for ourselves instead of absorbing the feed like the rest of the herd.

That’s when I think the ‘system’ puts us back in line with phenomena’s, coincidences & deja-vus.
Call it karmic laws, call it destiny or synchronicity but it’s there. I agree when Jacques Vallee calls this a control system, in this sense.

Ask every fervent religious person, when they became convinced of the existence of the divine and they will tell you a story about an event. A phenomena, they can’t explain, but appeared to them in a time a distress and set them on the right path. Provided them with a solution, when they thought all hope was lost. Plato said; Coincidences are god’s way of being anonymous.
So the main thesis is this;
something is off with reality at the fundamental level. We are cogs in a machine.
We are the resources of the state. The state and man-made laws feel unnatural. Like a primordial code that we are bound by. If time is a river whose flow cannot be altered, we are fish eggs, getting carried along.

I invite you to respond to the 3 bolded questions with your own opinions.

Salam Alaikum– Shalom – May peace be with you all


edit on 19-5-2016 by pupetmaster because: adding stuff - removing stuff #uknow

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:52 AM
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For other uses, see Dream (disambiguation).

The Knight's Dream, 1655, by Antonio de Pereda
Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur usually involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.[1] The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest, throughout recorded history. The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology.[2]
Dreams mainly occur in the rapid-eye movement (REM) stage of sleep—when brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake. REM sleep is revealed by continuous movements of the eyes during sleep. At times, dreams may occur during other stages of sleep. However, these dreams tend to be much less vivid or memorable.[3]
The length of a dream can vary; they may last for a few seconds, or approximately 20–30 minutes.[3] People are more likely to remember the dream if they are awakened during the REM phase. The average person has three to five dreams per night, and some may have up to seven;[4] however, most dreams are immediately or quickly forgotten.[5] Dreams tend to last longer as the night progresses. During a full eight-hour night sleep, most dreams occur in the typical two hours of REM.[6]
In modern times, dreams have been seen as a connection to the unconscious mind. They range from normal and ordinary to overly surreal and bizarre. Dreams can have varying natures, such as being frightening, exciting, magical, melancholic, adventurous, or sexual. The events in dreams are generally outside the control of the dreamer, with the exception of lucid dreaming, where the dreamer is self-aware.[7] Dreams can at times make a creative thought occur to the person or give a sense of inspiration.[8]
Opinions about the meaning of dreams have varied and shifted through time and culture. Most people today appear to endorse the (Freudian) theory of dreams - that dreams reveal insight into hidden desires and emotions. Other prominent theories include those suggesting that dreams assist in memory formation, problem solving, or simply are a product of random brain activation.[9] The earliest recorded dreams were acquired from materials dating back approximately 5000 years, in Mesopotamia, where they were documented on clay tablets. In the Greek and Roman periods, the people believed that dreams were direct messages from one and/or multiple deities, from deceased persons, and that they predicted the future. Some cultures practiced dream incubation with the intention of cultivating dreams that are of prophecy.[10]
Sigmund Freud, who developed the discipline of psychoanalysis, wrote extensively about dream theories and their interpretations in the early 1900s.[11] He explained dreams as manifestations of our deepest desires and anxieties, often relating to repressed childhood memories or obsessions. Furthermore, he believed that virtually every dream topic, regardless of its content, represented the release of sexual tension.[12] In The Interpretation of Dreams (1899), Freud developed a psychological technique to interpret dreams and devised a series of guidelines to understand the symbols and motifs that appear in our dreams.

A bit further below;
During the night, many external stimuli may bombard the senses, but the brain often interprets the stimulus and makes it a part of a dream to ensure continued sleep.[94] Dream incorporation is a phenomenon whereby an actual sensation, such as environmental sounds, is incorporated into dreams, such as hearing a phone ringing in a dream while it is ringing in reality or dreaming of urination while wetting the bed. The mind can, however, awaken an individual if they are in danger or if trained to respond to certain sounds, such as a baby crying.

The term "dream incorporation" is also used in research examining the degree to which preceding daytime events become elements of dreams. Recent studies suggest that events in the day immediately preceding, and those about a week before, have the most influence.[95]

So sounds in reality can become part of our dreams and our dreams can inspire and make us pursue different things when awake.

The unconscious is also linked to many different archetypes like the shadow, or trickster or even the Hero / Messiah.
All of these myths play a role in our lives, both awake and asleep.

I just think there is a link here with 'Alien' abduction.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 11:59 AM

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: mojoharry

Hi Mojoharry,

Since you are posting in the ALIENS forum, may i ask you;

What resources do you think inter-dimensional beings would be coveting?

edit on 19-5-2016 by pupetmaster because: spelling

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 12:29 PM
You have one very, very long post that has something to do with "harvesting dreams" and one very, very long Wiki quote. Apparently you believe aliens are somehow harvesting, er, stuff like dreams and emotions. Other than the obvious Matrix parallels here, what evidence do you have that any of this is true? Although not in the rant section, it reads like one. I'm reminded of the Seinfeld Show, a show about nothing. Where's the beef? What the hell are you talking about here?

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 12:31 PM
i'll have a shot at your three questions;
1. experimentation, genetically modify your produce to get the most from it.
2. could well be farming of our emotions, negative fearful emotions.
3. negative energy.

this is in line with my recent discovery of the Gnostic writings on Archons, so im a bit biased in this line of thinking.
my mind is open and searching for meaning to this existence.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: schuyler

No beef my friend. no rant either... just posting my opinion on a particular topic inviting people to answer the 3 questions, I've taken the time to bolden.

Dreams are misunderstood to this day by scientists. Carl yung's theories of the unconscious are often cited by paranormal researchers such as Jacques Vallee. Physicist recently discovered a set of computer codes, in the equations used to describe the fabric of reality...

i was just thinking about what ressources would inter-dimensional beings be interested in on earth.

What do you believe?

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: schuyler

You have one very, very long post that has something to do with "harvesting dreams" and one very, very long Wiki quote. Apparently you believe aliens are somehow harvesting, er, stuff like dreams and emotions.

It's not a very foreign or unknown concept, it actually dates back thousands of years. "The Matrix" was not written out of a void, it's a story which has been told many times before.

Depending on which interpretations of Gnostic principles some people follow, there are those that believe in Archons, essentially demons/aliens/spiritual-inter-dimensional-beings, who live on another plane of existence, and farm humans for their emotions.

Some theorize that the Archons have much more control in this world than they've been credited. That the monotheistic religions were formed on their behalf, that the very nature of "right & wrong" was constructed to cause emotional division in humans.

Consider how we are taught to live in fear from an early age. And while Im speaking on behalf of other peoples' beliefs here, this is one I can relate to. I remember at a young age totally encompassed by fear, fear of everything. Eventually I saw how counter productive it was and moved away, building my own internal moral/ethical/emotional center. Wasn't easy and definitely had a few hiccups along the way, but thankfully Im not stricken by fear and self loathing, like that of the kids I grew up with, indoctrinated by various religions. It's not to say all religion is bad, just that the way Christianity had been used on kids at the time, in my area, it was anything but helpful.

Anyway, to sum it up, the idea is that these Archons use us kinda like batteries, they are parasitic, and they prey on our fears. The alternative religious or spiritual practices that have been hidden by them (or so is claimed), is the old God Sophia, the feminine divine which was at the center or our universe or solar system (I think solar system). At least one group believes she sent out everything responsible for creating humanity, and that is why the past worship of feminine divinity, the Archons supposedly came from outside of her realm.

She created humanity as an experiment and after the genesis incorporated herself into the Earth, hence "Mother Nature". It woulda been great too, if it weren't for those meddling Archons.

Granted I have no idea how this conflicts or conforms to past Gnostic teaching, I think this is more a new age interpretation. But it's interesting nonetheless. I think the OP is merely trying to discuss the stuff behind these principles, or at least that's what I got from it. No need to jump down OPs throat simply because of unfamiliarity with the subject.
edit on 19-5-2016 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 01:02 PM
A dream is an event that affects the psychy. Whatever has made you err in the previous day or evening, that event, responded by shock will be replayed in the mind because the sub-conscious attempts to ake sense of it.

I don't dream, fear has been sealed away.

I you want to dream, allow yourself to be in the company of positive people. Where everyday is an improvement, inspired and memorable.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: AscendantCause42

i very rarely dream, but i have been guarding my thoughts for a while and laugh knowingly when negative thoughts enter my mind, followed by some affirmations, interesting that you say negative fears are what makes you dream, that kinda makes sense to me and i would like to look into that further, is that what your saying?
Regards, Dave.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 01:24 PM
I am taking a moment to comment, but only on the first page...real life is calling me...

I'm not sure where you are coming from or going to with all this, but I'm just sharing a couple of points that produced a reaction within me:

Plato said; Coincidences are god’s way of being anonymous.

Thank you. I've never come across that before. I like it

So the main thesis is this;
something is off with reality at the fundamental level.

How do you know that? What if being "off" is part of the design? Perhaps such things as motivation, motion, emotion, desire, etc., would not exist if things were not "off." ...I don't know, but this was my reaction to this comment....

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

This one I know, and it is a favorite of mine. But I always thought the word was philosophies, plural. I checked, and you are, apparently, correct. So, thank you for that also.

If we are in the matrix, the Aliens are agents of the system.

Again, I don't follow your logic. Isn't it just as logical, or illogical, to say that if we are in the matrix, the aliens would be in it also?...Unless you are referring to matrixes within matrixes?...again, my reactions, respectfully submitted.


posted on May, 19 2016 @ 01:28 PM
The harvested material from humans is called "Loosh"

It is created from the fear, confusion and hatred generated by events such as war, poverty, insanity and slavery.

Discussed here On ATS a few years ago....
From what I understand it smells like nutmeg and is highly addictive.
edit on 19-5-2016 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 01:43 PM
you know, i read something similar to this concept. its basically like the film monster's inc, or being john malkovich. these djinn take people for a spin so to speak.

so if it works for everyday life, oif these djinn use us for day time life why would it not work for dreams?

if its true, i hope we can find a way to kill these aliens. no joke, i say we kill them all.
edit on 19-5-2016 by dantanna because: forogt words

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: pupetmaster

"Paranormal Phenomenon" is a LOTTTTT wider than aliens and matrixing. There is much more by definition. Youre neglecting much of the different forms.

You can either mention the few types you address as such...or label everything from this simple Wiki-listing below...and all the different categories falling under the heading of "paranormal phenomenon" something else...which they are not. So, are you generalizing? Thanks

"Paranormal phenomena" can include:
extrasensory perception (ESP) telekinesis
Astral projection
reincarnation faith healing
psychic forces
human energy fields
human auras
life after death
extraterrestrial life
crop circles
unaccountable noises and explosions
spontaneous fires
ball lightning
spiritual healing
demonic possession

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 01:58 PM
You've been around a long time PM, I'm sure you have read it but if not...
Astro's Black Triangle and The Forever Men of ATS thread should be right up your alley...
Harvesting dreams is a big part of it, as some sort of neuro net computational format. I.e. They use us as calculators instead of batteries.

Sadly I am not one of those always on point members with a link always at the ready, but that title should get you there.

Nice read, thanks!

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: pupetmaster

So sounds in reality can become part of our dreams and our dreams can inspire and make us pursue different things when awake. The unconscious is also linked to many different archetypes like the shadow, or trickster or even the Hero / Messiah. All of these myths play a role in our lives, both awake and asleep. I just think there is a link here with 'Alien' abduction.

So sounds in reality can become part of our dreams and our dreams can inspire and make us pursue different things when awake. The unconscious is also linked to many different archetypes like the shadow, or trickster or even the Hero / Messiah. All of these myths play a role in our lives, both awake and asleep. I just think there is a link here with 'Alien' abduction.

Lately I've spent a bunch of time looking into 'New Age' ideas on spirituality and religion, and on various interpretations on different religions. Very confusing when you look at the entirety of religion/spirituality, as there are so many common themes it cannot be mere coincidence, but then it's hard to find an all encompassing idea/system, and even harder to determine which teaching might be correct-how they should fit into a larger narrative.

For instance, Demons, Djinn, Archons, Ghosts, etc-so on and so forth, et al; all these things, some might argue they are the same thing-or at least have the same effect-the same objectives.

For the sake of discussion Im going to just spitball here, this is all just speculation and whatnot.

Were all the newer monotheistic religions created to stamp out Paganism and ignite the world into thousands of years of turmoil and religious war(?) Seems if there are spiritual/supernatural/extra-dimensional beings involved in that effort, they sure benefit off of suffering.

So how would dreams fit into all that? The modern claim of the Archons is that they lack a soul, so they feed of human souls, of emotions specifically. If you lacked a soul what does that entail for the being? A miserable existence I suppose, but maybe they can't even feel misery, and that's the point. They are just being with no feelings or connectedness at all, so they leech onto humans and leech out the most important part of them, the soul. Which carries along with it feelings and emotions. The stronger the effect the more powerful it is to them.

So call it Archons or Djinn or Demons or whatever [now referred to as negative-beings], but it's quite obvious religion has had a huge impact in the last half dozen millennia. For the sake of argument, lets say religion is being manifested or controlled from the alternate-dimension. Where the negative-beings reside.

The world has been living in controlled chaos for aeons now. It makes sense to hate. It makes sense to fear. But remove humans from their conditioning, put them on an island, or anywhere where they must survive or work together, overcome adversity, and suddenly those preconceived notions, the programming, it easily wears off.

I remember when my mother took me to church, for a brief period before the teen years, I suffered the worst nightmares I ever would. Easy to chalk it up to 'introduction to new ideas, concepts (e.g. Demons) leading to an impact on dream state.'

The problem is when I stopped going to church, they vanished almost overnight. And it wasn't that I wasn't exposed to scary stuff, of course it continued, if anything, accelerated and increased with age. It just hadn't personally affected me anymore. Although I've ignored spirituality and religion for most my life, again its for the sake of argument.

If the religions that rule our world today are the creation of the evil or parasitic demonic forces from another spiritual plane or dimension or whatever, it appears they like a few things: destruction, pain, suffering, fear, hate. And you could speculate that participation in these religions only increases the effects of the programming. It creates the idea of individuality, separation, of personal powers and personal beliefs, and even though it might claim seeking 'unity' amongst men it has the opposite effect.

It jumpstarts the Ego and maintains it over one's life. Just look at George Bush and his biblical reasonings for invading Iraq. Religious indoctrination can make the most evil, most destructive actions appear as a moral right, to those with inflated religious Egos.

So when I left the church, my dreams ceased. The really bad ones anyway. And for years nothing much happened in respect to dreams. The normal kind, good and bad, but nothing too crazily shocking or debilitating. Plenty of 'flying' dreams, where you have the ability to jump and keep up in the air. Basically flying. Just not total control vertically.

These have always been a positive experience. I remember in fact a period of time where I was eager to sleep every night expecting what would come in the night.

The fact that there are good dreams and bad dreams, and that life influences can greatly alter or determine what you will be experiencing, leads me to believe that it's not a guarantee that the negative-beings are consistently mining your dreams. Or perhaps that's the only place it can be mined, and therefore the entire reason behind them to begin with.

The dream state used as a means of leeching out whatever essence they take from us, also implanting protocols or plans, for future obligations in the corporeal world. e.g. plan to build a church and convert men to their faith, indoctrinate them to the ideas of good vs evil, create fear and suffering, bring more people to the dream state to become batteries.

In this case I'd say that it's not a guarantee. That the negative-beings can only access a human in dream state when they are indeed having a dream influenced by them to begin with.

When I consider all of this, I try to visualize the dream world. Or dream realm rather. Another plane of existence. We fall asleep, our brain gets a shot of '___' (for arguments sake) and it launches your consciousness into the other plane, the 'higher dimension' or whatever you want to call it.

Once we are there who knows what we experience. Since dreams have kind of a auto-erase function. We never totally remember them, and even lucid dreams which are perfectly recalled minutes after can be suddenly wiped from memory. Just like the fact we remember nothing before and after death (if we are indeed reincarnated beings) we don't remember much from the dream state. Im sure by design.

Whether or not you subscribe to a Monotheistic religion, or Paganism, God & Satan, or the goddess Sophia in the light of the universe-ethericaly floating at the center of galaxies or solar systems, a being of pure light. Im guessing that all the deities or gods, as we refer to them, are able to access the other dimension. The other plane. The dream world.

You have people like Buddha, the Dali Lama, et al. The enlightened. Which I'm guessing they don't suffer the nightmares we do.

It's reasonable to assume that just as the negative-beings can use you like a battery, the beings of light, the creator beings, who don't want to interfere, as its not in their nature, would be there as well. Perhaps connecting to people when they have a normal dream. So life then is about ignoring that good/bad, its about moving away from the black/white reality and just being.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: ClownFish

Glad my oped 'emoted', that is, made you act upon your reflections and convey your thoughts on the matter Clownfish. I tried to insert a few things from both pop & literary culture in the post.
The reference to messengers of deceptions, is from Jacques vallée.

In this matrix, some robots, are biological empty vessels, remote controlled avatars if you will.
They can travel between our world & the home world by connecting their consciousness to it.
The alien 'greys' could be advanced inter dimensional drones.
A dream within a dream... like inception.

Reminds me of the theory of the infinitely small & the infinitely large. The Micro & Macro universes.
Why couldn't all reality matrixes be products of collective dreams of the lower dimensions sentient beings?

Another thing to add into the mix, Altered states of consciousness affect the REM state. The pineal gland, thought to be 'the seat of the soul' by some notably french philosopher René Descartes, is also heavily involved in all things of the the dream process from producing melotonine / serotonin.

Interestingly enough the pineal gland, is a remnant of the humans' reptile brain and In the epithalamus of some species of amphibians and reptiles, it is linked to a vestigial organ, known as the parietal eye which is also called the third eye.

Also, i Had never hear of 'Loosh'

Thanks folks for contributing thoughts and opinions.
Sometimes, the truth is stranger than fiction.

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

Hi Mysterious stranger,

I'm referring to High strangeness events, that could characterized as Jacques Vallee's theorized 'control system'.
This includes many different paranormal phenomena, some of which can be read in books such as Skinwalker ranch amongst a myriad of others.

But more, specifically, UFO sightings, Alien abductions, some poltergeist activities, some cryptozoology, & other egnimatic barely describable events, as witnesses by 'experiencers'. But i would go a step further and include a form of karmic coincidences, odd synchronistic events that seem to be life teaching us lessons, rewarding us or punishing us.

For example; I saw a ghost once.. about 15 years ago. It changed me. I spoke to my friend about it many times. The one who's old sewing machine in the attic kept making noises at night. He never saw the ghost or heard voices but his house (attic) was afflicted with poltergeist activities such has doors closing, steps in the attic and the sewing furniture going by itself. He eventually had the furniture taken away and an exorcism performed. They never had poltergeist activity after that. My friend doesn't really think it's real even after he paid for the exorcism. To him, its an old folks tale not to be discussed or laughed at. Although, during the poltergeist activity, his dreams must of been affected by it. But at the time, i remember him smoking a lot of marijuana and he use to tell me that smoking marijuana before going to bed, would make him never remember his dreams in the morning.

To my point about altered states of consciousness
This was probably a bad example.

Essentially, Assuming the Alien abduction is really taking place for a moment, are they distant star travelers taking samples of our foreign planet? If so, why have there been literally millions of abductees?

Researchers describe the scale of the abductee phenomena as 'industrial'. I'm saying there are other phenomena associated with the abductions, that seem to all tie in with dreams & the unconscious.

I will look at Astro's black triangle & the forever men of ATS Wastedown, thank you.

edit on 19-5-2016 by pupetmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: olaru12

Thanks Olaru.

One quote from that post;

"...(Death as the Creator) resolved to devour all that he had created; for he eats all. . . He is the eater of the whole universe; this whole universe is his food.” (Mahabharata)

In the writings of Carlos Castaneda, who chronicles the life and teachings of a Yaquii sorcerer called Don Juan, we find another story of the Divine devouring humans, in this case human consciousness. Reports Castaneda..."

posted on May, 19 2016 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: ClownFish
I am taking a moment to comment, but only on the first page...real life is calling me...

I'm not sure where you are coming from or going to with all this, but I'm just sharing a couple of points that produced a reaction within me:

Plato said; Coincidences are god’s way of being anonymous.

Thank you. I've never come across that before. I like it

So the main thesis is this;
something is off with reality at the fundamental level.

How do you know that? What if being "off" is part of the design? Perhaps such things as motivation, motion, emotion, desire, etc., would not exist if things were not "off." ...I don't know, but this was my reaction to this comment....

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

This one I know, and it is a favorite of mine. But I always thought the word was philosophies, plural. I checked, and you are, apparently, correct. So, thank you for that also.

If we are in the matrix, the Aliens are agents of the system.

Again, I don't follow your logic. Isn't it just as logical, or illogical, to say that if we are in the matrix, the aliens would be in it also?...Unless you are referring to matrixes within matrixes?...again, my reactions, respectfully submitted.


If coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous, what does it mean if you are surrounded by coincidences, strings of coincidenes, and synchronicity if you will?

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